Soon a fox-like figure was jumping around buildings in Queens.
Cain hopped around in order to find a place where he can test his other limits. He settled on a desolate warehouse full of rusted machinery.
" Alright, we should test our limits today and get used to this furry form. " Cain said as he glanced around.
For the first test, Cain tested the defense of the carbonization ability in his human form. This ability manipulates carbon in his body, enabling him to adjust his skin's hardness. He started stabbing his body in all places he could think of, as Greed could heal him anyway. His skin is capable of rating a score of 10 in the Mohs Scale of Hardness, as the same score to diamonds. His weak spots were his eyes and the insides of his mouth. He can take damage from the tremors caused by blunt force impact. In conclusion, he was like a pear- hard on the outside but soft on the inside.
For the second test, he punched a steel board with his hardened fist. He managed to get a large dent and a headache from the impact noise.
After recovering, Cain morphed into his monster form. Greed let out and excited snarl and trashed the tails into the ground. Cain tested the carbonized defense in this form, finding out that his defenses were greatly boosted. The weakness of the eyes was eliminated and the symbiote flesh provided adequate shock protection and higher regeneration. The only downside of hardening was the reduction of the symbiote flesh's ductility and malleability.
As for the offense, a hardened appendage can easily pierce or slash a steel board. Cain put his attention towards the nine flowing tails in his back. Greed can easily manipulate them like extended limbs. They are extremely prehensile and can do various tasks like strangling, ripping, piercing, and lashing towards a target. Greed can also enhance the damage by morphing the tail by his desired shape, Cain inputted several ideas like serrated edges, hook-like barbs, and mouths that can chomp at a distance.
" Woe to those who find themselves as my enemies. " Cain was chuckling like a mad man.
Next thing Cain did was the fire resistance test. It resulted in them catching fire and almost burning down the warehouse. Symbiote flesh is very flammable and intense heat causes extreme discomfort. Greed ended up fighting with Cain, Greed ate a portion of Cain's liver and Cain retaliated by creating high decibel noises by banging on the surrounding machinery. Nevertheless, it resulted in both of them suffering.
Next up is another fire resistance test, but this time with the carbonization ability on. Cain managed to convince Greed to try again by promising a few thugs as snacks. Hardening made them not so flammable, but the heat was still unbearable. Greed describes it as akin to being slowly cooked, with the flesh being boiled in a tightly sealed pot.
In the last test, the sound resistance test proved to be an utter disaster. Anything that produced a noise with 90 decibels will disorient them. 110 decibels to incapacitate them, and 140 to completely knock them out cold.
Happy with knowing their strengths and weaknesses, Cain proceeded to happily walk towards home.
" Cain! You promised that we will get a snack before we go home. " Greed growled.
" I know, I know. That's why we are leisurely walking in the alleys. Maybe food would deliver itself to us. " Cain nonchalantly remarked. " Ohh! Speaking of the devil... Tada! Fast food. "
A thug came behind him and pointed a gun in his head. The thug started threatening Cain.
" Wallet! Now or I will put a bullet in your head. " Barked the thug.
Cain yawned as he glanced towards the soon to be 'snack' thug. " Do it cleanly please, we don't wanna leave a mess. "
As his voice faded nine tails blossomed out of his back.
The thug was horrified by the change of his prey and tried to run, but Cain's tails extended and managed to capture the hapless thug. Soon Greed encapsulated the thug and proceeded to consume him bit by bit. Muffled screams and begging can be heard from the ball made of tails. After five minutes the tails unfurled, leaving only metal items littering the ground. There weren't any lingering scent of blood or a trace of anything organic.
" Isn't that a bit dark? Eating like that? " Cain asked.
" What? Even you would savor the food when you're eating. " Greed replied.
" Good point. "
Cain happily went home to get some good sleep.