
The sight of Riot being slapped away dumbfounded Eddie.

" Greed... Can we do what he did? " Cain asked as he examines his hand.

" What? Who? "

" The big silvery guy that likes to form weapons and stuff. " Cain pointed at Riot.

" No... No! "

" What?? Why? You were boasting so much, I can't believe I thought you were the best. " Cain playfully pouted.

" Cain... We... We haven't eaten. We are starving for so long, if we aren't one I would've eaten your pancreas. " Greed quipped.

" So... We'll be plain and boring like them over there?" Cain said as he glanced at Eddie.

" Nah! We can try to eat the big guy... maybe them too! "

" Them? They are somewhat 'ok' guys though? Hmm... We'll eat the big guy! "

Riot was struggling due to concussion, he was infuriated when he heard of what his enemy said. He snarls at Cain and tried to impale him with multiple spikes.

" Woah! What a feisty dinner. " Cain smirked as he effortlessly dodged Riot's spikes. " Let me try my ability in this form. "

As soon as Cain said that. His body slowly morphed into a darker sheen.

" Man... Greed our color scheme is ok but we seriously need to work on our look. " Cain complained.

" Why? I think that we look okay... Hmm... "

" Dude! 'We' look like extras! We do not belong to the extra category. okay! " Cain said as he exaggeratedly emphasizes his point.

" Cain! our dinner is getting cold, mother always said that we shouldn't play with our food... Excessively. " Greed cackles as he directed Cain's attention to Riot.

" Point taken. I do wanna get those stabby-stabby arms of his. " Cain said as he slowly walks towards Riot.

Riot has gone totally berserk over the humiliation Cain put him under. He rushed at Cain and swung a mace hand on his head.

The loud metallic noise rung towards the field. Cain took the hit head-on and shrugged it off like it was nothing.

Riot continued to swing madly as he tried to harm Cain.

" Ahh... Truly a perfect combination, the carbonization ability nullifies cutting and piercing damage, and the symbiote nullifies blunt trauma. hahaha! I'm so fucking happy! "

In Cain's excitement, he impaled Riot with his hand and ripped the helpless Drake. He threw drake towards Eddie and Venom. As he said " Your share. " with a smile.

He turns his gaze towards the writhing goo in the ground.

" Itadakimasu! "

He swallowed Riot whole.

" Can we digest him Greed? I don't want to have constipations you know. " Cain said as he picks his fangs.

" No problem... We just have to puff his consciousness away... and there... done. "

" Cool! Let's try those stabby arms of his. " Cain said as he excitedly flexes his arms, turning them into a variety of weapons.

As he was having fun turning his arms into whips and swords, he finally remembered a crucial point that he had forgotten. " Dude! We need to update our wardrobe now. The color scheme isn't gonna carry us alone. "

" What do you suggest? " Greed asked.

" I want it to be a fox motif... Something like Fox sin of Greed. "

" And where in hell did you thought of that? "

" From a show I watched somewhere... I like that guy in red. " Said Cain as he claps, as if to show that his decision is final and Greed has no veto.

With a thought, Cain conveyed to Greed the specific looks that he wanted.

From his monstrous form, a mass of tendrils burst out at the end of his tail bone. It split and formed into nine appendages, reminiscent of long elegant foxtails. His fingers grew sharpened nails, and countless fine hairline tentacles grew on his skin... like an imitation of fur. His head elongated and became canine-like, with a pair of large fox ear appendages.

Cain now looks a mix between Venom and Kurama. Which satisfied his inner weeb.

After the whole wardrobe transformation, Cain turned to focus on the still dumbfounded Eddie.

" Is your food not to your liking? Hmm. Is he too salty? " Cain asked as he pointed at the passed out Carlton Drake.