Teasing Prince Jin

That night Prince Jin who was eagerly waiting to see his girl in her underwear again was slightly disappointed when Feng Xi came out in a short sleeve shirt and shorts. He stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed. His facial expression said it all so Feng Xi couldn't help but giggle on the inside.

Feng Xi climbed into bed and snuggled up to Prince Jin, slowly moving her body on top of him. Her actions made Prince Jin's whole body go stiff when he felt her warm wet lips touch his neck. He laid there not daring to move as Feng Xi sucked on the right side of his neck like a vampire then the other side, the front, his shoulders, his chest, his stomach… 'The damn girl was covering him in hickies!' When she got to his belly button She stopped, rolled off his body, and buried her head into his chest.

Prince Jin did not know whether to laugh or cry. He only wanted to know why she decided to do such a thing! But he soon got his answer when he heard her whisper: "Now all the girls will know I own you." After that, he only heard the sounds of her gentle breathing! He looked down at the tent between his legs and wished he could rush to the bathroom but Feng Xi had latched onto his arm and was using it as a pillow! It was now that Prince realized that his little buddy was going to be going through a lot of turmoil from now on.

The next morning came and as soon as Feng Xi woke up and sat up, Prince Jin jumped up from the bed and raced to the bathroom. Seeing his swift movements Feng Xi let out a laugh. 'Too stimulating?' Of course, she felt that she did nothing wrong. She laid in bed until she heard the shower turn off then she got up and walked straight into the bathroom not waiting for Prince Jin to come out. She took out a dry towel from the cabinet and walked over to Prince Jin who was drying himself off and began drying his hair for him. Neither minding the fact that Prince Jin was stark naked.

"Xi'er, you know you could have only left a few on my neck, why did you do my chest and stomach too?" Prince Jin looked in the mirror. It looked as if he had been sucked on by a killer vacuum cleaner.

"Mmmm… I felt a bit naughty?" Feng Xi put her finger to her chin and said. At the time she just felt it was a waste to not get a taste of Prince Jin's body. She was contemplating going lower but decided against it. 'A bit naughty!? Damn girl almost killed me!' Prince Jin could only yell out his grievances on the inside.

Feng Xi watched Prince Jin going through his inner turmoil and silently laughed. She pulled the naked young man into a hug and stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips. "Next time I will only do the neck!"

"You can do as you please..." Prince Jin dared not agree to that, because he did not hate it! Although his little buddy was in a lot of pain he still enjoyed every minute of it! Who wouldn't enjoy his woman sucking on his body!

"Okay I will do as I please. Sit down so I can finish drying your hair."

The rest of the day went as normal, Feng Xi went to class as usual. It was at the end of the day when she received a call from Dai Fen.

"Young Miss, these past couple of months have been great! We have millions already flooding in from the bird game!" Dai Fen said excitedly.

"I figured it would work out well. But more importantly, how goes the recruitment?" Feng Xi asked. She already knew the game would do well so she did not need to hear how much she made. She was more concerned about the force she was trying to build up.

"It is going well. Two of the mercenaries your father found are both female and he sent them to the academy, they should be arriving today. These girls may seem young but do not be fooled, they are very well trained." Dai Fen explained.

Feng Xi scratched her chin and thought this might be somewhat good since she needed someone to work out with. "Alright, I will let the school know that I have bodyguards coming. What about the rest?"

"Your father's friends are screening people. Making sure they got the best of the best. If you have any request just ask me and I will pass the message along."

"Did you find any hackers yet?" Feng Xi asked. She already had a job for them.

"We have three, do you need them to do something?" Dai Fen's voice became excited, he did not know why but he felt like he was in an action drama all of a sudden.

Hearing Dai Fen's excitement made Feng Xi laugh. He was so old but still acted like a little kid sometimes. "I do. Set up a time to bring them all to the Academy. Their first mission is to pass my test. If they can pass it I will then pass down a bigger job for them to do."

"I can bring them down this week unless it's urgent, then I can bring them as soon as tomorrow."Dai Fen replied.

"No, the weekend is fine. I will go handle the Academy, keep me updated on how things are going. Also, take some of the money and find businesses that are going under and buy them up. We will then sink money into them and find the right people to run them. For those who run them tell them to keep their ears open." Feng Xi knew these businesses would not be huge money makers but it would give her ears and eyes across the capital. Feng Xi wanted a business empire and to stand at the top. To be able to stand at the top. One needed the network to do so. Having ears and eyes all over the city was very important.

"I will do as you say. I will see you this weekend then." Dai Fen hung up his face showing a big smile. For the first time in his life he felt invigorated to the point that he felt thirty years younger! To him Feng Xi was a true genius when it came to business. Every move she made was for the big picture!