A peak in Elena's day...

"Man things are pretty boring today." Elena groaned as she organizes some artifacts in the storing room. The storing room was a wide air conditioned room with a lot of space. A lot of artifacts w as scattered all over the room.

"You said it Elena, I wish you dad would take the job so we could at least get away from this place." A black haired teen said with a bored expression catalogue some valuable and important artifacts in the room.

"Let's just work, the sooner this is over the sooner we could have lunch." A blond boy said as he moved some rather big artifacts inside the storing room.

"Would you not think of food at this time, Michael, and would you please move those tablets on the far end of the room and compile them together with the other tablets." The black haired girl requested. The teen name Michael groaned in exhaustion.

Michael was an eighteen year old boy. He has a blond hair that was cut in military style, brown eyes, and was medium build; he was also taller than Karen and Elena by at least five inches. He was a bit skinny but there were still some mussels present that show that he was a bit strong. He was a bit lazy but can do any task in a very fast and very efficient manner. He was an amazing artist, capable of making arts from scrap. He was bit greedy but not selfish. He was also a fun loving and a cheerful teen but short tempered.

"Could I at least rest for a while, Karen? I move these tablets from the tenth floor all the way down here and these tablets each weight a hundred and fifty pounds. I'm beat." Michael said panting for air.

Karen was an eighteen year old girl. She has a long black hair that went all the way to her back, hazel eyes, and was very curvaceous as well as the same size as Elena. Her face was very soft and calm, which suits her beauty very well. She was very soft spoken and very calm but she will take every advantage the she sees or was offer to her, as long as that offer will benefit her and her friends.

Karen looked at him and sighed, there was only one way to make him work now and she has to use it. Oh well, he is her boyfriend after all and, as her girlfriend, she has the job to keep him working when he becomes lazy, a job that she takes seriously.

Karen approached her Michael and began caressing his cheeks, Michael automatically tensed and blush at his girlfriends touch. "Come on now, Mic. The sooner you're done with this, the sooner that we could make out."Karen whispered in a seducing tone.

Michael, after hearing that, stood up and hastily but carefully moved the tablets towards the designated area, with a blush adorning his face.

Karen watch as her boyfriend moved to finish the designated task. "Work's every time."Karen said with a smile.

Elena groaned at that pathetic display that her friend Michael shown, which didn't go unnoticed by Karen. Karen looked at her and smirked. "Come Elena, if you have a boyfriend, you'll understand that you have the responsibility to keep him on his toes." Karen stated.

Elena merely looked at her with uninterested expression before resuming her work. Karen chuckled at her friend reaction before walking towards her boyfriend, intending to give him his reward.

After an hour, the three of them finished organizing and cataloging all the artifacts and proceeded to walk upstairs via elevator. They waited for a while for the elevator descend at that floor and after a full minute waiting for the elevator, the elevator door opened, revealing two identical and familiar faces and a pure white Lucario, whom flung herself towards Elena.

"Hey Koyuki, how's your check up." Elena asked as she embraced her 'daughter'. Koyuki looked at her with a dread expression. Elena got an idea on how her check went.

"My sister attempted to study your Aura again, didn't she?" Elena asked in a sigh. Koyuki merely nodded and shivered at the memory of her check.

'Note to self, talk to Sarah about her boundaries in examining Koyuki.' Elena thought as she patted Koyuki's head. Elena then looked at Michael and Karen whom was in a conversation with the twins.

"So why are you two here, Tanya, Michelle." Michael asked.

"Well boss ordered us….." Tanya said.

"to call you all for a meeting of some…" Michelle continued.

"for something relatively important…" Michelle and Tanya finished at the same time.

Michael groaned in exasperation. "I don't know what's worst, you two finishing each other's sentences or that childish grin plastered on your faces." Michael commented at the smiling twins.

Tanya and Michelle are identical twin and were also one year older than Elena. The both have well developed bodies but not as well developed as Elena's and they are also smaller than Elena by at least an inch and a half, they also both have dark brown hair, and their faces were resembling a child, two years younger than there real age. The two of them look exactly like the same, the only thing to tell them apart are there eye color, Tanya has violet colored eyes while Michelle has black colored eyes. The two of them are very serious when it comes to their job but the two of them are very laid back when it comes to anything else. The two also have a knack to finish each other's sentences, much to the annoyance of their friends and fellow archeologist.

"So Mr. Henry is calling for us; I hope this meeting isn't troublesome." Karen flatly stated.

"Come on Karen, boss wouldn't call us for something useless." Michael said, defending his boss.

"What about two-in-a-half years ago, that meeting was the most useless meeting that I've took part off." Karen reminded with a mock glare on her boyfriend.

Michael scratched his head remembering the specific meeting. "It was for a good cause." Michael reason lamely.

"WE FORCED OUR BEST ARCHEOLOGIST INTO A SIX MONTH BREAK." Karen yelled (anime style) at her boyfriend. Michael quickly back-off from his girlfriend. Elena looked at them with a bilweirded expression; she still can't believe that they remember that meeting which was the catalyst of her meeting Ash.

"I remember that." Tanya said all of the sudden

"Yeah, it was probably the most chaotic six months of our lives." Michelle said joining the conversation.

"But at least." They both said at the same time as the two of them place embrace Elena like a child. "At least we have big sister back." The two of them said in unison. Elena chuckled uneasily at the two as they hugged her. Koyuki noticed that and quickly threw the twins inside the elevator.

"Thank Arceus, it's finally quiet." Karen said as she glanced at the twin lying to the ground, probably unconscious.