Qiu Bi And Qiu Ya

Standing outside of Prince Jin's courtyard, Feng Xi stood there with her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed. In front of her were two beautiful young ladies dressed neatly as if they were not here to work as a bodyguard but to wed into someone's family. "Did my father send you here to be my bodyguards or to become Prince Jin's concubines?" Feng Xi bluntly asked.

One of them let out a laugh and stepped forward as she bowed her head. "Boss, it's not what you think. The General hand picked us because we do look this way and would not stand out if we were by your side. "

"I see. What are your names?" Feng Xi asked, still not sure if she should send them away or not.

"Qiu Bi" "Qiu Ya" The two girls answered.

"Alright from what I am told you two are well trained! Let's see if that is the case." Feng Xi did not hesitate before attacking. In a blink of an eye, her fist was already smashing towards Qiu Bi's face.

Qiu Bi seemed startled by the sudden attack but quickly composed herself and blocked the punch before tossing out a punch of her own. Feng Xi's eyes flashed with excitement as she side stepped the punch and with her other foot shot out a kick towards Qiu Ya who was watching, slightly catching her off guard but Qiu Ya still blocked it. At that moment Feng Xi was fighting both girls. Fists and kicks flew from each side. But the entire time Feng Xi had a smile on her face as they fought. She was even laughing. She was having fun! It had been so long since she had such fun. One of the things she had fun the most with in her past life was martial arts and she loved sparing with people. In this life, her body was out of shape so this was the perfect exercise for her!

After a good ten minutes, Feng Xi finally ran out of energy. She looked at Qiu Bi and Qiu Ya and smiled brightly as she panted for air. "You two! Pass! From now on, you two will be my workout partners as well. We will start with a run around the Academy at five am and then some martial arts practice before I have to get ready for class."

Both girls looked at each other, smiled, and simultaneously said "Yes Boss!"

"But if any of you have any designs on Jin'er I will kill you!" Feng Xi said in a serious tone which caused the two girls to laugh.

"Don't worry Boss we both have boyfriends who we love very much and are also joining your ranks." Qiu Bi answered.

"Good! Alright, Eunuch Li will handle your accommodations. I will head back to my bedroom and go take a hot bath!" Feng Xi felt her whole body becoming sore. She knew her body was out of shape but just now she pushed it to its limits. She was covered in sweat as well making her feel all sticky.

In the bedroom, Prince Jin watched as Feng Xi walked in. "How are they?"

"Excellent! But now I am all sore. Starting tomorrow I will begin a training regiment." Feng Xi said happily.

"Good! It makes me feel more assured that you have some capable people beside you guarding you."

"Mmm… Meto… I'm gonna take a bath, come massage my shoulders." Feng Xi was tired and her whole body ached. She did not think when she spoke until she took two steps towards the bathroom. She halted her steps but decided to ignore it. She wanted a shoulder rub while she soaked in the bath. Ru'er wouldn't be able to do it well enough so she decided to hide her embarrassment and give Prince Jin a small show.

Prince Jin wasn't sure if he should go in now or wait until she said so, so he said: "Just call me when you are ready."

"No, come now… Unless you do not want to see me naked then forget it." Although embarrassed, Feng Xi was actually feeling a little excited. One other reason she decided to do this was that eventually an accident would happen and he would see her in the nude. They were living together and using the same bathroom. To top it off she saw him naked almost every morning. so a small show was not such a big deal, right?

Prince Jin quickly shot up out of the bed and chased after her into the bathroom, a silly grin plastered on his face the entire time.

When Feng Xi was in the bathroom undressing and having Prince Jin standing there watching her undress. Feng Xi's embarrassment got the better of her. With just her bra and panties left to go, Feng Xi turned around looked at him, and said: "Nevermind, you can give me a shoulder rub after I am done!"

Prince Jin's silly smile quickly turned upside down making him look like she had just taken his favorite toy away. Feeling a bit softhearted seeing such a pitiful expression Feng Xi walked over and hugged Prince Jin. She whispered softly. "I'm sorry, I thought I wouldn't mind and got your hopes up. Just give me a bit more time. To make it up to you I will sleep in my underwear tonight okay?"

Prince Jin smiled and hugged Feng Xi back. "Xi'er, I am in no rush, do as you wish. As long as you are by my side, these things do not matter. I only care about your happiness."

"But I also care about your happiness as well. I do not want you to think I am just messing with you. Jin'er I care a lot about you and I care about your needs as well. I know I have been teasing you a lot as of late and that my little Jin might not survive because of it!"

"Xi'er do not do anything you feel uncomfortable doing. Go take your bath. I will give you a massage after. As for your little Jin, he will be fine. I will take care of him while you are in the shower." Prince Jin showed no embarrassment from his words. He did not care if Feng Xi knew he did that in order to calm his little buddy down.

Feng Xi blushed at Prince Jin's words and nodded her head. Images of Prince Jin doing that filled her head. She now figured she will need to do that as well in the bath… For some reason, she now felt like cursing Prince Jin! He was turning her into a naughty girl! But she couldn't help it! She was going through puberty and this man was so damn sexy! Or at least that was what she told herself!