Aska went to the office today, because his presence was waiting to agree to a partnership that was offered by his colleague.

With Mr. Damar among him, Aska began tidying up the documents that had to be signed.

Because there were quite a lot of documents being studied, Aska lost track of time. The lunch hour passed.

Actually Karin had reminded him before recess not to forget to drink and eat lunch.

Until two in the afternoon Aska was still at his desk with new documents. He already felt Aska's cold sweat.

But still he can hold it by drinking a glass of water. The more he felt his body began to get cold and felt his chest began to feel tight.

Aska called the secretary to immediately call Mr. Dammar.

Mr. Damar came hurriedly when he got a call from the secretary of Aska.

"What's the matter, sir?" asked Mr. Damar, and was worried to see Aska's face pale and body starting to limp in his chair.

"Take me home, Mr. Damar, I think I'm tired." Said Aska holding his head which had turned.

"Yes sir." Damar quickly carried Aska's body out of the office. With a hobbled, Aska walked with Damar to his car. Aska's nose began to flow with fresh blood. His body almost sank, because his legs were not strong enough to support his body.

Mr Damar immediately opened the door and helped Aska into the car. He leaned Aska's body in the middle seat. Mr. Damar gave the tissue to Aska because he saw Aska's blood flowing profusely until it hit his shirt.

Mr. Damar climbed into the car feeling anxious and panicked. Turning on the car quickly. The car is moving forward at high speed.

At home, Mr. Damar immediately summoned several guards to carry Aska into his room, because Aska was already unconscious.

After laying Aska on the bed, Mr. Damar looked for Karin's whereabouts. But not found either.

Seeing that Aska is still unconscious, Damar tries to call Karin. Several times the calls were still not answered by Karin. This is the umpteenth time Karin's call has been picked up.

"Yes, Mr. Damar, what's wrong, sorry I had this training just finished." said Karin.

"Miss Karin, Mr. Aska fainted miss. Looks like the pain relapsed again." Anxiously, Mr. Damar told about everything Aska did while working until he lost track of time.

Karin listened with both anxiety and irritation.

"All right Mr. Damar ... Mr. Damar calm down. Wait for me to come home, just a little longer sir." Karin said to calm Mr. Damar.

After the call was turned off, Karin glanced at the clock in her hand. It took two minutes to finish her job.

While waiting for time, Karin prepared her bag, and some work to take home.

Hastily, Karin came out of the hospital and stopped a taxi that happened to be passing by.

Karin gave money to the taxi driver without waiting for change.

Half-running Karin entered the house, and entered Aska's room, where she threw her bag on the nightstand.

Karin approached Aska who was still unconscious. She checked Aska's pulse and eyes. Karin took a deep breath.

Aska's condition weakens. Karin massaged her forehead with complicated thoughts. What should she do.

Karin immediately sent a message to doctor Heru for advice considering Aska's current condition. Doctor Heru replied to Karin to bring back to Aska. And gave the medicine that Doctor Heru gave him sometime ago, to be given if Aska's condition was weak.

From Doctor Heru's instructions, Karin tried to make Aska immediately regain consciousness. She rubbed Aska's body in certain parts with eucalyptus oil so that Aska could wake up.

After giving eucalyptus oil, Karin massages the heels of Aska's feet, massages them slowly, however, Aska doesn't even realize. in rubbing Aska's cold hands to feel warm. But Aska was still in his stupor.

Karin begins to feel anxious, her ability as a nurse disappears. her fear began to dominate.

Frantically Karin put her ear on Aska's chest. to listen to Aska's heartbeat. It's still beating. Karin breathed a sigh of relief but her anxiety still didn't go away. In her gaze Aska's face was pale, lips that were pale red. Aska's face looked tired.

Karin brought her face closer to Aska's face. I don't know what feeling, ... Karin wanted to wake up Aska with her dirty thoughts.

"Arrrrggghhhhh! Do I have to kiss him to wake Aska." Karin shouted to herself. Karin tried all kinds of ways to revive Aska, but Aska still didn't move.

Only that one thing crossed Karin's mind to wake Aska.

"Will thus wake up Aska later?" Karin's monologue.

"Aashhhhhh, whatever happens I have to try it."

With a careful feeling, Karin brought her lips closer to Aska's. Karin's eyes closed.

Slowly Karin's lips began to touch Aska's cold lips. Karin started to put her lips together and slowly crushed Aska's lips which felt cold as ice.

Karin's hand cupped Aska's cheek, and her lips still moved gently crushed Aska's thin lips.

