Quite a Shock...

When she was about to let go of the Kimono, she suddenly felt two strong, comforting, warm arms wrapping around her tender waist. "Do you like that Kimono, Elena?" A voice that was all too familiar to her asked.

Elena, knowing who it was, leaned to his embraced as she place a hand on his head, making herself comfortable in his embrace. "Yeah but it's too much. How did you get pass Koyuki's detecting skill?" Elena asked knowingly.

Ash chuckled a bit as he tightened his embrace. "I thought Koyuki everything she knows about Aura; I could easily by pass her if I wanted to because I haven't thought her everything I know, right Koyuki?" Ash then looked at Koyuki, whom was hugging his leg. Ash smiled at her for a moment before reverting his gaze to Pikachu, whom was standing on guard on his shoulder before reverting his attention to Elena once again. "You want me to by this Kimono for you?" Ash asked which Elena quickly denied.

"It's too expensive Ash." Elena said dejectively.

Ash merely kissed her hair and her cheeks before whispering to her. "Nothing is too expensive for me when it comes to you." Ash then looked at the blushing, female clerks who were watching that little scene that unfold in front of them. "Do you ladies have a medium size for my loved her?" Ash asked the clerks who was now blushing after seeing the boy's handsome face.

"Yes sir we have a size medium but are you sir that you want that specific Kimono, it may be one of our best quality but it is also one of our most expensive." One of the clerks inquired, shrugging of her blush.

Ash smiled at her, which caused the blush of the clerk to return full forced. "Just bring it her for me and my loved. If she happens to like it, then I'll buy it. No matter how much it is, I'll but it just as long as she likes it." Ash stated. To emphasize and to prove his point, he tightens his embraced and kissed Elena's lips quickly and lightly. Elena cherished the kiss and was a bit disappointed that it was only a quick kiss.

The clerks blush at that exchange and hurriedly move towards there supply room while muttering under their breaths a statements that both Elena and Ash heard and which cause Koyuki and Pikachu to laugh. "Some girl's are lucky.", "It's hard to find a boyfriend like that.", and Elena's favorite, "That lucky bitch."

"Do you want me to punch that person who called you a bitch?" Ash offered eyeing the person who insulted his Elena.

Elena merely shook her head before leaning at Ash's warm body. "Don't bother with her Ash? She's just jealous that I have someone amazing to call my lover." Elena said which cause Ash to smile.

Ash then leaned to the nearest wall, so that the two of them could relaxed as they wait for the clerk to bring Elena's new wardrobe, Koyuki and Pikachu on the other hand were looking everywhere to make sure that no one that they knew were seeing this. Unknown to all of them, to people who had conceal their present very well were watching the scene with silent horror and shock written on their faces.

Gary, who had watch the entire scene unfold in front him was torn on either having his Electivire Thunderbolt him to make sure that this was not some cruel and unusual dream or just watched the two, he decided at the latter. He didn't even know that girl that Ash was holding in his arms, if it was Misty, May, Dawn, or even Zoey, he would have just waltz towards Ash and tease him nonstop but the girl was a stranger that he didn't even know nor met her but it was clear that Ash knew her quite well, evident to the fact the her white Lucario was hugging Ash's leg. He was also shock to the core at Ash's words and his actions towards the girl, it was romantic borderline to unbelievable to him, who would have thought that Ash would be that sickly romantic? Gary then suddenly remembered the words that Ash said to him this morning.

'I have an angel who is my dream and who showed me that I need to be myself and to dissolve the façade that I have made to hide the real me. She showed me that it's time to finally show the world who I am.' Gary remembered which caused his eyes to widen.

'So the angel in Ash's riddle is her but who is she, this Elena person.' Gary asked to know one as he gazed at his long time friend flirting with someone that he didn't even know. 'Mew, those girls would be heartbroken if they see this.' Gary thought as he decided to follow them, it was better than being the girls shopping slave.

On the other side of the mall, Adan was watching the scene with an interested, murderous, and confused look on his face. When he found Elena browsing for some Kimono's, he knew that those were Elena's favorite type of clothing, let out a sigh of relief and was about to walk towards her but was stop when he saw someone embraced her from behind. He was going to kill the boy who embraced her but stopped in shocked when she saw Elena leaned on the embraced that the boy with a Pikachu on his shoulder, which was named Ash, gave to her, he was further shocked to see Koyuki hugging the leg of that Ash boy playfully because she only embraced Elena, only Elena. He was a bit startled that the boy would pay for a clearly expensive Kimono for Elena and was petrified that that boy would call Elena his loved and was further petrified when Elena seems to not mind being called by that by some stranger, which he decided he already likes. He almost had a heart attack when that boy kissed Elena lightly yet passionately and he was sure that his heart stop when he saw Elena kissed him back.

'Who is that boy and why is Elena so comfortable with him? Screw that, why did Elena let herself be kiss by him and I think she enjoyed it. I'm pretty damn sure that this isn't their first meeting. What the hell is the relationship between Elena and that Ash boy? And why is that kid looks familiar, like he looks someone I know?' Adan asked himself until Adan remembered the words that Elena said to him after her forced vacation.

'You know Papa Dan; I think having this force vacation was the best thing that ever happened to me. I met a man that was very magnificent; he has a wonderful soul and a beautiful heart. He was the most beautiful man I have ever met and forced me to change into a better woman. He changed my life and I didn't even mind' Adan remembered Elena said right before she came back from that vacation. After remembering that, it only took a second for him to put two and two together and it took all his self control not to scream in shock.

'That boy, that boy is the most magnificent man Elena met.' Adan thought in realization.

"Ama-fucking-mazing!" Adan said in disbelief as he decided to follow the two for the entire day to make sure that his assumption is right.