This is Getting Nowhere......

The crowd was in stiff silent as they await the outcome of the stunt that Ash pulled. They didn't know what would happen as the mysterious Pokémon suddenly stop moving, which was rather unnerving. Most of the trainers there had instantly brought out their Pokedex to see if there was any info about the pitch black and scary looking Pokémon but there was none. The only ones who had some idea about the new Pokémon were Elena's crew.

"That Pokémon seems familiar." Henry commented as the rest of the crew nodded.

"You guys know that thing?" Max asked as he gazed at the group of archeologist.

"No, not quite but I could have swore I've seen a scripture of that Pokémon on one of the tablets that we used to study during the day." Henry stated as he gazed at the black Pokémon critically.

"I don't know for sure but I think that's one of the Lightning Emperors." Natasha commented, earning attention from the group of trainers that joined them.

"Those three are already extinct four thousand years ago." Adan stated, finally using some kind of logic.

"True, but come on now, we're archeologist, we are open for history to unravel in anyway shape or form." Natasha exclaimed as she leaned towards Adan. "Ash is the living proof of that remember, or have you forgotten that Ash is the first Aura Prince in almost six generations." Natasha reminded as Adan sighed.

"I admit, you got me there, but come on now Natasha, the only way for a fossil to be reincarnated is by placing to one of those fossils reanimating devices…." Adan was interrupted mid-sentence when a loud roar echoed in the arena. Instantly their attentions were now directed to Ash and that mysterious Pokémon, to their shock, the mysterious Pokémon was now bowing in front of him.

(With Ash and Voltranuc)

Ash chuckled merrily as he patted Voltranuc's head. "You shouldn't be bowing at my presence, partner, it doesn't suit your new form." Ash stated with a small smile.

"(I know, I just figured that it would be a bit dramatic)." Voltranuc said a deep tone of voice before standing up. "(Do you know any of my techniques)?" Voltranuc asked as he flexed his sword arm to get the feeling back.

Ash chuckled as he pointed at his head. "You have twenty-four ancient techniques, eight electric type, eight dark type, and eight dual elemental type, currently, you can only use three electric type moves, two dark type moves, and one dual elemental type move, not my ideal move set but at least we could still used a total of twelve moves in our dark spark techniques, and I think we could use Reverse Polarity if things get bad." Ash commented as he gazed at Elena.

"Hey Elena, you can knock out Dragonite now." Ash said and the crowd instantly diverted their attention to the white Lucario who has Lance's Dragonite trapped in a barrier.

"Finally," Elena mumbled with a small smile as she glanced at Koyuki. "Koyuki, Aura Cero," Elena ordered and instantly, Koyuki pointed her paws towards Lance's Dragonite as a thick Aura energy enveloped her paws. Koyuki's eyes widen when she suddenly unleash a condense and potent Aura blast towards Dragonite.

Dragonite, seeing the powerful attack heading his way and having no way of dodging, plus taking consideration the damaged that he receive throughout the battle, could only think of a couple of words to described his current situation. "(Fuck me, I'm screwed)." Dragonite mumbled as the white beam enveloped his entire body.

The crowd gasped in shocked as Dragonite fell to the ground, smoke coming out of his body and bruises all over his body, he was also unconscious.

Lance suddenly groaned loudly as they heard Sarah cheered for her sister. "I will never hear the end of this." Lance mumbled in dismay.

"Lance's Dragonite is unable to battle." The referee announced in a very startled tone.

Cynthia shook her head at Lance's misfortune before glancing back at her opponents. She had faced worst so fighting two crazy strong Pokémon wouldn't be new to her, in fact, she welcomed the challenge.

Ash on the other hand, would have none of that. "Elena, stand down, Cynthia is mine." Ash stated as Voltranuc and Garchomp began staring each other down, trying to gauge down each other's threat level.

"Fine but you owe me after this." Elena whispered as she gave Koyuki to stand back. Koyuki nodded as she jumped to Elena's side.

"Would a picnic besides the lake suffice?" Ash asked in a whisper. "I'll be cooking." Ash added with a small smile.

Elena chuckled lightly as she nodded happily causing Ash chuckle before glancing at Cynthia, a sadistic smile plastered on his face. "Cynthia, you and me, let's end this battle." Ash challenged as Voltranuc's blade began emitting dark energy.

