Together Me and You

Ash and Elena was walking, with hands intertwine, along the mall. Ash was currently being drag by Elena, whom was carrying a single shopping bag on his left hand, towards the man wear. Koyuki and Pikachu were trailing behind so that they could see if there was some un wanted people, namely their individual friends, following them.

Adan and Gary on the other hand was trying their damn best not to get detected by the two overly powerful Pokémons as they follow the two lovers.

"Come on Elena, you shouldn't be doing this." Ash whined as his lover drag him towards the men's wear.

Elena then glanced at him with a mock and playful glare. "No way Ashy, you bought me clothing so it's my turn to by you some clothes." Elena stated firmly.

"But I bought that Kimono for you willingly, I don't want compensation for the things I bought you or ever given." Ash said with a desperate voice, he really doesn't want Elena to spend her money for him.

"I don't want you spoiling me to much Ash." Elena said as she spotted the men's swear.

"I'm your lover; it's my job to spoil you." Ash said in a final attempt to be save himself from a shopping spree and to save Elena's hard earned cash.

"I know you want to spoil me and appreciate that sometimes but also sometimes I to return the favor to you, so could you please treat you just this time." Elena said as she gave Ash a cute pout and a very cute puppy dog eyes.

Ash groaned in the inside while blushing slightly on the outside at his lover's face as she faced him. He can't deny her what she wants when she looks like that. Ash then gave in to what Elena wanted. "Fine I give in, just make it quick and please don't use that look, it's harder for me to neither deny nor ignore you when you look so irresistibly cute, and you do know that I have problems doing those as is." Ash stated as he barely looked away at his girlfriend cute faced.

Elena chuckled a bit at her lover's reaction; she does know how to sway his judgment with her patented look. "Thanks Ashy and I promise you, this will only take five to ten minute." Elena reassured with a smile that made Ash smile, knowing that Elena always does what she says. The two of them then walked inside the men's swear shop, hands intertwined and smiles on their face, Koyuki and Pikachu trailing them from behind, the two of them were holding back laughter from Ash's reaction to his lover's charms.

Back to our two stalkers who has different reaction at that scene.

"Note to self, lecture Elena about how boys want to pamper and spoil their girlfriends without any compensation." Adan stated quietly as he avoided the gaze of Koyuki and that boy's Pikachu.

Gary was trying hard not to laugh out loud at Ash's weak will when it comes to the wants of his girlfriend. "I can't believe it, his whipped." Gary said with a laugh.

Inside the store, Elena was eyeing some clothing that would fit her Ash well. She wouldn't say that she has a fashion sense to know what would look good on people like the twins does but she does have the fashion sense to know what would look good on her Ash and she was a bit glad that she has that ability for the reason that she could easily shop for him, a task that annoys him a great deal.

"Let's see, not that, that wouldn't look good on you, I would rather see you wear rags than that, and here, this will do." Elena said as he picked a black white trench coat, a black shirt, and black on red pair of jeans.

"Try these on Ash, there exactly your size." Elena stated as she handed the clothes to Ash and pushed him to the fitting room. Ash on the other hand, chuckled at his lover's action as he was push to the fitting room. "Hurry up Ash so we could have lunch, I cook us some food on the bag that Koyuki's holding." Elena shouted at Ash.

"Okay then." Ash replied as he started to strip and began trying the clothing that Elena gave him. After a minute or so, Ash looked at the large mirror with a satisfy look on his face, his Elena really does know what would look good on him.

"She really is the only one who knows me, the real me. I look quite good." Ash said as he looked at his reflection. Satisfy with his new look, he took the clothes off and wore his usual clothes before stepping out of the fitting room.

"I'm satisfy Elena, they look good on me." Ash said as he step out of the fitting room, the clothes that Elena gave him were perfectly folded.

"But I didn't get to see you." Elena complained with a cute pout.

Ash chuckled a bit before kissing her forehead and looking at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I didn't see you as well when you were trying out that Kimono, so all fair in love and war." Ash said humorously which earned him a weak and playful punch on the chest.

"Fine, but I want to see you with these clothes tonight." Elena said firmly but there were still some playfulness on her tone.

"As you wish milady." Ash said as he led them towards the counter. "And I'm paying half of this."

"No way mister, these clothes his not even worth half compare to that Kimono you bought me." Elena stated playfully as she laid her head on his shoulder which cause Ash to put his arms around Elena's shoulder.

"Those girls would be broken hearted if they see this." Gary said to no one as he pretended to browse some clothes while wearing a good disguise, a hat and a coat that conceals his looks. "But I give compliment to Ash; he knows how to treat a lady."

"I'm beginning to like this kid." Adan stated as he smiled at the interaction of the two. "But why is he so familiar." Adan asked himself once again as he look at the two of them from a far.

(Scene Change)

"(Why are we going to the top floor again, Ash)? Pikachu asked as he eyed his surrounding from the shoulder of his partner. Ash was looked at his partner for a bit as he held Elena by the shoulder and as Elena rested her head on Ash's chest.

"Easy Pikachu, both my friend and Elena's friends are in this mall and we can't risk eating in the food court because they may see us." Ash answered his faithful friend's question

Elena nodded in agreement. "Yeah and I'm not in the mood for Papa Dan harassing Ash." Elena exclaimed, imagining what Adan would do to Ash if he saw his favorite girl being kiss by a handsome man.

"That and Elena cook us some of her home cooking and that is better than any other food that they serve in the food court." Ash said which cause Elena to blush. Ash saw that blush and smiled a bit.

"Hey Koyuki, do you want me to carry that bag, you're looking a bit tired." Ash said to his daughter. Koyuki merely shook his head.

"(Don't mind me Father, this is nothing. Just continue holding mother)." Koyuki stated with a smile. Ash smiled back at her.

As they walked towards the roof top, Ash noticed something from a shop, a music shop that caught his attention. In the front window of that music shop, there was an instrument that he hadn't played in a long time. Ash's eyes widen considerably after seeing the design of the violin. After seeing that instrument, its texture and design, memories from his past flooded his head.

"Elena, could we visit one more shop before we eat?" Ash asked her with a pleading tone.

Elena, taking note of the tone of Ash's voice, nodded, curious on what would make Ash plead. Ash then led them inside a music shop.

"Good day sir and ma'am, what may I do for you in this fine day." The shop owner asked with a smile. The owner was an old man seemingly in the sixties. He was wearing clothing that was appropriate in leading an orchestra.

"The violin on the front, can I see it?" Ash asked, his voice almost pleading.

"Are you sure sir?" The old man asked as he eyed the boy with one eye.

"Yes I'm sure. The blue violin outside, the one made from Aurarian Tree." Ash stated which cause the shops owner's eyes to widen considerably. Elena and Pikachu was a bit confuse about that, while Koyuki look at his father curiously.

"Right away sir." The old man said in a startled voice. As the old man moved away to get the violin, Elena tagged Ash's shoulder. Ash looked at her only to see her sending him a questioning glance.

"What is it, loved?" Ash asked.

"Why are you interested in that violin? If I remember correctly, you play a flute." Elena asked him with a questioning tone.

"I don't know myself, but it brings back memories when I was a child." Ash replied with a dreamy tone.

Elena looked confused for a moment but she didn't have time to asked more question because the old man came back carrying a blue violin with him.

"Is this the one sir?" The old man asked with hope lacing his voice.

Ash and Elena raise an eyebrow after hearing the old mans voice but decided to ignore it. Ash then inspected the violin for a moment before extending his hands towards the old man. "Could I, could I play this violin?" Ash asked almost begging.