
Ash, who didn't want to watch his 'brother's' demise, look at the other way only to see someone looking at him. Ash's eyes widen and he immediately thought of one name. 'Elena'.

She was far to where the battle was taking place but close enough to watch the battle. Elena began speaking, Ash may be far from her but he can understand her clearly (lip reading).

'Why haven't you battle seriously?' Elena asked.

'You know I can't. My opponents Pokémon would not be standing for several days if I do.' Ash answered.

'But if you don't, Pikachu would be the one not standing for several days.' Elena retorted.

'I'm not this bastard.' Ash said his eyes filled with anger.

'You are a wonderful man Ash, which is why I love you. Please for once, battle seriously, show them a side of you that they have never seen, a side of you that I am fortunate to see. Remember your promise as I remember mine.' Elena said her eyes filled with love and compassion.

Ash was suddenly reminded of the end of their last date.


Ash and Elena was lying and cuddling beneath a large tree, a single large blanket was covering their bodies. Beside them were Pikachu and Koyuki already asleep.

"I think I should have thought Koyuki a different Aura Technique, I think she wasn't ready for that high class technique." Ash commented as he observed the sleeping form of Koyuki.

"I think it's for the best Ash, at the very least she will have something to work with until our next meeting." Elena said laying her head on Ash's chest.

"You're probably right. She is stronger than last time I saw her, have you been battling with her?' Ash asked as he wraps one of his arms over Elena's shoulder, bringing them closer.

"Sometimes, I've been battling some trainers who have come across in our expeditions. All of them were in awe in Koyuki's power and they were extremely shock in all the aura base moves tha Koyuki could do." Elena explained.

"So you have been using all of the aura base techniques that I thought Koyuki, good for you." Ash said sheepishly.

"Yeah, my friends and family are always asking how I manage to teach Koyuki those moves." Elena mused.

"Did you tell them?" Ash asked secretly worried.

Elena looked at him in the eyes and said. "No, not yet, my friends and sisters would never let me live it down and my father would probably hunt and kill you, regardless of being an Aura Prince."

"You're probably right. So what excuse did you tell them?" Ash asked, relief in his voice that none of his friends and family knows about their relationship.

"I didn't tell them anything." Elena simply stated.

"Why not." Ash asked confusedly.

"Because every battle I participated with Koyuki, I always go all out." Elena then glanced at the moon. "No matter what the consequence is." Elena quickly added.

"I wish I have your kind of motivation." Ash said softly but loud enough for Elena to hear.

Elena after seeing her beloveds face, gave him a kiss in the forehead. "What's the matter Ash? You seem troubled."

"Do you really want to listen to my problems?" Ash asked her which she answered with a nod.

Ash then sight and tell her all of his problems this month (yes it's their first meeting in the month). His run-ins with Team Galactic, his difficulty in training his Pokémons to reach the level that they could keep up with his real strength, his problem with a certain rival, and his upcoming battle with said rival, and all of his other minor problems. Elena intently listened to his problem and sigh a bit, her boyfriend really has the most interesting life

"You know all of those problems would end if you battle them seriously." Elena advised, knowing full well that they will be having that conversation yet again.

Ash groan while having one thought flood his mind. 'Here we go again.'

"You know I can't battle seriously because of three reasons, first is that there is only four, if you count Koyuki, five Pokémons whom could keep up with me if I battle seriously, second is that I would leave my opponents Pokémons injured, and third I would overuse my Pokémons and they may hate my guts." Ash exclaim with a depress tone.

Elena sigh dejectively, he always said those three things every time she brought this topic up. "But you battle seriously against a heard of Dragonite once to save my life." Elena mused.

"That's because if I lose you I will have nothing to live for." Ash said as he embrace Elena protectively, shuddering a reminder of that fateful day.

"But we weren't in love back then, you didn't have a reason to save me then." Elena said, comfortable in the protectiveness in her beloved's arms.

"I had a reason in why I save you back then; I save you because you were the only woman that I know I can fell in love with. I may not know it then but my heart already knows it. That's the only reason why I consider battling seriously in that situation because if I lose you back then I know deep down that I would regret it." Ash said as he embrace her tighter, the thoughts of her dying was too much for him to beat that he wanted to hold her close to him to insure that no one would dare harm her.

Elena was moved by what Ash said but, with great effort, shrugged it off. Ash needs to hear what she will say and this time she would make sure that she will get through him. "Ash, you are an individual with great power and so is Pikachu. Pikachu had that power since Arceus-knows-when and his power must have been increase when you trained him to the limit and I know for a fact that there are only four Pokémons currently in your arsenal that can survive your real training regime. It must have been frustrating for them to fight in a limited state." Elena stated.

"I know, I could see it in their eyes. I must be pathetic in their eyes, to train them to have that kind of power and to hold them back in the end. Those four are very important to me, for them to gain that power without my help; I think I'm disappointing them." Ash mumbled sadly.

"You're not disappointing them. Those four knows that you are holding for a reason." Elena said trying to comfort him.

"Nevertheless all their battles that they should have won are wasted because I held back." Ash said letting go of their embrace and stood up then turned his back to Elena so that she would not see his eyes that was filled with regret and sadness. "All of that because of my fear of having a repeat of what happen during the very beginning of my journey, I don't what to repeat that incident ever again that I'm put in a situation that I would have to that again." Ash said with voice filled with regret and eyes close, trying to forget that incident that force him to limit the skills that he can show.

Ash didn't know how long he has eyes close or what happen after his little speech but when he open his eyes, he was suddenly spun around and was meet by the sight Elena throwing herself to him. Ash caught her with no effort but he fell back to the ground when Elena suddenly kissed him in the lips. The two of them fell to the ground with their lips still attach to each other.

The kiss was rough yet gentle and both of them were enjoying it greatly. Elena didn't know why because this wasn't there first time making out but being on top while kissing was very arousing. Ash on the other hand was in bliss, he didn't know why but having Elena on top of him was very exciting to say the least. Ash was about to deepen their kiss when Elena suddenly pull up thus breaking the kiss, much to his and her disappointment.

Elena looked at Ash right in his eyes, her two hands was laid in his chest. "Could you at least promise me one thing and I promise you something in return." Elena asked which Ash answered with a nod. "Promise me that if you or Pikachu are in a dire situation that you will battle seriously, regardless of the outcome."

"You know I can't promise that kind of thing." Ash whispered softly.

"And in return I'll accompany you in one of the your most favourite thing." Elena said which caught Ash's full attention.

"Do you mean!?" Ash asked, his voice filled with hope.

"Yes, I will fly with you; well fly together like you always wanted." Elena said with a bright smile.
