Moonlight Thunder Nova

"Garchomp stand your ground and use Fang Blade." Cynthia ordered as she gazed at the berserker. 'That thing has no self control,' Cynthia thought in disappointment.

Garchomp suddenly bare his fangs as a thick purple blade erupted from her mouth. She then rushed towards the black Pokémon as they swung their blades towards each other. The attacks didn't even touch their intended target as Ash appeared between them, catching both of the blades with his bare hand.

"This is getting pathetic." Ash mumbled as the crowd gasped at the sight of Ash stopping both attacks. Cynthia and everyone who knew Ash was startled when they witness him appearing between the two clashing titans in a flash.

"Garchomp, stand your ground for ten seconds." Ash ordered as he glanced at the pseudo-legend. "I know that you and your trainer want a challenge and I will give you that challenge in a couple of seconds." Ash said as Garchomp was suddenly overloaded with killing intent as a wave of aura healed all of her damaged that she received from the battle. Garchomp hastily dispel her attack and bowed at Ash in respect, startling Cynthia a bit. Garchomp then backed away from the two as the behemoth brought his fist down towards Ash, an attack that he stopped with a single finger.

"Attacking your master, how distasteful," Ash mumbled as he deflected both the sword and gauntlet and instantly grabbed hold of the large Pokémon's head. "Let me change that for you, Voltranuc." Ash mumbled as both their eyes glowed bright blue, signaling Ash's entry to Pikachu sup-conscious, or sub-space in Aura terms.

(Scene Change)

"I'll be damn, this place change since the last time I visited." Ash can't help but comment as he stood at the middle of a black thunderstorm.

"(I always wanted a change of scenery so deal with it partner)." Pikachu exclaimed as he jumped on Ash's shoulder. "(Tell me, what's my body doing in the outside world)?" Pikachu asked as he glanced at Ash.

"You were about to go berserk when I entered your sub-space." Ash answered bluntly as he began to gaze around. "So, what would I do so that you could regain your consciousness. Like I told you, I don't like losing in front of her." Ash stated as Pikachu chuckled goodheartedly.

"(Seriously partner, you are totally whipped)." Pikachu commented with a chuckle before letting out a sighed. "(You just need to weather the storm and I could get my consciousness back to my body)." Pikachu explained as they both glanced at the raging thunderstorm.

"That'll be easy, considering what my Aura Element is." Ash mumbled as he raised his right hand up, with his palm open. "Considérant (French for Recital)," Ash shouted as his staff appeared with a rainbow colored flash.

"(Three years of trying to perfect that ability, all boiling down to this, although I'm quite disappointed that I have to evolve)." Pikachu commented as Ash began twirling his staff, causing a rainbow colored electricity to be emitted by the staff.

"Well technically, we all have to evolve someday but I think this evolution will have an on-off switch." Ash commented as a vortex of electricity formed around him. "I mean, the dark spark did have a switch so I guess that the evolution cause by the dark spark would also have a switch." Ash concluded as the lotus tip of the staff overflowed with tremendous amount of rainbow colored electricity.

"(Thanks for your strange optimism, I really appreciate it)." Pikachu mumbled sarcastically causing Ash to chuckle.

"I've never been wrong with these things, you know that." Ash said with an assuring tone as he glared at the black storm. Ash opened the palm of his hand and created a silver like portal in front of him before sending the thick vortex of electricity from his staff, through the portal. Interesting enough, the massive vortex of electricity went through the silver portal, the rainbow colored electricity change color to silver and the vortex of electricity became larger and wilder, the electricity becoming more potent.

The massive electrical attack instantly shot up towards the sky, instantly making a large whole on the storm clouds. Ash then began chanting words that only Aura Sage's could understand.

The ability of Aura Sages and Knights are quite different from each other, first, Sages has the ability to create massive amount of Aura Crystals in a moments noticed while the Knights could only create jewelry size Aura Crystals. Aura Crystals are the center piece of every Aura Practitioners for only by the use of those crystals could they access their Aura Element, that or with the used of an Aura Weapon. Now, Sages and Knights used those Aura Crystals in different ways to access their Aura Elements, Sages who has staffs for their Aura Weapons could create large quantity of crystals, they could summon large amount in a short period of times because their Aura Element could only be used in the form of a spell. They could use large amount of Aura Crystals for defense because their spells tends to be too long to cast. The reason why Aura Knights could only create jewel size Aura Crystals is because they incorporate their Aura Elements into their movements and they focus more on offence than defense, in contrast with Aura Sages. Usually, Aura Knights either conceal jewel size Aura Crystals in the palm of their hands while performing different kinds of katas to perform an Aura Elemental technique.

An Aura Prince on the other, having the abilities of both a Sage and a Knight, could used their Aura Element without the use of Aura Crystals because if they used the Aura Crystals, their elemental output would be twice or thrice as strong.

Ash, being an Aura Sage before becoming an Aura Prince, was used to chanting his Aura Elemental Techniques so most of his high level elemental techniques are spells,

"Garden of Moonlight Shed your Wrath; Storms of the Crescent Clear My Path, Moonlight Thunder Nova." Ash chanted as he raised his staff, the lotus on the tip of the staff crackled with electricity as the sky exploded with silver thunder, clearing the storm clouds in a flash.

"(You should really teach me how to do that)." Pikachu inquired as he witness once again one of Ash's favorite spell.

"Could you chant Aurarian (Language used by Aura Sages to chant their spells) flawlessly?" Ash asked rhetorically causing Pikachu to grumble. "Okay now, what's next?" Ash asked in a serious tone.

"(You don't have to worry about the next step; I'll take care of that)." Pikachu stated as they both glanced at the Anubis like creature holding a black orb.

"Seriously, why does everything special be inside of an orb?" Ash wondered as Pikachu nodded in understanding.

"(Well, an orb does represent the world)." Pikachu commented as the orb began emitting dark energy and black electricity.

"Least talk and get into that orb, we have a champion to beat." Ash stated as Pikachu chuckled lightheartedly.

"Yeah, yeah, seriously partner," Pikachu mumbled as he flew towards the orb, his body continuously emitting black electricity.

Ash shook his head as a faint smiled crawled on his face as he slowly disappear from Pikachu's sub-space. As he disappeared completely, a bright flash of darkness enveloped Pikachu's entire sup-space.