Welcome To The Crazy World!!! (Part-2)

Previously in 'Dark side of Me' Dr. Yuki drag her patient Sensei to a man who call himself messenger of god.

Shut the fuck up....

who the hell narrating the story now. stop this recap it's feels like it was 90s old boring TV drama episode recap just start the story already.

Now master start to listen his followers problem. a man stand from his seat his appearance is too shabby. he open his mouth and suck his all teeth are red this guy is tobacco addicted. he start telling and his first word is 'Thank You Master' *You're the one who save my life from the accident. one day I riding my scooter at midnight and all roads are empty and very less populated that time. so I started to riding at max speed. then I suddenly see a pit in middle of road there that road is in under construction. I was scared I can't think of anything about what should I do now. but suddenly you came in my mind I started to calling your name and your image appear there and stoped my scooter and the result I'm make it out alive with some injuries and one broken hand and leg. and I know fracturing limps are punishment of breaking the rules".

everyone in hall starting to claping for master and shouting master you're God.

but why the fuck you thinking about master at the time like that. you only need to push breaks you idiot. The master had nothing to do with this it's all your imagination.

then another man stands his appearance tells his white collar salary slave. he tell his problem to master i tired with my work. everyday my boss crew my ass and drinking my blood. he never give me any increments and promotion. just make me do work like dog every single day.

and then that guy starting to looking to master for hope.

then master answer don't worry sonny. everything goes fine now. just tell me did u like cheese sandwich.

the man replied no master

the master says now go eat cheese sandwich everyday and gave 10 sandwich to 10 beggars every Friday.

then man replied thanks you very much master

Fuck what the hell how the fuck is sandwich solves someone life's problem.

Now I'm about to going mad because of this bullshit is going on here. I need to escaping this reality by think about something else but first thing which came into my mind is sexy blondes loli from a Hentai and she licking her ice-cream and theres an adult man who is in love with that loli

and What The FUCK am I imagining. this Hentai is cursed and nightmare for me and that loli is actual a guy and i know you all know the title already.

it's Boku no Pico. sadly fuck my imagination, fuck my brain, fuck my life.

now I'm crying.

then I see a group of women's are stand together and saying they want a child and how they all get pregnant.

then master answered Don't worry babes after the concert you all came to the secret underground cave of mine. I will solve your problem their.

Fuck why I getting some bad feeling about this but the all women's are happy for this so I don't care.

but I starting to think dirty thought because of this. I accedently start laughed and master sees me and ask wassup child do you have any problem which I can fix for you ?

fuck what should I do if I telling him about my real problem then maybe they think I'm crazy or in worse case they sent to the mental asylum. fuck what should I do now.

then master say hey dude u have dark circles under you eyes you have sleeping issue I know you it's because of nightmare.

am I right dude ?

I replied yes master

he ask what kind of dream u having at night.

I replied I always see a giant black snake who transform into a giant gun by seeing a half cutted apple and then that gun insulted it's gun pont into the middle of that apple and start moving inward and outward and then it's shoot a slimy white bullet into apple.

After listening my dream everyone start laughing on me.

and master answered me you're an awful young perverted man.

Nice Boy Nice.

after that I take my seat like nothing even happened here.

and master start listen others problem

and after a long 3 hour I came out from the cave.

fuck this place was crazy.

then me and Dr. Yuki walking on street to station. she start asking me what the hell with that. I ask what?

she said with your weird dream.

I laughed hahahahaha because I don't have answer for this.

but then two person came in bike and stoped in front of us and get off from there bike and take out knife.

and I see Yuki get scared so now it's all on me to handle this.

so like a real man I walk toward to them and start starring them and I take off my coat, tie, belt and watch and I opened my purse take some cash and my I'd card and put it down in my pocket then I gave it all to them and I say take it.

they both start smiling and take my offering goading and they say I pray to God for make every person like you. if every one do what the best thing for them like you then we never have to use force for this.

then they get on to the bike and say see ya bye bye and I start waving my hands in air and replying see ya guys and listen my watch is plated with pure gold so please sell it to the high price.

and when they gone Yuki came to me and say what kind of pussy are you ?

and I replied by laughing hahahahah because u don't know the answer for this too.

then she kick on my balls and I fall on ground. and she said I'm going alone you die here.

them after 15 minutes of I tnde pain in my balls I stand and go the to station and take my train for my home.

after 1 more hour I reached my apartment. I opened the door and get inside I leave that sealed water bottle to the table which I bought in 15000 yen.

and I feel so sleepy and I do t know when I fall in sleep.

I woke up it's 7'00 am Morning I see alcohol bottles and beer cans everywhere in my house. then I check my savings it's all gone. I know it's all his doing again.

then I remember about the bottle I bought yesterday now it's time to try it. I sit on floor and turn on the Television and I broke the seal of bottle and start pouring water on my head while watching news.

then suddenly a news fuck my morning.

it's breaking news about a man who calling himself god of messenger. police arrested him in case of atteming raoe and sexual assaults on women's in his secret underground cave

Fuck now I know what the hell happend there with those women yesterday night.

Suck he's Con artist he's fake he stole my 15000 yen. I want my money back.