Pain Pain Go Away, Don't Take My Balls Away

Previously in Dark side of me.

our Sensei get in an another trouble.

Oi shut the fuck up, stop this recap now.


Let's start the story already...

I don't know what time it is. but I'm sure it's really worse time of my life.

there boss ask my name.

my name ?

-yes what's your name ?.

Than suddenly that fat boy of his said "Why you asking his name boss ? just go and do whatever you want boss".

OI what y'all about doing with me tell me. cuz I starting think every shitty gay things. tell me what I'm thinking is wrong.

they said "wow you thinking all correct. Now come"

I can't

- why

I have AIDS, I have cancer in my dick and there countless tape worn slowly eating me up from the inside.

Boss said 'I have AIDS too. one AIDS neutralise others AIDS, AIDS AIDS clash clash, now come".

No I can't WHO (World Health Organization) said that It's dangerous AIDS X AIDS Sex. hahahaha

he said "Fuck you joking"

No I'm not joking here. WHO is the one who take COVID 19 as joke and inform us to late about this epidemic.

*And this is just social message in a comedy story, this messager doesn't had to do anything with story, so you can skip it if you want, but wait fuck, you already read that sorry for late notice".

Fat Guy tell me our Boss loves joke if you succeed to make him laugh they will set you free with no harm.

Really Meat Ball ?

- Yes

Then listen up I have joke of century.

joke is ' one day son ask his father where's he came from ? and his father said you came out from my balls'. Hahahahaha too funny isn't it ?.

but i noticed after my joke they all got pissed off. than The Fat Guy tell "you hurt our boss Cuz our boss father had Cancer in his dick. and doctor cut off his dick cuz of that",

Fuck Sounds Painful.

wait than how he came if his father was a dick less gay?.

- Actually his neighbours was his real father biologically.

Ohh that's sad. by the way than who he call his father ? biological one or relationed one ?

Than the Boss kicked me and the fat guy on our face.

Than I said your story is too sad like Lucky Gracie's story

and now let me tell you all a tragic gangster of Lucky Gracie's.

A boy who lost his fingers in an accident except his pinky finger. that boy name is Lucky Gracie's. he's a smart boy who loves studying books. whenever his teacher ask a question in class he always knew the answer but whenever he raise his right hand with only pinky finger on it. but seeing his pinky finger straight in air teacher always think he asking for using restroom. and his teacher scolding him.

and when in exam he knew all the answer but with his oinking finger he can't hold his pencil and he end up fail in exam.

but one night three criminal came to his house and murdered his parents. after seeing there dead bodies he pointed his only pinky finger on criminal while staring them in angry. they noticed that the boy pointing him this pinky finger and that's the sign of asking for joining the team. so they bring Lucky to there boss. than Lucky become a gangster but he wanna smoke cigarettes but he always face difficulty in holding cigarette with his pinky finger.

soon after some years he become one of the biggest name in underworld.

And the END

Hahahaha how's the tragic story ?

than the boss ask "now tell me how the boy using gun after joining the mafia with his pinky finger?"

Hahahahaha With his left hand Baka. he only lost his right hand fingers his left hand is perfectly fine.

than boss ask "than why he using his right hand all the time in school."

hahahaha cuz he's righty.

he shout "what the fuck with that story you just tell. now I'm all fucked uo."

than the fat guy and the other guy came to me and pull me down on floor. than boss came to me and start pulling down my pants

than i kicked the boss and he fall back but he holding my pants to hard he pushed backed with my pants. than his both men start laughing and lose their grip on me. and I pushed them back too.

than I started to run to the exist in my underwear and they start to follow me. but than there boss take out his gun and shoot at me but his too drug addict he shoot at wring side and he dislocate his solder.

and I successfully go out from the factory. but I keep running cuz other two still chasing me.

I running on street in my underwear like a freak.

but than a red colour car stopped in front of me. I stop and trying to see who's in the car . than driver open it's window. and I see she's Asuka.

she look at me with supring expression and ask what are you doing here in your underwear ? huh you look like freak right now.

I replied hahaha I though I was late to came at your place. so, I take of my pants to run faster and now you don't need to wait for me to take off my pants I save your time too.

than I see the other two is coming. so I scream let's go baby hurry. and I get in the car. she starting to drive it at full speed and we came to her home safely.

than we go inside her house. we both rest a little that I ask which flavour you like the most ?. she replied don't worry I already buy chocolate one and other pills too.

That's awesome than she go to take a shower and I started to searching her ward and finding her parties.

than she came out from bathroom. and she tell me to take a shower too.

so o go inside the bathroom and it's first time I taking bath in I know most of people in this situation got nervous or start feel embarrassed but in my case o enjoying this.

After taking bath I ask for towel. and she handed over her towel. than I first smell that than start to dry myself.

but after that I noticed I have no clothes to change than I ask is you have any clothes for me.

than she bring me some clothes and pit it them on outside of bathrooms door. than I take those clothes in. but I realized it's her own nighty. than I ask hey it's your clothes you gave me. she replied yes I don't have any other clothes so just put them on and came out.

as she said I put her clothes on and came out from bathroom. and she starting to stare me a d say you look sexy in giro clothes.


than she get laying on bed and say let's start already.

that I take the pills she bring for me than I started to taking of my other but suddenly I starting to feeling my head about to burst and I staring sew everything blur than I falls on floor and lost my Consciousness.

but when I came to my senses again and open my eyes I noticed I sleeping on her bed than image her she's naked only wearing a apron and bringing a cup of coffee for me and put that cup on table. and I tried to sit. but I noticed I was tied up on bed and the worst thing I noticed that there's is blood all over the bed.

than I ask my you tied me on bed and why there's a lot of blood here ? tell me.

than she replied you lost consciousness after taking the pills I gave you. and that's pills works. and the blood you talking about its your after seeing you in my nighty I though you don't need for a dick. so I cut that off from your body.

Wait What Hell Nooooooooo