Eddie Brock, no... Venom glanced back and forth towards the monster fox and Carlton Drake.
" Dude... We know we're handsome but you're staring too much. " Cain said as he continued to pick his fangs. " Are you eating him or what? " he continued as he stared back at Venom
At his remark, Venom let out a joyful laugh. He then slapped Drake awake. Seeing that Drake's eyelids flutter open, Venom licked his face. This action jolted Drake.
" Eyes. Lungs. Pancreas... You've been a very bad boy, putting me in a very bad time. Now tell me, which part should we snack on? " Venom hoisted Drake up while indulging in his malicious humor.
" Hahaha, aw... Poor Eddie... No job, no girlfriend... hehe. All you can do is mope around and throw a tantrum. " Drake said as he stares fearlessly to Venom. "
" Yo, Dude! It's really bad when you play with the food you know. " Cain remarked from the side as he watched with great interest.
" Hmm... Mr.Foxy has a point... Sorry, Mr. Drake... No more dreams of human evolution for you. " Venom grinned as opened his maw wide, swallowing Drake's head and tearing it off his body.
Venom threw away Drake's headless body aside as he savors the taste of his brains. He only managed to turn his head to look at the monster fox when a tail whipped him to the ground.
" You ungrateful fuck! I gave you food and you won't finish it... " Cain's tails thrashed wildly as he berated Venom from being wasteful. " Finish it all or I will eat you too. "
Venom reluctantly picked up the rest of the body and started eating in bites. Cain reverted to his human form and said. " You're that reporter guy, right? Eddie Brock? "
Venom hurriedly finished eating Drake, withdrew his monster form, and said " Yeah, I am Eddie Brock. " Eddie was wary because he wasn't sure if this fellow would snap and just kill them.
" Ohh! Nice, my name is Cain, Cain Parker. Sorry about earlier, me and the guy inside haven't really been venting out so we kind of been bonkers. " Cain awkwardly apologizes.
As soon as Cain finished speaking Greed pops out of Cain's chest saying. " I am Greed, We are Greed... Not just Cain. "
Venom popped out too in response. " I am Venom, together we are Venom. "
As they were conversing, they were interrupted by a female voice.
" Eddie! Are you alright? Where is... "
She didn't finish her sentence as she was flabbergasted by the sight of two men standing in front of her. Both of them had additional heads protruding from their bodies, one was Venom and another a monstrous fox head.
" Who is this? Another dinner? Is she dessert? " Greed asked staring right into the newcomer.
" No! Nope, this is Anne. Anne is a friend, not food. " Eddie said trying to dissuade Greed.
" Greed is just joking. Is she your wife? You have the couple vibe, she must be your wife. " Cain said with a hint of teasing.
Eddie was clearly embarrassed, he tried to shift the atmosphere by talking to Anne.
" Hi, Anne... We won, we stopped Drake. " Eddie awkwardly said.
" Great! Who is this? Where is Drake? " Anne replied.
" Hi, my name is Cain Parker and this is Greed. " Cain said with a smile as he pointed at the floating fox head in his chest.
" Anne Weying, Eddie's um... friend. " Anne said as he reached out for a handshake.
Cain happily shook Anne's hand.
" Oh look at the time! My stay is long overdue. By the way, I love your work Eddie keep it up, I really need to go. Ciao! "
Cain then transformed and dash out towards queens, his tails are madly swaying behind as he elegantly rush like a mad hound.