Ash vs paul part 3

"Wow, I never saw Ash use that kind of strategy before." Dawn said in amazement. "But that's Ash and Pikachu for you, they could take down anyone they set their mind into."

"Dawn calm down, Ash still needs to beat three more of Paul's Pokémons and they are still fresh." Brock reminded which earned him a punch in the head.

"Brock, who's side are you on? Do you doubt Ash about winning this battle against, that, that, that, scumbag?" Dawn hiss waving her fist threateningly.

Before Brock could say anything that would earn him a punch from his female friend, Reggie join in the conversation and saving Brock's ass in the process. "Relax Dawn, Brock only meant that Ash is still in a disadvantage. I'm sure that Brock doesn't doubt Ash's capability in winning this battle." Reggie explained calmly. Dawn seems to buy it because she sat down and continue on watching the battle.

"Thanks, Reggie." Brock groaned, rubbing the bump on his head.

"So you and that rat has some few tricks left, no matter the outcome is still inevitable." Paul said as he threw a Poke-ball towards the field. "Magmortar, stand by for battle." A large, humanoid Pokémon appeared in the field with a smug grin on its face.

"Pikachu Thunderbolt now." Ash commanded.

"Predictable, Magmortar Rock Tomb." Paul ordered.

(Scene Change)

"Please win, Ash." Elena whispered under her breath in her hiding place.

"('Mother, are you alright)?" Koyuki asked.

"Yes I'm okay Koyuki; I just wish your father would win." Elena said gently.

"('Mother', you do now that 'father' is not battling seriously. So if he loses it would not mean anything)." Koyuki exclaim.

"You're wrong Koyuki. If you could see your father's eyes every time he loses a battle that he knows that he could win, you'll understand." Elena said softly.

"(What do you mean, 'Mother')?" Koyuki asked confusedly.

Elena looked at Koyuki and said. "Ash is a kind and passionate guy and that is his greatest weakness. He would not do anything that would purposely hurt his or his opponents Pokémons and you and I both know that the Dark Spark is an ability that could kill a Pokémon if not control."

"(But so is Aura)." Koyuki retorted politely.

"Yes but Ash is an Aura Prince, he can control Aura naturally." Elena replied.

"The point is that Ash, no matter how cruel or evil his opponent is, will not harm their Pokémons because they have nothing to do with their trainers. So he held backs a lot even if it affects his pride as a trainer." Elena explain. Koyuki was still not convince.

"(But 'father' could at least make an exception with this one. This human deserved it)." Koyuki said in frustration.

"I agree with you Koyuki. I don't know this trainer but I already despise him." Elena said as she looked at her beloved. 'Please Ash show this cruel trainer, your friends, the Ash that would one day be the greatest trainer in the world, the side of you that would leave an impression in history. Please show them the true Ash that I have been fortunate to know, fortunate to have fallen in love, even if just for a moment.' Elena pleaded in her thoughts.

(Scene Change)

The two attacks clash but Rock Tomb being a Rock-type move having an advantage against Electric attack; the Rock Tomb decimated the Thunderbolt and move its way towards Pikachu.

"Pikachu, dodge to the left and Thunderbolt again." Pikachu jump to the right and unleashed another bolt of lightning towards Magmortar.

"Magmortar, Fire Blast and then charged in with Fire Punch." One of Magmortar's hand suddenly turned into a pair cannon before unleashing a powerful blast of Flames towards the Thunderbolt before charging, both attack cancelled each other out resulting in a cloud of smoke. Magmortar then burst out of the cloud of smoke; his hand curled into a fist and was covered in flames.

"Pikachu jumped and hit Magmortar with Iron Tail." Pikachu, before getting hit by the Fire Punch, jumped up in the air and hit Magmortar with his glowing tail. Marmortar grunted softly and took a swipe at Pikachu once again but Pikachu manoeuvred himself in mid air and landed a couple of feet away from Magmortar, his tail had a slight burn as he landed.

'I need to be careful in using close range attacks. That Flame Body ability is really annoying.' Ash thought as he observed the large Pokémon.

"Magmortar, Rock Tomb." Magmortar once again lunch a purple ball from his cannon like arms that turned into a dozen of rocks as it fly towards Pikachu. "Now Flamethrower." Magmortar then shot an intense flame towards the rocks. The rocks were then covered in flames as they continue its way towards Pikachu.

"I need to dodge those. Pikachu Quick Attack and use Volt Tackle to dodge." Pikachu move in an extremely fast motion as a thick lightning cover his entire body. Pikachu had manage to dodge every rock coated with fire with ease and Pikachu's Volt Tackle had repel all the debris of rock that flown to his direction. After the barrage of attacks had ended, Pikachu charged towards Magmortar and hit it with a Volt Tackle right in the stomach. Magmortar was pushed back a couple of feet but it was able to throw Pikachu away from him.

"Magmortat Flamethrower." Paul ordered venomously. Magmortar hurriedly aim its cannon like hands towards Pikachu and unleash intense flames towards Pikachu,s direction.

"Pikachu, Counter Shield." Pikachu, with amazing acrobatics, spun in mid-air and instantly a tornado of lightning enveloped him, completely blocking the flamethrower.