Karin sighed heavily, letting out her irritation with a long sigh.

Karin got up from her seat and walked to the door to lock her room.

"Hopefully nothing will come later." Karin's prayer silently. Karin returned to Aska's bed, and glared at Aska.

"Move a little." Karin said curtly, and gave in again for the sake of the man who had paid her a fantastic salary every month.

Karin climbed onto the bed beside Aska with ease. Aska shifted his body slightly to the side, so that Karin could find a place beside him.

Karin's body was already lying beside Aska. But her body is facing the roof. Karin's body didn't move, afraid that her body would touch Aska's body.

Inwardly Aska laughed happily, Aska tilted his body and looked at Karin's face, who was still motionless, staring at the room sky.

"You didn't hug me?" Aska asked, reminding Karin to immediately hug him so he could fall asleep.

"Can you not torture me in just one day?" asked Karin with annoyed eyes.

"I just want to sleep in your arms, I don't torture you Karin." answered Aska in a hoarse voice.

"Hemmn, all right!" Karin said succumbing again to Aska's words which always kept her from moving.

"Go to sleep now, close your baby eyes." Karin continued, hugging Aska's body with hesitant movements.

Aska closed his eyes, he returned Karin's hug with a full hug. Aska sank his head in the recesses of Karin's neck. Aska's hands tightly hugged Karin's small waist.

Karin was silent and didn't move anymore. Her chest started beating because Aska's head partially touched something on her chest.

Karin looked at Aska who started to close his eyes.

"This man ... always insists on his will, but why can't I always refuse him! I always give in every time I look at baby Aska's eyes, and melt with Aska's spoiled whining." Karin said to herself.

Karin looked up at the sky again, and swallowed her saliva as Aska's head moved against her chest in search of a more comfortable sleeping position.

In his eyes, Aska's face was sleeping again. Aska's face was very handsome, even with pale white skin, and Aska's thin reddish lips made Karin remember when she kissed those lips. Very intoxicating.

"Assshhhhhh! What am I thinking?" Karin said to herself, Karin immediately stopped her dirty thoughts.

Karin tried to close her eyes, hoping that time would run fast, and could go home quickly.

Karin started to feel sleepy and fell asleep with her arms hugging Aska's waist.

When Karin fell asleep, Aska opened his eyes. He looked at Karin's face with feeling. He rubbed Karin's rosy cheeks.

"You are very beautiful and sweet." muttered Aska.

"I started loving you from the moment I saw you. Do you know that Karin?" Aska whispered still stroking Karin's cheek.

"I want to live longer, I want to recover. So that I can stay with you forever." continued Aska, eyes that could not let go of looking at the face of the woman he loved so much.


"Karin ... wake up." Aska rubbed his shoulder

Karin is still asleep. Karin opened her eyes slowly and was still not fully conscious.

Karin turned around and was shocked to see Aska in the same bed as her. Due to the shock, Karin's body moved backwards and half of her body almost fell off the bed.

Luckily Aska quickly took her hand and hugged half of her back and head.

Aska stared at Karin with fixed eyes, his hands firmly holding her back from falling and pulling her quickly in his arms.

Karin flabbergasted to let herself in Aska's arms. With a feeling of shame, Karin let go of Aska's embrace, and got off the bed.

Corrected her top, which was slightly wrinkled from falling asleep earlier.

"You're not nauseous, aren't you, Ka? We have to hurry home, it's getting late." Karin opened her voice.

"Karin, sit here for a moment." Aska patted the empty bed beside him, so that Karin could sit close to him.

"What else?" Karin massaged her forehead, seeing Aska's serious face telling her to sit down.

"I have something to tell you, this is very important." Aska said a little nervously, afraid that Karin would later reject his feelings.

"What's important?" Karin became worried about Aska's unusual attitude.

"Karin." Aska moved to comfort his sitting position and calm his heart which started running.

"why am i so nervous and difficult to talk?" thought Aska.

So far it's not in the dictionary nervous about a woman, but now? his heart just moved fast, cold sweat gushing out of his pores.

"Aaashhhh !! why is it so hard to say!" shouted Aska silently.

"Aska!" snapped Karin.

"Are you talking or not?" Karin was getting annoyed waiting for Aska, who was still silent.

Irritated, Karin got out of bed, but he quickly caught her wrist.

"Wait Karin." Aska begged with his baby eyes looking at Karin softly.

Karin sat back down, and glanced at Aska who was still staring at her.

"I, want you to be my lover." said Aska with choked lips.

Karin held Aska's forehead and smiled devilishly.

"Aren't I already your lover? Even though it's only six months? You haven't lost your memory, right?" Karin's voice was full of pressure.

Aska took a deep breath, why can't i speak clearly?

"I mean, I want you to be my lover forever, as long as my life. I love you Karin!" Aska's voice trembled, Finally came out what Aska wanted to tell Karin.

