Just Deserts

After escaping the shameless demon and the swinging pendulum of death, Feng Xi made her way to Feng Lan's courtyard. She had completely forgotten that the courtyard she just escaped from was her own. Leaving the shameless devil in her bedroom unattended. Prince Jin slowly put his robes back on with a smile on his face. The sight of Feng Xi's blushing face as she ran away really pleased him. He felt really good about himself at this time because he had seen how her eyes were locked onto his manhood.

"Xi'er, when the time comes I will allow you to play with it to your heart's content!" Prince Jin was really looking forward to when that time came. He walked out of her room all smiles.

Eunuch Li had caught a glimpse of what was going on in the room when Feng Xi ran out and he couldn't help but slap his own forehead. His master was truly shameless! Unfortunately, Eunuch Li did not know that it was actually Feng Xi who told him to take his clothes off. Otherwise, he would not only call Prince Jin shameless but Feng Xi as well.

Feng Xi finally arrived at Feng Lan's courtyard, she frowned when she looked at the broken courtyard door in front of her. "Who did this to my dear sister's courtyard door! It's hanging off its hinges!"

Ru'er who had just caught up to Feng Xi wanted to tell Feng Xi that this was caused by her the last time she was here but decided not to say anything since she saw Feng Xi raise her foot and blast the gate open yet again breaking the lock off and causing the door to fall off all together. "Tsk! Tsk! This door is so shabby! Ru'er, get someone to come and replace the door and tell them it fell off with just a little nudge."

'Young Miss do you call that just a little nudge!?' Ru'er yelled out in her mind. she just watched Feng Xi use all her strength kicking it open! She dared not say anything and only nodded saying: "Right away Young Miss."

"Wait! Never mind. Lan'er has a servant who can go ask. I just remembered that I am poor at the moment and can't afford to replace it for Lan'er." Feng Xi said as she marched right into Feng Lan's room who just so happened to be taking a step into the bathtub when she heard Feng Xi yell out: "Lan'er, your dear sister is here to see you!"

Feng Lan's whole body shook in fright hearing Feng Xi's voice. Her foot slipped causing her to land hard on her tail bone, breaking it before falling face first into the tub of water. She screamed out in pain only to take in a big gulp of water into her lungs. She quickly lifted her head and began coughing up the water she just inhaled. She did her best to crawl out of the bathtub, but when she got to where her head touched the floor and her butt was sticking straight up in the air she couldn't move any more! The pain in her butt was too much! If she moved it would send sharp pains right down her spine! She could only grind her teeth and wait for Feng Xi to find her and maybe help her out of the bathtub and into bed!

When Feng Xi walked into Feng Lan's bedroom and heard running water she quickly walked right into the bathroom to find Feng Lan face down on the floor, her butt in the air, and her legs still in the water. Feng Xi burst out in laughter as she took her phone out and started taking pictures of Feng Lan's embarrassing position.

"Dear sister, how did you even accomplish this!? Oh, this is such an amazing pose! Wait, spread your legs, let me get a shot of the famous hole every man dreams of!" Feng Xi continued to take pictures like she was at some kind of museum.

Feng Lan clenched her teeth so hard that her gums started bleeding. Not able to take the embarrassment any longer she yelled out: "You fucking slut, Feng Xi! Just help me out of here!"

Feng Xi stopped taking pictures and asked: "Lan'er is this how you ask someone for help? This deserves a spanking!"

Feng Lan's face suddenly went pale. She knew any slight touch to her butt at this time would cause her excruciating pain! Her attitude quickly changed! "Xi'er, Big Sister, please don't spank me! I'm sorry my words were wrong! I know I am wrong so can you please just help me out and to my bed?"

Hearing Feng Lan begging for her to not spank her, Feng Xi took a good look at Feng Lan's butt to see that Feng Lan's butt was actually black and blue! Seeing the position she was in Feng Xi could deduce that she must have hurt her tailbone! Feng Xi lips curled up as she sat on the edge of the bathtub and gently placed her hand on Feng Lan's white plump behind and rubbed it.

The next second Feng Lan forehead was filled with sweat as she screamed out in pain when Feng Xi pressed hard on her tailbone! "Oh? Lan'er are you okay? Do you have something wrong with your bum? Here let me help you!" Feng Xi lifted her hand and then brought it down hard on the black and blue area where her tailbone should be causing Feng Lan to scream out in agony once again.

Ru'er who was just outside the door crouched down onto the floor and covered her ears. The horrific screams coming out of the bathroom made her whole body shiver. She resolutely decided to never make her young miss angry and to never betray her.

Outside Feng Lan's courtyard, a crowd was gathering. The crowd quickly entered Feng Lan's bedroom and stood around the bathroom door with cameras recording and taking pictures of the scene in front of them. All they could see was completely naked Feng Lan screaming out in pain with every whack on the butt from Feng Xi. "Look Lan'er not only did you get into the bathtub naked, you also drew in a crowd to take pictures of you! How much shame must you bring to the Feng name before you learn!? You wonder why I, your sister must discipline you all the time!"

Feng Lan really wanted to rip Feng Xi's mouth off! 'Do you think I want to be in this position!? Do you think I want them to take pictures of me!? This is all your fault!'

Feng Xi finally stopped smacking Feng Lan's butt and stood up. She walked over to the sink and washed her hands. She then looked around the bathroom and saw that all the people inside were all male looking at Feng Lan's body with greedy eyes. She turned to Feng Lan and smiled as she said: " Lan'er it seems your classmates would like to speak to you so I will now leave. As your loving and caring sister, I would suggest putting on some clothes. Exposing your body like this for all to see is a bit much. I will talk to you later!"

After leaving these words she walked out of the bathroom, grabbed Ru'er who was sitting next to the door, and then closed the bathroom door behind her, leaving behind a wide eyed Feng Lan who held a bit of fear in her eyes.

What happened to Feng Lan after that she did not know nor cared. After what had happened to her in her past life and the things that were done to her, she could care less about what they did to Feng Lan after she was gone. Even if she was forced to service them all, Feng Xi figured Feng Lan would not mind since she seemed to be used to opening her legs anyway.

As soon as she exited the courtyard, Feng Xi who was in a good mood was pulled into a warm embrace. "You! What are you doing!?"

"You shouldn't touch ugly dirty things. You might catch a disease" Prince Jin's melodic voice floated into her ears. He spun Feng Xi's body around so that her back was against his chest. He took her soft delicate hands into his left and with his right, he took out a handkerchief and began gently cleaning the slightly red palms. He took great care as he wiped each part of her hand.

Feng Xi looked at his serious face causing her guard to lower a bit. She leaned her head on his shoulder and let the young man clean away. In her mind, she couldn't help but see Prince Jin as a bug that gnawed on her heartstrings. He was annoying, shameless, and could make her want to kill him. But when he was like this, being so attentive and caring towards her, it made her begin to think being engaged to him was not so bad.