"I'll hold this one, the bags are kinda heavy." the bags weren't as heavy as I expected but still heavy nonetheless.
"No it's fine, plus I owe you remember?" she laughed a little at that which I thought was cute.
"I guess you're right." she said
"Hey! Derek, where you off to? Oh, and who is this? I'm Cameron, nice to meet you" I forgot about Cam, and my car.
"This is…" I realized I never got her name, I'm such an idiot. She seemed to realize my predicament
"I'm June, nice to meet you." she said to the both of us.
"I'm Derek, nice to meet you, June." I said while I shook her hand, a little formal I know but I wanted a reason to touch her again.
"Anyways, Derek you coming? And what about you cutie?" In looked at June and I could see the panic setting in her face again.
"I'm gonna walk with her, help her with these bags." also this would be a great opportunity to get to know her a bit.
"Wouldn't it just be easier to-" I gave him a look, hopefully he'll just shut the fuck up before things get more awkward.
"Oh ok, I'll just drop your car off, see you tomorrow, and see you around June." he smiled at the both of us and then drove off.
"Alright, where to, June."
"Um, I'm pretty sure it's this way. I literally just moved here today, I don't know my way around yet." Oh shit, she just moved here?
"Hm ok, what street do you live on now? I've been here all my life I know my way around." I've been here 15 years now, since I was about 6 or 7.
"Honestly, I don't even remember, it's… complicated. I moved here with my best friend, I didn't even know where we were going. We just... had to leave." I could tell there was more to the story, no one just up and leaves like that --not even knowing where they going unless they in some real trouble-- but I wasn't going to question her, at least not right now, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable, especially not around me.
"I see, well, we'll just go off of what you remember from walking over here, and you know, for the future, maybe I can help you out with learning your way around. I know this place like the back of my hand."
"Ok, hmmm I think I remember walking along that street, I think... oh my god I'm so forgetful." I could see her start to stress out. Before I could suggest anything else she said.
"I should just call her…" she said this reluctantly, hm why? She pressed a button on her phone then put it to her ear. A second later she started talking.
"Hey Kiki, um, could you tell me the address again? I got lost. No, it's fine I um.. Met someone he says he'll walk me home. No it's not like that, oh my god you're so gross." I heard her giggle a little bit, I wonder what they're talking about.
"No I'm not doing that, you know what, Ima see you in a bit, go take a nap you acting all crazy, I'll be home soon, text me the address in case I forget, ok thanks, love you bye." she hung up, a big smile on her face. Why's her smile so pretty for?
"So, I just called my best friend for the address.."
"You can just tell me the street name if you want." I could tell she was apprehensive about saying her address, I would be too.
"It's ok, I think I can trust you. You seem nice." she gave me a warm smile as she said that. Damn, where did this girl come from. She gave me her address and we started walking.
We got to her place about ten minutes later, pretty nice place, not gonna lie.
���Thanks for helping me, those bags were pretty heavy, and I hate walking alone at night."
She said this as she took the bags from me.
"It was no problem. You know, maybe you should give me your number, just in case ya know, I could give you a ride if you need one sometime." jeez, I sound desperate. She smiled a little, and bit her lip slightly. Oh my.
"I don't really give out my number.. Only like two people have it, I'm sorry. But I can give you my snapchat, it's the second quickest way to reach me." I understand that, only people I trust fully get my number, so I get where she's coming from.
"I understand, it's no problem, yeah give me your snap, how about I message you when I get home?"
"Ok" she said with a smile.
"It was nice meeting you, June. I'll see you around." and with that I made my way home.
June's POV
Wow, I can't believe I just did that. A complete stranger, but there's something about him, he seems nice, sweet, trustworthy And it doesn't hurt that he was pretty good looking.
"Hey June bug. Who that boy you were with, he cute."
"Just someone I met, his name is Derek. He helped me carry the bags home." I explained to her.
"Hm. so a fine boy like that just offered to help you with your bags? He must really like you then, and why wouldn't he, you're gorgeous."
"Stop, no I'm not. He scared me in the parking lot, said that he owes me. He was just being nice." he definitely wasn't helping me based on my looks.
"June, you are beautiful, all women are, well most. Some of these girls be looking all crazy, just fucked up, but anyways, you're not one of them. You're beautiful, remember that."
"Ok.." she always gives me this speech but she's just trying to make me feel better, I can tell. "Let's watch a movie" I said trying to change the subject. "I bought some cookie mix, hope that was ok, maybe we can do like a movie night or something."
"Sounds good to me. We needa just relax, we had a long day today, but after today everything's gonna get much better"
Alec's POV
"Where do you think she went?" I was with my closest friend, smoking, I need to get high and clear my head of all this bullshit. I want to find her, I had to, she can't just leave me like that, after everything I done did for that girl? Hell no.
"No clue right now, dumb bitch couldn't have gone far though, and she ain't smart enough to do this herself, she probably left with that white girl, Kiera. TJ's girl right?"
"Not anymore, they broke up a while back, I don't know when exactly, but I remember him saying something about it."
"He outta jail yet?" he got locked up for some dumb shit, I don't remember.
"Nah, I think he gets out in a few days or something." that works.
"ok, we'll talk to him when he out, maybe he knows something. Aight, let's get outta here, I needa get laid."