True battle begins....

Ash looked at her for a while, oblivious of the fact that the spectators were still in shock, that his Pikachu was barely standing, and the Hibernator Pokémon was ready to fire the powerful Hyper Beam.

"Hu, so you don't want to see your rodent get taken down, you truly are pathetic." Paul exclaim venomously. "Ursaring, fire the Hyper Beam and make sure that rat would not be standing for a long time."

"ASH." Brock and Dawn shouted while Reggie shook his head and close his eyes.

"Pikachu, Magnetic Mirror." Ash commanded not even looking at Pikachu or the field. Pikachu's eyes momentarily widen but then were replaced by a wide smirk. It's time.

The Hyper Beam impacted at Pikachu, but there was no explosion that happened. Instead the Hyper Beam was suddenly stopped in its tracks and was slowly getting absorb by some kind of energy.

"What the hell?" Paul asked as the attack was suddenly halted in its tracks. Even the spectators was shocked, one of the most power attack in the world was stopped that easily.

"Now use Magnetic Release." Ash ordered. The Hyper Beam was suddenly completely absorb an to the amazement and shocked of everyone who was watching the battle, a spiralling electricity had suddenly appeared. The spiralling electricity suddenly unleashed the Hyper Beam towards Ursaring. Ursaring, after firing a Hyper Beam, was defenceless and was hit by the Hyper Beam which push it back toward the forest, shattering some trees in the process. The spiralling electricity then disappeared showing a grinning Pikachu inside it.

"Ursaring's attack, did it just bounce off..." Paul stated in shock, while the spectators and referee were in awe that they could not even form any words.

'Thank you for reminding me and I owe you a flight tonight.' Ash said with a smile.

'I'm looking forward to it.' Elena said with a smile as he retreated back to the forest to where Koyuki was watching.

"Paul." Paul's attention was suddenly reverted towards Ash. "I'm sorry but it seems that Pikachu and I will not lose. I can't throw this battle away, not this time." Ash said as he face Paul with the most scariest and psychopathic grin he had ever produce.

When Paul and the spectators, including Ash's friends, saw that kind of grin in Ash's face they were literally feeling the one thing that they would never thought they feel around Ash... they were feeling fear.

"You will not lose huh. I find that hard to believe." Paul said arrogantly as he recovers his composure.

"Believe what you will. Pikachu Electronic Recover." To the shock of everyone, Pikachu was suddenly surrounded by strict of lightning which was dancing around him and to their further amazement, Pikachu's wounds and bruises was suddenly being heal in an extremely fast pace.

'What kind of trickery is this? I doesn't matter I'll win in the end.' Paul thought furiously. "Ursaring, stand up and charged at that rat with Slash." Ursaring suddenly appeared, shrugging of the damage that the Hyper Beam inflict on it, and charge towards Pikachu its claws were shining brightly.

"To late Paul." Ash said his grin becoming wider and more frightening. Pikachu's wounds were all healed and it seems that his energy was also replenished. "Pikachu charged with Quick Attack and propel yourself with Iron Tail. Were using move number 18, nature is in our side." Ash then looked at the sky; several dark clouds were up in the sky which causes Ash to grin like a psycho even more.

Pikachu's grin never left his face as he charged towards Ursaring with amazing speed. When they were about one foot apart, Ursaring attempted to Slash Pikachu but Pikachu suddenly jumped over Ursaring and slammed his glowing white tail on Ursaring's head propelling him like a rocket upwards in the process. Ursaring stumbled to the ground and feel face first to the ground but stood up immediately growling and searching to where Pikachu is.

"Ursaring charge a Focus Blast now." Paul shouted furiously.

"To late, Lightning Absorber." A flash of lightning suddenly enveloped the sky and sound of thunder flooded the field.

"What the hell?" Paul said in shocked and in fear.

"Brock, could you tell me what's happening what is Ash doing?" Dawn asked, her eyes filled with shocked and awe.

"I don't know myself Dawn. I've never seen Ash do those kinds of moves before." Brock said with an expression of being God-smack.

"I do not like where this will lead." Reggie mumbled quietly.