
I say goodbye to everyone and go to the victory road, there are 15 more days until the league so I will train for 10 days, Flygon is not yet fully adapted to his new form and what is the best way to train than going to one of the places most dangerous of kanto?


Skip Time ~ 10 days later

It was a quick but deadly training, different from the Viridian forest center, where most pokémons are bugs, although there are some pokémons of other types there too, here the hordes are endless and of various types and unpredictable.

Flygon managed to reach the Champion Rank in that time, a normal Flygon when it evolves enters directly into the Rank of quasi-Elite, since my Flygon it went directly to the quasi-champion rank, which I already expected because the tranpich before evolve was in the advanced rank and when it evolved to vibrava it didn't change much because it had become a cocoon, a form that is a preparation for the next one, well Shedinja and Ninjask managed to reach the quasi-champion rank and as for others have improved a little, but nothing much.

I go to the Indigo plateau and go to the pokémon center to sign up, do a check-up on my pokémons and they are fine, a little tired so I will leave these 5 days to rest.

Time Skip

Today is the opening of the league, I will fight someone who became a Trainer this year.

In the Blue field is the youngest trainer in the league's history.

The crowd is delirious it seems that I have a good fan base because of my age and my rank.

I launch my Ninjask and the Boy on the opposite side launches an Arcanine.

Jim: "Finish with an Ariel ace".

And a cut at supersonic speed appears on the side of the Arcanine sent him to one of the rocks in the field and breaking them, Fast and powerful. The difference between an Advanced Rank and an quasi-Champion Rank is like heaven and earth as Chinese novels would say .

Time Skip

I faced all the challengers it was easier than I imagined, I used only Ninjask because he is my fastest Pokémon and with his speed boost ability he is perfect to face 6 weaker Pokémon in a row.

I got to the finals easily and as I predicted from the quarterfinals all the trainer were elite level, so it wasn't much fun, I was the youngest champion in the league. And I will face the Elites four in a week.

I walk out of the locker room and Professor Oak, Nurse Joy from Viridian, Ash and his friends, Gary and Daisy, are waiting for me.

Professor Oak: "Congratulations, I didn't think I would see such a young champion in my life."

Ash: "Yes, that Ninjask of yours is incredible".

Gary: "Yes, but that Ninjask is not at the level of the strongest Pokémon in an Elite Four".

We celebrated the night and in the morning I left again for Victori Road to train, Gary is right about Ninjask is not at the level of the strongest Pokémon of the elite Four, I predict that his strongest are in the Champion Rank with at least 1 quasi-Champion and the rest in an elite rank, but far superior to the elite ranks I faced in the league.

But I am by no means defenseless, I have 4 Ranks champions and 3 quasi-champions.

Time Skip

A week has passed and I am in the locker room to face the first of the Four Lorelei elites.

She has a personalized field of water and ice, I enter calmly and the crowd is already waiting, she slowly approaches the stage.

Lorelei: "Your Ninjask is very good, but if he is all you have you can already give up".

I smile at her and remain quiet.

Lorelei: "A cold little boy".

The referee starts the game and she releases her slowbrow and I throw Shedinja.

Lorelei: "A Shedinja I should have known you had one".

Jim: "Shadow ball."

Lorelei: "Strike back with Water pulse". Both explode and a mist covers the field.

Jim: "Take advantage of this and use Shadow Sneak, hide again with Phantom Force and keep alternating."

Lorelei: "Don't leave and hit with the psychic".

It seems that Lorelei doesn't know about the Shedinja's Ability, but even if it worked out what the chance was to hit the Shedinja? He learned to use this combination of Shadow Sneak and Phantom Force that ended up becoming his move, once he starts alone it remains to give up.

Shedinja hits him with a super effective, but this Slowbrow is not a champion rank for nothing.

Lorelei: "Use Light Screen to defend yourself".

In a desperate attempt to defend himself, these attacks are completely random, there is no way to defend himself and after 5 Super Effective Attacks your Pokémon has fallen.

Lorelei: "This isn't over yet."

She launches her Dewgong.

Lorelei: "Don't let him get close, use Surf".

I was scared, for half a millisecond thinking that she had made a strategy, but it seems that she doesn't know my Shedinja's ability, so I don't even care about this Surf, in fact it's the perfect opportunity for him to start attacking , Surf is a large area movement.

I turn to my Shedinja and say, "

Continue your bid. "

The big wave sweeps across the field and Lorelei looks at me.

Lorelei: "Aren't you going to return your Pokémon?"

I smile at her brilliantly, Shedinja has already started his move and it is practically impossible to stop, after 6 rounds Dewgong goes down.

The battle continues and I easily win with my Shedinja apparently the only Pokémon that has a Blow capable of hitting Shedinja was Slowbrow, he knew "Flamethower", so it was a one-sided battle.