crystal flower and Dream

Koyuki was walking back and forth which annoyed the three Pokémons present there. She has been frantic since she had woken up from her slumber because of one reason, and that reason was her so called 'parents' had been gone for the entire night. She knew the reason why but she still worries.

"(Where are they, 'father' and 'mother' should have arrive by now)." Koyuki exclaimed as she shook her head frantically.

"(Calm down Koyuki, you know that we and Mistress Elena will leave today. Give your father sometime to relish his mate)." A shinny Empoleon said as he looked at the white Lucario.

"(Yeah Koyuki, you know Ash loves to spend time with Elena and to showboat in front of her)." Pikachu said while eating some ketchup that came out of nowhere. "(Give those two sometime)."

"(Yeah Koyuki, they may be mating right now so that you could have a younger sibling)." An exceptionally large female Salamence said which cause the three Pokémon to jump of their skin, well almost.

"(ARE YOU CRAZY YOU PERVERTED DRAGON, I AM NOT READY TO HAVE A LITTLE ASH WALKING AROUND)." Pikachu shouted, dropping the bottle of ketchup. "(Although having a little Elena run around seems to be bearable)." Pikachu added in a whisper.

"(You see, Pikachu seems to like the idea)." Salamence said with a yawn.

"(You know, every time I hear you say something like that, it makes me wonder how you became more stronger than me)." Empoleon said as he looked at large dragon.

"(Don't ever say something like that. I still want to be an only 'child' for at least five years before having a little sibling)." Koyuki said in outrage.

"(SOOOOO, It means those two have not yet consummate their passion yet, interesting). Slamence said which cause the others look at her like she was crazy. Well technically, Pikachu was looking at her like crazy while Empoleon was restraining Koyuki from killing their only ride back home.

Pikachu decided to walk away from the three before he becomes totally insane but was stopped from his tracks when he saw a blue feather dropped down from the sky. Pikachu looked up and smiled. "(Just in time or else I would electrocuted this three)." Pikachu mumbled under his breath.

"(Hey Koyuki, look up. This may calm you down)." Pikachu said which cause Koyuki to stopped struggling from Empoleon's grip and looked up to see her' father' and 'mother' descending from heaven. That sight made her smiled.

"(Yes, 'father' and 'mother' are okay)." Koyuki exclaimed letting out a sigh of relief.

"(There not even in danger in the first place)." The Salamence retorted which earned her a Bullet Punch on the head and earning her an early bedtime.

"(No one asked you, you perverted Dragon)." Koyuki growled.

"(Oh great, our only way back home is K.O.)." Empoleon whined.

Ash was smiling as he descended down towards where Pikachu, Koyuki and Elena's other Pokémons is. Elena on the other hand, was nuzzling into Ash's chest, savouring the moment.

"Hey Elena, next time you take a break, please tell me first so I could at least look presentable." Ash said out of nowhere.

"Why, you look presentable." Elena said not bothering to look at Ash.

"I know that but when I'm beside you, I want to look my best. You are a very beautiful lady." Ash said as he kisses her hair.

"And you're a handsome guy that makes as even." Elena said as she looked ay Ash and smiled before nuzzling on Ash's chest once again.

"Even huh, I really don't understand the way you think but I guess that's one of the reasons why I love you." Ash whispered to her as he landed on the ground.

When they landed Koyuki and Pikachu hurriedly run towards them. Ash place Elena on her feet as Koyuki tackled him down but did not fall to the ground thanks to his wings which just made him float in mid air. Elena on the other caught Pikachu as he jumped at her; Elena then patted the top of his head.

"Whoa their Koyuki, take it easy. I haven't even retracted my wings." Ash said as he patted Koyuki's back.

"(Sorry 'father', I was just worried)." Koyuki said as she smiled at her father. Koyuki then jumped off his 'father' and Ash landed at his feet once again. With a grunt, Ash retracted his wings letting some excess feathers from his wings fly all over the place.

"Hey Ash, does your wings hurt you whenever you retract and them." Elena asked, looking at Ash with a worried expression.

"It's fine; I'm use to the pain when I'm using them. My wings are a part of my body so it is only naturally that I fell a bit of pain when I'm retracting them, it may hurt a bit but only for a while." Ash said cheerfully but Elena just looked at him worriedly. Ash notices this and patted her shoulder and smiled cheerfully at her. "Relax Elena; I'm only going to use my wings when I'm flying, training or if I have to use my full power."

Elena didn't look convince but nodded nevertheless. "Just promise that you won't do anything that will endanger your life. I still am worried about the missions that those legendaries are giving you."

"Come on now Elena. I'm an Aura Prince, those missions are my responsibilities." Ash said with a tender voice.

Elena wasn't still convinced. "Just be safe, I know how powerful you are but..." Elena looked down. "But if something happens to you, I don't know what I'll do with myself." Elena said in the verge of tears.

Ash looked at her for a moment before grabbing one of the feathers that was scatter on the ground. He then gently caresses Elena's cheeks and guiding it towards him, so that they are facing each other. When they were facing each other, Ash smiled at her. "Don't worry about me but if you want something to make sure I'm alive..." Ash focus aura energy on the feather that he was holding and after a few seconds, the feather transformed from a feather to a beautiful, crystal like, blue lotus flower. Ash then placed the crystal lotus on Elena's right ear. "This crystal flower will not break as long I am alive. Until this crystal lotus is in one piece, I am still alive. This will prove to you that whenever I am, I am alive, because I cannot die until I fulfill my dream" Ash said with a gentle smile.

Elena removed the flower and gaze at it with a loving eye. "Thank you for this, this will keep me in peace when we are not together." She then looked at Ash and smiled at him (Its very common for a girl to have moods swings when it comes to the person that they love) "But please don't say that you're ready to die when you become the greatest Pokémon master." Elena said in a scolding manner.

"Who said that's my dream?" Ash asked which confuse Elena. Ash chuckled and wrapped his two strong arms around Elena's waist. "Being the greatest Pokémon master would be nice but that is not my dream, it is no longer my dream." Ash told her.

"Then, what is your dream." Elena asked, wrapping her two tender arms around Ash's neck.

Ash smiled at her while looking at her with passion and love. He then buried his head on Elena's shoulder, smelling the aroma of her hair. "My dream is to marry you and start a family with you." Ash said in whisper.

Elena's eyes widen before they soften up, tears threatening to fall. Elena wrapped her arms around Ash's neck tighter as she buried her neck into his chest. "You have no Idea how happy I am right now." Elena stated in a blissful tone.

"I have an idea." Ash said in a chuckled, tightening his hold on Elena's waist. The two of them were lose on their passionate and loving embrace that they did not notice Pikachu's and Koyuki's reactions to their romantic exchange.