Returning to the city

8 days went by and the training was very productive, I didn't think this training was good to unlock your ability, Beedrill managed to unlock the `` Sniper`` ability and Butterfree managed to `` Compoundeyes`` and `` Tinted Lens´´, Beedrill is now a short and long-range monster and Butterfree has really incredible abilities, now we just need to increase her movement pool. it seems that I achieved a local fame as a prodigy, with some rumors about me as last month I destroyed a lot of rookies, people didn't care about the supposed bug catcher with an incredibly powerful weedle, but this month was different I defeated some people with 2 or 3 badges, I am very satisfied with my progress so I start to walk with more dignity or that's how I think, I must be ridiculous, but I am happy and I don't care, I go to the pokemart to sell what I got and I go back to training.

Skip Time ~ 1 month later

You can't be disappointed with hard training, with your diligence my pokemon really learned a lot of moves, they now know.

Beedrill: Poison Sting, String Shot, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Harden, Iron Defense, Twineedle, Fury Attack, Focus Energy, Venoshock, Poison Jab, Agility, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Sludge Bomb, Double Team and Acrobatics.

Butterfree: Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite, Electroweb, Harden, Iron Defense, Confusion, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Psybeam, Silver Wind, Air Slash, Tailwind, Quiver Dance, Agility, Psychic, Energy Ball and Acrobatics.

Going back to the present I am now observing a powerful group of Scyther, the most powerful couple in the group had an egg, which will certainly be incredible, not only is the father a powerful leader, but his mother is the second strongest in the group, I'm here a few days ago and I'm thinking of a way to get it for myself and I see that there's only one way, a normal person would find it crazy what I'm going to do but I investigated the way the Scythers behave gave me hope that this is the best course of action, I address the group of Scyther they start to look at me with hostility and caution, my gaze goes to the leader and I release an aura of oppression that I gained when facing several life and death situations in these months and finally I speak!

Jim: `` Scyther challenge you to a pokemon battle, if you lose I want your egg and if I lose I will give you a bug gem``.

Scyther looked at me with hostility when I mentioned his egg, but when I showed him the green gem, his eyes filled with greed and he agreed.

I launch Beedrill and he looks at me more carefully, he certainly never saw Beedrill so he was already amazing at the moment that evolved almost two months later and he is much more intimidating now.

The fight begins, we just face each other, so I take the initiative.

Jim: `` Beedrill, poison sting !! ''

several poison missiles go to Scyther he manages to dodge with an impressive skill because he is under the target of Beedrill's sniper ability and approaches with a greenish glow an x-scissor ready to decapitate Beedrill and for his misfortune my Beedrill is a monster of close combat, I say coldly.

Jim: `` Beedrill, Ariel ace followed by Acrobatics and end with poison Jab.``

This combo was scary Scyther can be fast, but beedrill is more, he gets up slowly and I'm impressed that he can get up, but I'm happy that my Scyther will really have a good bloodline, but it ends here.

Jim: `` Venomshock``

And it is check mate, Scyther fell with swirls in his eyes and his partners approach I keep calm and take out a pecha berry and a Sitrus Berry and play for his partners who immediately give to Scyther.

I approach the female Scyther and she hands me her egg, Scyther wakes up and looks at me with respect, Scythers respect the strong I give Scyther one last look on the floor and take the bug gem out of my pocket and throw it at him, and he gives me one looking grateful.