Garchomp smiled excitedly as a purple blade suddenly burst from her fangs. Cynthia, seeing the excitement in the eyes of both Pokémons, decided to roll with it. "Let's end this then, shall we Ash." Cynthia exclaimed as the two Pokémons dash at each other with blinding speed.

"Garchomp, Fang Blade,"

"Voltranuc, Void Cutter,"

The purple blade of Garchomp clash with Voltranuc's sword arm, the resulting clash resulted in Voltranuc's sword arm to shot a blast of dark energy towards Garchomp, sending her flying a couple of feet away from him. Garchomp easily landed on her feet as Voltranuc raised his blade arm causing black electricity to surround the blade.

"Voltranuc, Crackling Shadow," Ash ordered as Voltranuc send a massive, pure black, spiraling electric current towards Garchomp.

"Well this Pokémon had already proved that it could hurt a ground type without hitting its weak point so, Garchomp, Eclipse of Dust." Cynthia ordered as sand began to spin around Garchomp. Garchomp then brought her arms to her chest causing the sand to harden around her, creating a sphere like barrier. The spiraling electricity smash through the barrier of sand, shattering the harden sand but leaving Garchomp unharmed.

"Okay, that suck," Ash grumbled trying to think what moved to used. "Okay, let's try this, Voltranuc, Accel," Ash ordered as Voltranuc suddenly disappeared in a dark flash.

Cynthia narrowed her eyes as she tried to determine what kind of move that was. "Garchomp, move," Cynthia ordered as Voltranuc suddenly appeared behind Garchomp, his sword ready to strike. Garchomp's eyes widen when she was suddenly hit by a very heavy sword strike to her shoulder, causing her to groan in pain. She jumped away from the Voltranuc as he followed in pursuit.

"Garchomp, Gravitational Pulse." Cynthia ordered but Ash would have none of that.

"Not a chance, Voltranuc, Freezing," Ash ordered as Voltranuc brought his silver gauntlet up and launch a black, magentic field towards Garchomp. The magnetic field crept and travelled on the ground as it enveloped the ground beneath Garchomp, paralyzing her in the process. Garchomp eyes widen when she felt that her body parts were suddenly bound.

"Thunder Hunter," Ash ordered as Voltranuc swung his arm sword in an upward arc, sending a three black wolves made out of electricity towards Garchomp. The three wolves hurriedly bit Garchomp in three different body parts, before exploding, causing an electrical explosion directly on Garchomp.

"GARCHOMP," Cynthia shouted as a thick layer of smoke enveloped her favorite Pokémon. Her worry was short live when Garchomp swung one of her arms, blowing the smoke away, her body was suddenly covered in burns but she was still able to stand upright and was still ready for battle.

"I was hoping that that got her, oh well," Ash mumbled as he gazed around the battlefield before deciding to use accel once more. "Voltranuc, charge in with Accel." Ash ordered as Voltranuc disappeared in a dark flash once again.

"Not this time, Ash. Garchomp, Dragon Ignition." Cynthia ordered as Garchomp disappeared with a static like boom.

The crowd was tensed for a moment as the two Pokémons disappeared in thin air before a large boom suddenly erupted as the two Pokémons appeared in the middle of the field, Voltranuc's sword arm being blocked by one of Garchomp's glowing arms. The two smirked at each other for a moment before they began exchanging blows. Garchomp was using Brick Break in order to be in par with Voltranuc's sword arm while Voltranuc used his other arm, which was covered by a silver gauntlet, to block attacks that almost made contact with his body.

The exchange, for the crowd, was like a martial scene from a movie. Voltranuc and Garchomp's movements were similar to the movements of humans while performing martial arts, considering how the shape of their body and how they were trained, it was easy for them. Garchomp was having a hard time in the exchange for Vultranuc's sword arm was constantly emitting a thin layer of electricity that was sending a shocking amount of electricity in her body, it wasn't enough to leave a considerable amount of damaged but it was beginning to annoy her. Voltranuc on the other hand was having travel with Garchomp's powerful Brick Break, being a dark-type, he was weak against fighting-type moves, sure it would take a powerful fighting-type Pokémon and move to hurt him but Garchomp's Brick Break would still leave a considerable amount of damaged if he was hit.

"This is getting us nowhere." Ash and Cynthia uttered simultaneously.