After a few minutes, Karin's movements stopped immediately when Karin felt her lips suck on Aska's lips. Karin's eyes moved open, she saw Aska's wistful eyes that had opened staring at her. For a few seconds Aska and Karin stared at each other shyly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Karin realized that she was screaming away from Aska who was still staring at her lovingly.

"Why don't you tell me if you have realized hahhh !! Are you happy with me kissing you hahh !! You must be fun right?" Karin's scissors endured the embarrassment that began to overtake her.

Aska smiled weakly, even though his body was still weak. But his heart felt happy, as if there were a million butterflies flying out of his chest.

"Thank you for trying to wake me up." said Aska still in a weak voice.

"Actually I can hear you when you try to wake me up, but I can't move my eyes and my body. Only when you kiss me, there is movement and urge that makes me respond." continued Aska honestly.

Karin was getting embarrassed by her, her face flushed like a boiled crab. Her fingers clenched into fists, if Aska wasn't in such a weak state, Karin would have been beaten to a pulp.

"Never mind, forget about it, I was just helping you earlier. Nothing more." Karin suppressed her words.

"Now eat first, then take your medicine. I'll make dragon juice for you later."

"Feed me?" whimpered Aska weakly

Karin couldn't refuse.

With a heart that was still ashamed, Karin fed Aska the porridge that Mr. Damar had bought. Aska accepted Karin's bribe greedily. He wants to get well, he wants to be healthy, he wants to survive. Aska wants to live longer so he can enjoy the kiss and hug of the woman he started to love "Karin Aadvantika"


The feeling of comfort that Aska gets from Karin makes love in Aska even more fertile.

There was great enthusiasm that Aska felt. Even though he knows his disease is a deadly disease, which at any time could take his life. Aska clearly remembers that he first recognized Karin's figure who spoke frankly, even at a glance he thought that Karin was a material girl who liked to tease men.

Aska smiled, remembering that Karin had offered his to be his lover. And Aska accepted it. Aska was still smiling on his bed, hugging his bolster pillow tightly. It was obvious that Aska was in love.

Today Aska is going to the hospital again for more chemotherapy. And Aska intended that after doing chemo, Aska would tell Karin his heart. Aska wanted to have a more serious relationship without any faked relationships.

Doctor Heru checks Aska's condition for each chemo. Aska has to do a complete check-up, if everything is in good condition, then Aska can do the chemo process.

For today's chemotherapy process Aska felt a little pain, and felt very nauseous in his stomach.

Aska's face began to turn pale, many times his eyes were closed holding back nausea. Karin who was beside him started to feel anxious. She rubbed the nape of Aska's neck with eucalyptus oil, so that Aska's body felt the warmth of eucalyptus oil. But Aska's nausea could no longer endure. While holding his stomach Aska tried to get out of bed and limped into the bathroom. Karin grabbed Aska's shoulder to help his walk. In the bathroom, Aska vomited everything in his stomach beyond control.

"Hueeekkk ... huekkkkkk"

Aska brought out all his breakfast menus with repeated vomit. Karin gently massaged the nape of Aska's neck, so that Aska's nausea reduced.

Aska's body felt limp after vomiting all the contents of his stomach. Karin cleaned Aska's mouth with a washcloth. And carried Aska back to his bed. Aska lay down with his eyes closed to relieve his nausea. Karin immediately gave anti-nausea medicine to Aska, because she saw that Aska was still tormented by his nausea.

"Go to sleep for a while, let the nausea go away." Karin said while adding a pillow on Aska's head so he could lie down comfortably.

Aska shook his head limply.

"I can't sleep, my stomach is very uncomfortable Karin. Can you hug me and sleep with me?" whining Aska starts to come out spoiled.

Karin took a deep breath.

"The bed is not enough Aska? Later you could fall if I go to sleep." Karin replied looking for an excuse.

"This bed is big enough Karin, this room is VIP, so this bed is enough for the two of us." said Aska again with an innocent face.

"I'll be embarrassed, if the Ka people find out." Karin starts to hold her emotions because of Aska's stubbornness.

"Can't you lock the room? And again we just sleep, right?" said Aska again who was now looking at Karin with his puppy eyes.

Karin's one hand who was under the bed clenched into fists, hearing Aska's words.

"Youooooo! If only you don't remember you're sick, I'll make sure you broke a bone." Karin shouted cursing herself.

"Will you accompany me? Let my nausea disappear and I can rest. My body feels weak Karin." Aska said sulking again, not caring about Karin's face, which was already flushed with anger.