Professor pokémon?

I spent some time with the new Pallet Trainers and their friends, while the Professor was examining the data I gave him.

Brock: "So, you're not a little new to join the Indigo League"?

Jim: "As far as I know, I'm going to be the youngest in history to participate."

Misty "But, how?"

Jim: "I am very strong, so I have special privileges".

Gary: "Someone is confident, you will probably be destroyed in the first stage".

Jim: "I am not worried about that, basically all the league participants are in the advanced rank with very few elites".

Ash: "Hey, what do you mean, Rank?"

Everyone fell to the floor.

Misty: "What do you mean, you don't know what ranks are, and your dream was not to be a master pokémon". Mysy screams with shark teeth, anime logic.

Ash: "Of course it is!".

I give a playful look.

Jim: "And you know what a Pokémon Master is".

Ash: "Of course I know, a Pokémon Master is an amazing guy who knows a lot about Pokémon".

Now a single drop of sweat has fallen from my head.

Jim: "Well, that could be a definition".

Ash gets a little arrogant.

Jim: "But, to answer the Trainers are classified in Ranks by the Pokémon League, usually by Nurse Joy, being these Ranks: Beginner, beginner, intermediate, advanced, elite, champion and the Masters that according to legend a master Pokémon can go from ahead with the legendary.

Ash: "Oh, so that means, going head-to-head with legendary pokémons looks incredible, doesn't it Pikachu? Now I'm even more excited to be one."

Ash: "But, what level am I?"

Jim: "You can look at your Pokédex".

Ash works on his Dexter and in a few minutes.

Ash: "Hey, it says here that I'm at an advanced level".

Jim: "Yes, to reach the level that you can compete in the league, you usually have to be at that level".

Ash: "You said you're not worried about what rank you are?"

Jim: "I'm in Elite Rank".

Everyone looking at me surprised is not every day that you see an elite and with reason it is very difficult to move from the advanced to the Elite, in fact it is increasingly difficult to advance, many pokémons can reach the advanced level in their evolution and have already invented many methods to make them evolve quickly, but that doesn't mean that they can reach the elite level that kind of facility and there are also several species that manage to reach the elite level by evolving, but they are rare and difficult to train.

Gary is a little embarrassed because he said that I would not pass the first stage and questioned.

Gary: "It can't be possible, you're younger than me."

Jim: "Here is my license".

Brock sees and speaks.

Brock: "Yes, it is correct, he is in Elite Rank".

Ash: "So you think I'm going to do well in the league."

Ash asks knowing my status.

Jim: "Honestly, you're going to do very well for someone in your first year of the Journey, but you're not going to come close to winning."

Jim: "Just don't get discouraged".

Ash: "I understand, but I will not give up".

Jim: "Yes, I saw all your Pokémon, almost all of them look promising, you made an excellent choice capturing them".

Gary: "He has few Pokémon, he didn't do such a good job".

Jim: "Yes, your Pokémon could have been trained more, but it's the first year of the Journey so it's easy to understand".

Gary: "But, I have a lot more Pokémon so I'm going to win the league".

Jim: "You are on the same level as Ash actually".

Gary: "But how? I trained most of them, they evolved really fast and I have a lot of advanced level Pokémon to compete with."

Jim: "Well, you went for the logic of quantity instead of quality, in fact you got so many pokémons that I would think that you are trying to bring down the league instead of competing in it, and your training was clearly done to force the pokémons to evolve faster."

Everyone laughed a little at the part of taking down the league he really captured an absurd number for the first year ".

Gary: "I understand, but why evolving quickly is no better".

Jim "Dude by your logic the elite fours of Kanto would be done by Bug catcher and before you ask, in a way it is good to evolve while the pokémon is young, some cannot evolve at an advanced age, but a perfect evolution cannot be hurried requires a lot of effort, nutrition and patience. Take Ash's pokémons for example, the Charizard is very disappointing, for me it is the only one on his team that is not special, I will not even tell the problems of his attitude, but his evolution seems have been hurried and it is in its 2 stages, it is far below average in height, it is quite paunchy, its muscles are not what you expect from a Charizard, its claws and fangs are disappointing, It overall looks like a domesticated Charizard to me ".

Everyone starts to think about my analysis and it seems correct, except Ash.

Ash "Hey Charizard is amazing, he's my strongest Pokémon".

Jim: "I don't think so, he looks like the one with the greatest brute strength of his Pokémon, but he seems negligent with his training and his fire-like energy is below average Charmeleon level which shouldn't be possible".

Ash is silent, he has no arguments.

Brock: "So what do you think is special about Ash's Pokémon?"

Jim: "Can't you see? Everyone reached the advanced rank and without going to their final form, which is more impressive for Squirtle and Bulbassaur, which as I recall shouldn't have reached that rank without evolving."

Brock and Gary who are more educated and soon realize these details.

Gary: "But how?"

Jim: "I think they have reached a stage that I have dubbed" Breaking the Bottleneck ".

Brock and Gary: "Break the Bottleneck".

Jim: "Yes, that's what I call this phenomenon, although there are many discussions about the limits that pokémons can reach, everyone has already concluded that a Pokémon's potential has a limit, and I see that potential as a reservoir or a container that is sealed and when the pokemon reaches that limit, it no longer has space to go beyond, but with my theory some pokémons could with training, nutrition and maybe some special situations, they could break that limit, increasing its potential . "

Professor Oak: "Interesting theory, in my career I saw several things that can be related to this, if you want I could collect this data and found a research base on the subject and it can be your research topic, if you want become a Pokémon professor ".

The teacher arrives and is still excited but thoughtful.

Jim: "Really? Would that be amazing? I always liked to investigate and invent new ways of training and feeding Pokémon. With the privileges of being a professor I could reach new heights, being a Pokémon master might not just be a dream?"

Professor Oak: "Yes, I can fix it after the league, I don't think you want to get involved now".

Jim: "Yes."