Paul's view

"This ends now." Paul mumbled darkly. "Magmortar, use smog." Magmortar spat out a thick gray smoke that covered the entire filed. Pikachu was force to cover his nose and mouth with his little paws as he landed on the ground and Magmortar was also coughing because of the effect of his own Poison.

"Pikachu get out of that smoke before you get poison." Ash shouted but it was too late.

"Magmortar, Overheat." A powerful explosion of fire covered the entire filed, sending debris of rocks flying all over the area.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT JERK PLANNING?" Dawn shouted as she hid behind her seat, Brock and Reggie was also hiding behind her. Ash had covered his eyes to avoid debris of dust and smoke to fly in his eyes. 'Damn you Paul, did you even think of the consequence of that move you just did.'

(Scene Change)

"(THAT CRUEL BASTARD)." Koyuki shouted in fury as she charged an Aura Sphere in one of her paws.

"Do not do anything foolish, Koyuki." Koyuki look at her mother and back off and disperse her Aura Sphere. She was terrified by her mother's expression, the calm and gentle face of her mother was replaced by an expression of cold fury.

"Do not do anything stupid Koyuki and wait here. I'm just going to give my Ash a reason to battle seriously." Elena said as she walked off.

(Scene Change)

As the smoke disperse. Everyone who was watching the battle looked at the field with eyes widen in horror. The field was utterly destroyed, rocks were scattered everywhere and there was a large crater in the middle of the field, but that wasn't why there were looking at the field in horror but the reason was the state of the two Pokémons in the field. Magmortar was lying unconscious on the ground, its body was twitching violently but Pikachu was the one who was gravely injured. Pikachu was covered with scorched marks and was bleeding; it was miracle that he was even standing albeit he was panting heavily.

"You were pathetic but at least you did your job." Paul commented darkly as he returned his Magmortar in its Poke ball without the announcement of the referee. He then threw a Poke ball in the air and his Ursaring appeared ready to tear-apart any thing that stands on its way.

"You bastard, you would injure your own Pokémon just to win. How desperate and cruel hearted can you be, Paul." Ash shouted in rage after seeing his 'brother' in that state.

Paul merely laughed cruelly at Ash's face. "You think I care about the well being of my opponents Pokémon, do you even think I care about the well being of my very own Pokémon. As long as I win I don't care if I kill my opponents Pokémon I don't even care if my Pokemons died in the process, as long as I win." Paul said between is laughs.

Ash, Brock, Dawn, the referee, Team Rocket, Koyuki, Elena, and even his very own brother looked at him with disgust in their eyes. "The Pokémons who have been loyal to you, who have injured your cruel training, you would just throw away their lives just like that, like its nothing. Do you have any humanity left in you; to disregard a life is a sin, Paul. I've seen all kinds of evil in my journey Paul, but none of them would disregard a life, not even the Team Rocket is that cruel, not even the leader of Team Rocket, Team Magma, and Team Aqua is that cruel." Ash said in anger, ignoring the looks coming from Brock Dawn, Reggie. Team Rocket was also looking at Ash with a strange expression in their faces, did the twerp just complimented them, were on their thoughts.

Paul, ignoring what Ash said, merely gave him look of indifference, "Because of your compassion you are weak Ash. I grow tired of this, Ursaring end that pitiful creature with Hyper Beam." Ursaring, without mercy, began charging a Hyper Beam on its mouth.