[Chapter 23] Experience

As the midnight hood of the box opens, I peer inside to see a white suit with what looks like a purple dragon breathing black fire on its chest it seemingly glows with an aura of power. I grab the suit and realize, "This thing is armored!" I jump as I am hit by another realization, 'This mask changes my voice!' My voice warps as it comes out sounding demonic from the mask. My mom and dad look at eachother, then at the gear. Then back at eachother, "That gear is as powerful as a rank S demon hunter's gear. What does she think he is?" Whispers Sylvic to Anna. Anna just shrugs while staring at the gear and her eyes go wide while she taps her husbands shoulder ferociously.

"Honey, are you seeing what I am seeing." Sylvic looks to where his wife was looking and his eyes go wide. "Is that a light purple crystal?!" He shouts as he jumps up and draws everyone's eyes to the box. I hear him and look over to see a light purple crystal about the size of two centimeters wide and tall. Then I start looking over the suit and see something else, on the back of the suit, there is a light purple crystal the size of my palm.

I refold it and put it back in the case but as I go to set it down I see two things I failed to see earlier, there is a space under the suit space that holds two white boots. And the second is a space in the front of the box that has just opened up, and it looks like it can hold a circular object....my mask! I put the suit in its container and go to set the mask in its new container until I see a note where the mask should rest. I shove the note into my pocket as I see Elva's face contort when she sees the crystals. 'Crap's about to get real on Christmas.'

But Elva just sits there, refixing that fake smile of hers. 'That's surprising, thought she was gonna blow. Guess I'm gonna have to try harder to get her to show her real self.' I think as I try to heave the box on my back, but contrary to expectations, it's light!

I walk into my room and shut the door, locking it. I then set the box beside my bed and sit down on my cloud of a bed. I take the note out of my pocket, and read it, "This is could be a problem..."

"From Solica: Take it as a welcome gift to your new world! I expect great things from you." My eyes nearly bulge from my skull, but I take some deep breathes and try to calm down, 'Never lose your cool.'

After a few deep breathes, I slow my thoughts and start to think rationally. 'Ok, I must be cautious of her. She knows that I'm not from this world and could blackmail me. Although she doesn't seem like a malevolent goddess so I can only hope she won't till I get strong enough to protect myself.'

I put on the full set of gear. 'This is awesome, I am filled to the brim with mana!' The armor consists of a white substance that moves freely but when I touch it, is cold like metal. It has slightly darker white armor on the elbows, forearms, chest, upper back, and calves. The boots are made of a sort of darker white leather but have armor on the heel, and the toes. I move around and I can move freely, barely any restrictions. I crouch down and get into a launching pose.

'I don't want to destroy the armor so no wings which sucks...but I'm fast enough by myself. It's good to know that I'll be safe no matter what.' I remove the suit, boots, and mask and set them back in the box. In which it automatically locks itself as the blue glow disappears from the cracks. 'And it's good to know it's safe as well.'

"Ok, so I need to figure out a troubling matter. Their technology is on par with a future civilization but their building's are stuck in the medieval ages, so this is an entire new category. I am gonna classify them as the past, but with excuses here and there because they are at the same time stage as my past world's medieval age. Magic just gives them benefits that we didn't have."

"Speaking of times, I think it's about time I enter the Shadow Realm and see what it actually looks like." I grab the box and throw it on my back. "Okay, so it's slightly passed mid day." I say while I look at my watch. 'Skill: Home Realm.'


"Skill: Home Realm is in use."


All of a sudden, I feel shadow crawl up me and I begin to become engulfed by it. I come to a realization and throw Winter onto the bed. "Stay, I'll be back." "Meow!" He responds while looking proud. Then my vision turns black and all of a sudden, I hear nothing. I'm in the empty abyss again, 'So it's really got no end, huh.' I think while I look around in the abyss. And then I feel wind on my face and then I have a face full of dirt. I get up and look around, confused.

This isn't the shadow realm I thought of! The world I see is covered in plains of green grass, forests in the distance, plains of flowers sprinkled here and there, and the blue sky. In the distance there is a mountain, snow covering its top like a cloud taking a rest, tired from floating in the sky. The only things hinting that this is the shadow realm is the pitch black sun and the smoke covered creatures that roam around. 'Even though the sun is pitch black, it's as bright as a regular sun outside.'

'I need to hide my identity till I find the other king, Shadow Dragon Kings are a rare race and hereditary after all. And I doubt a random ten year old saying he is one is definitely not ordinary here.' I pull the box off my back and start equipping my gear, the mana flowing into my body. Once I have the equipment on, I put the box on my back again, still as weightless as ever.

"Ok, now that I'm geared up, gonna start exploring, I only have to worry about the other Shadow Dragonborn." In this world, regular Shadow Dragon citizens are one of two forms, semi human and full Dragonborn. Full Dragonborn usually are seen as dukes and duchesses because they are more dragon like than the rest of the population. 'There are three cities if I'm right, Donard, Fang, and Shall. So now I need to find one of the cities. Time to start looking.' I think as I bolt to the mountain, leaving behind a blur. Each step kicking up massive amounts of dirt, grass, and flowers.

In about 6 minutes, I make it to the base of the mountain. I look at my watch and it is on the middle sun, signaling midday. 'Okay, so I think that this is Mountain Talon and if my memory is right, it is about 12,000ft. And if I'm here than that means.....I'm close to the Fang Kingdom! I gotta climb up the mountain to get a better view of their location.' I crouch down, my legs bulging from strength. 'Time to go up!' And I launch upward, it takes about two minutes before I make it to the top, and what I see is a sight to behold.