Real Ash....

"After that, Ash disappear the entire day and when he returned he has a smile on his face and apologises to us but I was piss off because of that punch so me and Ash got into a fight." Brock said as he massaging his face, his face suddenly aches in pain.

"So what happen next, you beat up Ash right." Dawn asked, expecting Brock to say he did beat up Ash.

"Actually Ash end up kicking my ass and he did that while smiling." Brock said remembering how Ash whoop his ass.

Dawn look at him in disbelief. "Ash kick your ass, we are talking about our Ash, this clueless, food addicted, Ash." Dawn exclaim.

"Don't remind me, my face ache remembering how many times Ash hit me in the face during our fight." Brock then looks at Dawn directly on the face. "Dawn I am warning you, when Ash disappears do not, and I mean do not follow him or else." Brock warned seriously

"Or else what Brock?" Dawn asked with a clueless expression.

"Or else you'll see a side of Ash that would make you have nightmares." Brock said grimly which scared Dawn a bit.

Dawn merely nods at her friends warning.