Midtown High school

2014, I found myself at the entrance of Midtown School of Science and Technology, I am starting high school here.

It has been four years since the Hammer incident, I've never neglected to hone the gifts that God gave me. I've got a feel to carbonization, which makes my skin as hard as diamonds or as brittle as charcoal. Greed provides me inhuman strength, reflexes, regeneration, and utility. But... Greed and I have been trying to kill each other for the whole four years. We are competing for the sole ownership of the body... may the best will win.

Here we met Ned, Ned Leeds. The three of us have been friends ever since.

2015, we turned 14, one day Peter went home dizzy and disoriented, he said he was bitten by a spider.

Tada, Next day he woke up, the skinny Peter has now well-developed muscles. Ever since then he leaves school as soon as it ends and comes back late at night.

Next thing I knew, Spiderman is famous on youtube.

" Hey, Ned! " ( I have always wanted to eat this guy, he's gonna taste good roasted.)

" Oh, Cain! Have you seen Peter? "

" No... He's gone again huh? "

" Yeah, He's always busy with something... Do you know something? "

" Nah... He can take care of himself, wanna play pokemon at my house later? "

" Sure do! Help me get a shiny with good stats. "

With Peter starting vigilante work, the time where the Avenger's Civil War should be near.

14 years of my existence was spent on preventing me from eating everybody on queens. despite my superior endowments, I don't really know how to fight.

" Greed. "

" What? Cain. "

" Shall we eat? I am a little bit famished. "

" Oh! The little killjoy finally wants to have some fun... Where? "

" I heard there is good food in San Francisco. "

" What cuisine? I hope there is someone tasty. I haven't eaten since... ever. "

" We better call mom first. " ( I am so excited... Tell me what are we gonna eat. )

" Hello, Mom? " ( Eat...)

" Yes, Honey? "

" We have plans for a trip, we might be home late today. " ( Eat... What do we eat... Who do we eat?)

" Be careful honey, tell Peter ok? Ask him to buy some eggs before going home. "

" Okay, mom... Bye! "

" We better suit-up Greed cause we are going to meet the family. "


Eddie Brock, an investigative reporter that has been put into a series of bizarre events due to snooping around Carlton Drake. Was being pummeled to the ground by Drake and Riot.

" Venom, You have always been the loser you are... obediently board the ship or I will make you." Riot said as he snarls at venom.

" Hmm... Eddie, I told you our chances are pretty much... none "

" Shut up and fight properly. " Eddie snaps at Venom as they got thrown around by Riot.

" Fuck! Do you really want to do this Drake? You will kill millions if you bring more of these things back. " Eddie said as he sends a punch to Riot.

" What is a little bit of sacrifice to the survival of the whole race. " Drake replied as he hammered Venom with his mace shaped hand. " Humanity is at the brink of collapse, this is the path forward, with symbiote and humanity combined... a whole new race of higher lifeforms. "

As soon as Riot subdued Venom, he started to assimilate them.

" Yuck! Two men busily intertwining with each other out in the open. " a voice interrupts them. " Get a room, guys..."

Eddie and Venom were startled by the sudden appearance of an unknown teenager. who was nonchalantly mocking them, Eddie was impressed by the kid's balls.

" Kid! watch out..." Eddie shouts as he saw Riot hacking down with a blade formed hand.

All that Eddie heard was a loud clank and screeches due to friction.

" Yo, Greed... Diamond skin is quite handy huh? Ready to meet the family? "

Eddie's eyes widened as he saw the teen's hand holding Riot's saber above his head.

" Mask!!! " The teenager shouted.

The teenager had a symbiote too. They look smaller against Venom and even smaller compared to Riot. The teen's symbiote is colored akin to red brass, had a leaner built compared to the bulky Venom and the hulking Riot.

" Ohh... This is nice huh? How do you feel being let out? " The teen asked.

" Never better... Just a bit famished. " another voice answered.

" Well, where were we? Ah, Its a bit rude to just attack without introducing yourself ain't it? " The teen's voice was still nonchalant but threatening.

Eddie saw the teen send Riot flying with a backhand swing.