Karin stared at Aska without blinking. Can't believe a playboy expresses his feelings with a trembling voice and body.

And Karin wasn't ready to hear it all. Karin is still traumatized and has no confidence in men's sweet mouths. Karin shook her head lightly.

"Sorry Aska, I can't. I can only help you for six months according to our initial agreement." said Karin

"Why can't you Karin, why? I love you, I want as long as my life can be with you." Aska looked at Karin in a daze.

"The reason is because I don't love you! That's all, and don't ask again why I don't love you." Karin replied firmly.

Aska looked at Karin, still not understanding, in a different atmosphere Aska felt Karin was a very caring woman.

But at different times Karin was like a cold-hearted woman, and seemed to really hate him.

Aska was silent, his heart was hurt by Karin's attitude that had rejected his feelings. Aska got down from the bed. and without seeing Karin Aska walk out.

Karin followed Aska from behind. Actually, Karin didn't have the heart to do things that hurt Aska. But Karin can't go through the day without feeling anything, because her feelings have long died with memories from her past.

Aska entered the car still and without speaking. Karin sat beside Aska in silence as well, occasionally in the lyrics Aska changed hid attitude to him cold.

"Aska, you haven't installed your seatbelt yet." Karin reminded Aska.

Without turning to Karin, Aska put on the seatbelt.

On the way back home, Aska did not speak. His eyes were cold and empty.

Karin took a deep breath, it was enough to be patient enough to see Aska's childish attitude.

Aska got out of the car and went straight into his room and closed the door with a loud sound.


Karin, Mr Damar and Aunt Ima were shocked and just looked at each other.

Karin went into her room and threw her body on the bed. Her heart is a little restless.

What should she do to face Aska. It's like eating a malakama. If Karin accepts it, Karin can't love Aska, and she doesn't know how she feels for Aska either.

And if you refuse like that, Karin worries about Aska's health because of her illness.

"Oh my God, what should I do? Give back the feelings of this long lost servant." screamed Karin's inner voice.

"Miss Karin." call aunt imah from behind the door.

Karin woke up from sleep and opened her bedroom door.

"What's wrong, aunt?" Karin saw aunt Ima's restless face.

"Mr. Aska, don't want to eat, Miss. Now it's time to eat and take medicine." Aunt Ima explained.

Karin saw that the clock on the wall of her room was already 6:30 p.m., indeed it was time for Aska to take his medicine.

"All right aunt, Karin will be there later." said Karin then. Aunt Ima went downstairs back to the kitchen.

Karin opened the door to Aska's room slowly. This all happened because of it. So she must be able to solve this problem.

He saw Aska sitting on the balcony of the room, the night wind was very cold, but Aska, regardless of his health, sat outside without wearing a blanket or jacket.

"Really Aska is a very troublesome if the child has relapsed." muttered Karin.

Karin took the blanket on Aska's bed and brought her to Aska, who was still sitting motionless.

On the blanket, half of Aska's body was already cold in the night wind. Aska's body moved for a moment but then fell silent again without flinching.

Karin spreads her heart not to throw Aska out of the balcony.

"The night wind is not good for you Ka, you can get sick later. Come on inside." Karin opened her voice.

Aska remained silent and did not respond to what Karin said, his gaze cold and blank.

Karin was already getting annoyed with Aska's attitude.

Forcibly, Karin grabbed Aska's hand and placed it on his shoulder. on Aska's father to stand up to enter the room.

But Aska quickly let go of Karin's grip, and returned to his seat.

"You don't have to bother taking care of me, and you don't have to care about me. Let me get sick or even die." said Aska in a cold voice.

Karin clenched her fists, holding back her anger at Aska's already childlike words.

"All right, you can take care of yourself right? And you also don't care about your health right? Or do you want to die quickly? OK, let me help you die fast!" shouted Karin. Karin took the blanket that covered Aska's back, and left Aska on the balcony alone.

Aska's heart was even more hurt by Karin's compassionate attitude towards him. Let it cool outside.

Aska was determined not to move to enter. although later he could die of cold.

Aska's body started to tremble and his whole body felt frozen, his entire skin felt cold.

Karin was in the room, her heart began to be disturbed, seeing Aska's stubborn head who didn't care about her health.

Karin saw Aska who didn't flinch from his seat.

"Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh !! Do I have to give in again with this spoiled Aska attitude?" Karin squeezed her hand.

"Asskaaaaaa! You're very annoying!" said Karin.

With a stomping foot, Karin approached Aska, without speaking Karin bowed right in front of Aska, grabbed Aska's neck and crushed Aska's lips which were cold and blue.

Aska's blood flow stopped, there was warmth running through her body which was cold and frozen.

"Karin kissed me! Karin kissed me" shouted Aska silently. Does this mean that Karin cares for him, and accepts his feelings ??