Meeting Professor Oak

3 months passed and the egg hatched 10 days after I caught it, in a little monster and thanks to my care in those 2 months and a few days, it grew exceptionally now being 1.65m tall, 15cm more than normal o, horn at the top grew much more than normal looking like a Gyarados, its blades are resistant and sharp you can even cut metal like butter, they are also a little bigger than normal in 5 cm in relation to the body it normally is, he has a muscular and thin body and a skin that shines like an emerald, Nurse Joy does not stop admiring my pokemons as if they were precious jewels, not only did Scyther grow, there was a mutation in my Beedrill and my butterfree he started to grow hair on their necks as if they were royalty, in fact this white fur really reminds the hair part of royal robes, they got much stronger and learned a few more attacks and if I compare it I think they can fight a Dragonite average , while Scyther could fight against an above average dragonair.Well, at the moment I am on route 1 entering the city limits of Pallet my destination is of course Professor Oak's laboratory, I enter the city and it is really quite and beautiful, many people they look at me strangely and then wave with a smile what I return, I imagine it is not so normal not the fact that a 7 year old child is walking around, because here is a peaceful enough city to allow that, but for a a city like this where everyone knows a child wandering around that nobody has seen before is a little strange, I follow my direction I ask where is the laboratory for a lady who points me to a road that leads to an area far from the city and well just follow the road, after 20 minutes of walking I see a big house with a windmill on top of a hill, finally I reach the door and I ring the bell and a pretty girl with about 15 years old opens the door.

Jim: `` Hi I'm Jiminy Cricket, but I prefer to be called Jim, would you like to speak with Professor Oak, would he be available? ''

Daisy: `` Oh, how polite, yes, Grandpa is, by the way, I'm Daisy``.

At that moment an old sympathetic man approaches and speaks;

Professor Oak: `` hello little boy you don't look like Pallet, did you get lost? ''

Jim: `` Hello Professor, I am Jiminy Cricket, but I prefer to be called Jim and no, I am a Bug Catcher and I wanted to ask if you have any bug pokemon from another region that could sell me, I already got the ones that I like Kanto. ''

The Professor looks at me a little coldly with the pokemon selling part, but changes from coldness to curiosity.

Professor Oak: `` Why do you think I sell pokemons? And why would I sell them to you? And more importantly why are you here? of the league to go on journeys and or accompanied by an adult.

Jim: `` Of course, I would prefer you to give it to me, but I will not abuse it, as for the other part I think you are a world-renowned Professor who probably has pokemon from different regions in his laboratory and not only that as the carriers of pokedex sponsored by you send pokemons here, I find it very difficult for them not to breed, so the best bet to get pokemons from other regions in kanto is here or safari zone, and I asked for permission from Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny to come here`` .

Professor looks at me in awe is not the kind of maturity and logical response you expect from a child and this is a really good assessment, he usually has to send pokemon eggs to breeders, nurseries and Safari zone.

Professor Oak: `` But you shouldn't be trying to hit your monthly goal. ''

Jim: `` Not really, I was excused from the monthly battles, my duty now to face 7-badge challengers coming to Viridian. ''

Professor Oak and Daisy looks at me like a second head has grown.

Daisy: `` But how shouldn't bug catcher challenge beginners? ''

Professor Oak: `` That's the case I've never heard of this before. ''

Jim: `` 1 month ago there was a petition with some Trainers that I challenged, they fed up with Nurse Joy who even Officer Jenny had to calm down, later a League Officer came to measure my rank and determined that I am at the level advanced and almost at the elite level, I'm just not at the elite level because of the small number of pokemons I have and from there it doesn't make sense to battle these newbies, since I was destroying their self-esteem. ''