A Suprising Turn

"(I think I'm going to be sick)." Pikachu plainly stated after watching the scene that unfold in front of him.

Koyuki on the other hand was crying (anime style). "'Father' is so sweet, promising 'mother' to marry her and start family with her." Koyuki said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

Pikachu looked at him with a disgusted expression before gazing at the sleeping dragon and the penguin who was trying to wake her up. "(Salamence better wake up soon before I vomit because of this mushy stuff)." Pikachu said in a low whisper.

(Scene Change)

A large Salamence flown to the air with amazing speed headed towards a designated direction. On top of them were Elena and Koyuki. Koyuki was a bit upset that they were leaving her 'father' but nevertheless she understands why. Elena on the other hand was depressed as she looked at the crystal lotus and the necklace that Ash gave her.

'Do I really have to return so early, I still have a lot time left before I have to go back to the company and worked, and as if I'll get fired if I spend a month with Ash. My father does own that company AND It's not too late to go back to Ash.' Elena thought but dismisses the idea after thinking it through. 'Oh yeah, if I do that, father may send Sarah or, God forbids, J to find me. Sarah will probably go over the top and use every bit of her Pokémons to find me, destroying everything in their path in the process and J may use every damn resource she has and she might kill my Ash OR Ash might kill her. It's very lucky that Ash and J have not yet met or else Ash would have taken care of her. Oh well, J ISN'T dumb enough to make those legendaries her enemies.' Elena sweat dropped at that thought. "Yeah J making enemies with those legendaries as if, my sister is smarter than that, I hope." Elena said to practically no one.

"What do you mean legendaries?" A rough yet feminine voice said which cause Elena to jump.

"WOOOOH, WHO'S THEIR?" Elena said as she looked at the source of the voice, she was startled to see her sister, the infamous Hunter J, beside her, riding her Salamence in beside her Salamence. Elena let out a sigh of relief after seeing that it was only Hunter J or in short her elder sister. She quickly hid the crystal Lotus and her necklace "You shouldn't scare me like that, Jane." Elena exclaim after taking a couple of breathes.

"HOW MANY TIMES MUST I TELL YOU, DO NOT CALL ME THAT." J shouted which cause Elena to cover her ears.

"Shush sis, I'm right her, no need to yell." Elena rubbing her ears." So what brings you to this side of Sinnoh?" Elena asked.

"Is visiting my favourite sister not good enough of a reason." J said in a cold tone as she set foot on her sisters Salamence.

"Oh no, that's a very good reason. Sarah would be delighted to see you." Elena said humorously. That causes her sister to strangle her jokingly.


"Okay, J, just relax, I was just kidding." Elena said while laughing at her older sister's outburst.

"You should not kid around of me." J said finally calming down. "So I see you are finally taking breaks and not burying yourself on those book and scriptures."

"Well somebody (Ash) taught me to live my life." Elena said with a bright smile.

J merely smirked before taking out a container from her coat. "Here drink up."J said as she threw the container to her sister. Elena took the container and drank whatever was in it. "You like it; it's a brand new recipe." J asked her sister as she recalls her Salamence and set foot on her sister's Salamence.

"You know sis, you should really give up being a hunter and start up your very own tea shop, you'll make a fortune."Elena said finishing the tea that was on the container before throwing it towards J.

"Thanks, but you do know that it is too late for me." J said as she caught and hid the container.

"You know it not too late for you to change. Dad can help you..." Elena never finished her statement when J threw her a cold gaze.

"I will never consider that man as my Father. Because of that bastard mother died and left us three to fend for ourselves for five years, because of that bastard I have to abandon my dream to support us because he has to choose his dream before his family. If I had my way I would had kill him with my bare hands." J stated with venom in her voice.

Elena sigh, she should have known that changing her sister isn't going to be that easy. "So what have you been up to?" Elena asked which cause J to raise an eyebrow.

"Why would you ask something so unimportant, this is unlike you?" J commented.

"I told you, somebody thought me to enjoy life." Elena said to her with a smile.

"And who, pray tell, is that?" J asked, her curiosity overwhelming her.

Elena looked at her and said in a gentle and proud voice. "He is the most magnificent man that I have ever met and that is all you need to know." J was shocked at that statement. Normally Elena would be extremely shy around men but the way he describe this man, it's seems like she is fond of this man.

After a moment J once again asked. "So who is this magnificent man you're talking about and please, whatever you do, don't tell me that is that creep show Justin that works on your company, because if you do, I will kill him." J plainly stated. Elena laugh at her sisters statement.

"Come on sis, Justin, as if. He is a good guy but he creeps me out." Elena laughed remembering her friend. "No, that person I am telling you about is somebody that could be describe as a prince." Elena commented with a dreamy look on her face.

J looked at her sister's dreamy expression and shrugged," Whatever, just don't speak of him ever again while in front me." She cared for her sister she cared for her sister but do not wish to hear her crush.

"That's fine with me sis, so what have you been doing." Elena asked once again.

J looked at her sister and sigh. "If you must know I'm not doing well, my last three missions was a failure." J exclaim which startled Elena.

"Failure, what do you mean failure? You never fail any of those missions." Elena said in shocked.

"Well the reason that I failed those missions is because of that brat's interference." J growled at the thought of that brat who had interfered and thwarted her plans.

"So who is this brat that you are talking about?" Elena asked curiously. As far as she knew nobody had cross her sister without having a painful end.

"The brats name is Ash Ketchum." J replied causing Elena and Koyuki's eyes widen after hearing that name. "That brat has been a thorn in my side for quite some time now." J added with a growl as she began tells Elena her run-inns with Ash.