Divine Armour of Thunder

"James, what is the twerp doing?" Jessie asked, scared all of the sudden.

"I don't know but with the twerps grin I think I'm going to run for my life." James exclaim wanting to run for his life.

Meowth on the other hand was napping comfortably in the other corner, oblivious of what is happening in his surroundings.

(Scene Change)

"('Mother' is father going to use)?" Koyuki didn't finish her statement when she saw her mother's smile.

"Yes Koyuki, this battle is as good as over." Elena said with a smile.

(Scene Change)

"What kind of trickery is this Ash?" Paul shouted.

"Trickery Paul, don't make me laugh. I've just merely decided to battle you for real." Ash said showing him the psychopathic grin but this time Ash's eyes were like flashing like murder. Paul and the rest of the spectators didn't know if this was the same Ash or was replaced by a madman.

"Fight for real, don't make me laugh." Paul said furiously, pushing the fear he was feeling away.

"You don't know me Paul not even my friends knows me completely." Ash said suddenly which cause a shiver to run up Paul's spine and for Brock and Dawn to look at questioningly. "In this world, there is only one person who knows me, the real me. But let me give you a glimpse." The flash of lightning suddenly disappeared and there was silence all around.

"Pikachu it's time, Divine Armour of Thunder." Ash shouted and a roar of thunder was suddenly heard all around followed by a strict of lightning towards the ground which cause a cloud of smoke to surround the figure below who had landed on the ground.

'What kind of person is he?' Everyone, with the exception of Elena whom was smiling like Christmas came in early, thought.

"Well Paul this has been fun but sadly I have to end it." Suddenly the cloud of smoke disperses and a sight that shocked them appeared. A ten-feet long panther made out of yellow and extremely condensed yet higly combustable lightning appeared before them. They could have swore that the panther was real if it weren't for some strict of wild lightning being emitted by the armour of lightning. "Well bro, you know what to do." Ash said as he suddenly pulled out something from his pocket.

"I know that you can't see while you are using that move but let me remedy that." Ash then showed an elegant flute made out of wood. "Ready bro," Pikachu, whom was inside the amour nods which cause the head of the panther to nod as well. "Well here goes." Ash then closed his eyes began playing his flute.

The only word to describe the sound and the melody that Ash produce with his flute was magnificent. The melody was bright and lively and the sound was soft and gentle, a perfect harmony which produce the most magnificent and most pleasant requiem that they have ever heard. The spectators were unconsciously shedding tears because of the sheer beauty of the melody.

When the melody began, Pikachu charged towards Ursaring at full speed carving a path beneath him with the armour lightning.

"Ursaring, Focus Blast now." Paul shouted, ignoring the beautiful melody that he was hearing. Ursaring then fired the blue ball of energy towards the Panther/Thunder Armour. The blue ball of energy then crash to the armour and the ball of energy shattered like a mirror, not even breaking or phasing the armour of thunder. Ursaring was then hit by the full force of the Divine Armour of Thunder. Ursaring let lose a cry of pain and agony as the Panther, which was made out of lightning, enveloped and electrocute its entire body. After five agonizing seconds Pikachu, who was manoeuvring the Thunder Panther from the inside, appeared behind Ursaring the armour still intact and still shaped like a panther. Ursaring on the other hand was severely electrocuted evident to the fact that his body was completely covered in scorched mark from the attack and his body was emitting smoke from electrocution. Ursaring fell to the grown with a thud, its eyes were wide but the pupils were gone. Ursaring was miraculously breathing.

Ash then suddenly stopped playing his flute and looked at Paul's shocked and fearful expression. "Well five down, one to go." Ash said with a homicidal grin.