dirty thoughts and why me....?

Elena looked at him briefly before smiling at Ash beautifully. "If I was with you right now, I would have probably kissed your brains out." Elena said with a mischievous glint on her eyes. "Or maybe I could finally show you what's under this robe." Elena then emphasize on what she said by slightly opening her robe, revealing some cleavage to Ash.

Ash's entire face after seeing that view on her lover blush as he felt all the blood rush to his head. "Would you please not show me that, it's bad enough that I'm always dreaming of you 24/7, I don't want you adding dirty thoughts in my thoughts about you, I already have enough dirty thoughts about you." Ash stated while blushing intensely and extremely crimson.

Elena blushed lightly and smirked deviously after hearing that, this is going to be fun for her. "Ah, My Ashura is thinking 'naughty' thoughts about me. Do those thoughts involve us being in bed together, in very intimate and very sexual positions?" Elena purred sexually, her eyes filled with lust.

Ash's face was literally as red a tomato after seeing his lover act like that. Ash tried to say something but failed after what Elena said and do next.

"You know Ashy; I could fulfill those dreams of yours. Just say the word." Elena said with light blush and a seducing smile. To prove her point, she pulled her bath robe all the way to the lower part of her shoulder, almost revealing her luscious breast to Ash.

Ash couldn't take any more and fainted with an intense blush on his face and also with a slight nose bleed.

Elena giggled at her lover's reaction. "Work's every time." Elena said between her giggles.

(Scene Change)

At Dawn's house…. Things were pretty hectic.

Dawn and Johanna were frantically cleaning the house like psycho, the reason why is very simple, in a matter of moment they will have a famous a famous Pokémon professor and his apprentice, a young and upcoming Pokémon professor, a young coordinator and her brother, and more importantly (for Dawn anyways) Ash's mother will be visiting their humble home and that is a very big deal for them. This visit is very important to both mother and daughter in their own way, for Johanna, she always dreamed in meeting the famous Professor Oak and for Dawn, she wanted to impress Ash's mother to show that she would be a perfect wife for her son, for Ash. That's why the two of them are going clean and groom their home to perfection.

Brock on the other hand was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The reason why; simple, there are two Pokémons who are watching him like a hawk, ready to take him down with one wrong move or if he attempts to flirt to any women in the premises. This force Brock, with much effort in his part, to suppress his urge to 'express his love', which in turn made the house much more peaceful.

"Hey Dawn, would you please clean the balcony." Johanna yelled in the kitchen. She was currently cleaning the kitchen at the same time making some lunch.

"Sure Mom, I'm just about done cleaning here upstairs." Dawn replied as she polishes some furniture.

Brock sighed once again, without Ash in the house and without him 'expressing his love' to the ladies, it was pretty much boring. "Why didn't I just accompany Ash when he decided to train in the forest, I could have spotted some girls and….." Brock didn't finish that sentence because of a Poison Jab hitting him in the gut and Stun Spore showering on him. Brock automatically dropped to the ground with a thud.

'Why me?' Brock thought in agony as he gazed upon his Croagunk and Noelle's Bellossom glaring at him, daring him to move. Brock wisely lay in the ground motionless.

"Hey Brock, you still alive there." Dawn asked as she gazed upon her fallen friend.

Brock whimpered in pain but Dawn took that as a yes. "Okay then Brock, if you need me I'll be upstairs in the balcony." Dawn said as she strolled upstairs, towards the balcony.

'Why is she so gullible?' Brock wondered as attempted to stand up. Luckily for him Croagunk and Bellossom had left him to his own demise. When Brock was at his feet, the doorbell rang.

"Brock, would you get that." Both mother and daughter yelled at the same time.

"Yeah, sure." Brock replied as he stretch his limps to make sure it's moving. When it was all good, he walks towards the door and open it, receiving the shock of his life.

When he opened the door, he saw his Professor Oak and his friends and pass traveling companions.

"Good morning Brock, so I take that we have the right house." Gary said, with that arrogant smirked plastered in his face.

Brock can only think of one word after seeing them all.

'Thank God.'