pikachu's mischief...

If Ash would have picture heaven this would be it. Having delicious food and his two favourite Pokémon around him and having his beloved girlfriend resting in his arms as she tells him about her adventures. Ash was never tired listening about her adventures. Elena, being an archaeologist, had more exiting and more informative adventures than him. Exploring ruins, old temples, and other things that involves both human and Pokémon history was really exiting and dangerous because of the hidden traps and the secret treasures and the lost knowledge that are in the end of the expedition were a delight that comes with the adventures.

"You have crazier adventures than I have, you know that Elena." Ash said as he fed her some strawberries.

"Well I wouldn't say that if I were you. You have practically seen every legendary Pokémon there is, you have no idea how much other archaeologist would kill for that." Elena said snuggling closer to Ash's chest.

"If they were me, they wouldn't wish that. All my meeting with those Legendary Pokémons involve them attempting and sometimes nearly killing me." Ash said with a shudder remembering those times were he almost die during a meeting with a Legendary Pokémon.

"But you're still here, alive, intact, and good looking." Elena said with a smile.

Ash blush a bit because of her compliment and said. "Well, the only reason why is because I'm very lucky."

"Yeah, you probably right. You are a living proof that being lucky is better than being smart." Elena said with a giggle as she ate the strawberry that Ash fed her.

Ash didn't know whether she complimented him or insulted him so he just laughs uneasily. "Yeah but I thank whatever deity who gave me luck than smarts." Ash said to her as he gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Why is that?" Elena asked confusedly. The confuse look on her face made a cute impression that made Ash smirked.

Ash merely leaned forward and pressed his forehead gently on hers and looked at her with eyes filled with love. "Because if I'm not as lucky as I am, I would not have met you." Ash said with a soft voice as he smiled.

Elena had a bright smile and faint blush on her face. She was used of Ash being very mature, incredibly romantic, and overly passionate during their dates but still every time he does those things, her heart still beats rapidly and she can't help but smile and blush.

"Yeah, I think I will thank that deity as well." Elena whispered before kissing Ash in the lips which Ash returned full heartedly.

"(Hear they go again)." Pikachu grunted.

"(What's the matter 'uncle'? This is just how 'father' and 'mother' show their love to each other, aren't you use of seeing them like this)?" Koyuki asked him with a questioning look.

Pikachu merely look at his 'nephew' with a desperate look and sigh. "(I'm use in seeing them like this but it doesn't mean I have to like it)."

"(You have to understand 'uncle' that 'mother' and 'father' could only see each other twice a month in a limited period of time so they need to let the 'sexual tension' that build up during their separation to be release. Probably they kiss to release that sexual tension)." Koyuki said oblivious of the disgusted look Pikachu is throwing at her.

"(Koyuki, what kind of humans are you staying with)?" Pikachu asked out of the blues.

Koyuki was confused about the question of his 'uncle' but gave him an answer nonetheless. "(Well I'm staying with the humans that 'mother' usually are with and all them are archaeologist. I'm usually with 'mother' or her father during expeditions and I'm always with 'mother' during training with her other Pokémons. I'm seldom borrowed by her older sister and that's about it)." Koyuki replied.

"(Are you sure that's about it)?" Pikachu asked once again.

"(Well if you count those two human girls that always forces 'mother' to do those human girl rituals, yeah that's about it)." Koyuki said with thinking expression.

"(Remind me kill those two when I see them)." Pikachu mumble under his breath and then shift his gaze towards his 'brother' and his 'mate' only to see them still making out. "(Arceus, I need to stop before I puke)." Pikachu then began thinking of a plan to separate the two from their romantic kiss. Pikachu could only think of one.

"(Hey Koyuki)." Pikachu said calling his 'nephew'.

"(Yes uncle)," Koyuki said looking beside her 'uncle'.

"(You know Ash was planning to teach you a new Aura technique)..." Pikachu never finish his sentence because the young, pure white, Lucario had lunch herself towards her 'father' and 'mother' forgetting that they are in the middle of something important. '(Works every time),' Pikachu thought with a grin.

Ash and Elena were enjoying their make out session. Every kiss that they share was soft and gentle yet they could still feel the eagerness and the warmth with each touch of their lips. Every time they kiss it felt like all the secrets that they were keeping, the long distance relationship that they were sharing, the painful separation that they are suffering, and the few times that they could meet was all worth it because of a kiss.

They would gladly continue their passionate make out session for a long time but they were disturb when a white blur once again tackle them down to the ground. The two of them would have probably killed anyone who would disturb their private moments but because it was Koyuki they would have to contain their anger and irritation.