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Chapter 6

I woke up feeling different. It was like this sense of calm had washed over me, it was weird. I'm so used to waking up scared, expecting something, or someone, but today, right now I don't feel scared, I feel, good like things are actually going to get better. I checked my phone, a few random notifications and a friend request on snapchat, from Derek. I accepted it and read the message.

'Hey june, it's Derek from earlier tonight. You're probably sleeping now, msg me when u wake up, or whenever you can. Hope to see u again. Goodnight.'

This was sent at like 3am, I wonder why he was out so late. I did kind of want to see him again, he was sweet, he seems like a nice guy, I hope I'm not wrong about him. I messaged him back.

'Hey, I just got up. You said yesterday that you could help me with learning the area so I was wondering if you knew where a dollar store or like an art store was in this area'

Hopefully I don't sound desperate with that message, I mean I could just google where an art store was but hopefully he doesn't catch that. I put my phone down and went to get dressed, I put on a romper and left my room. That's weird to say, my own room, I don't think I've ever had my own room, Alec would never let me.

I walked into the kitchen and saw a girl there, she looked like she was cooking, I didn't know what to do but before I could do anything she turned around.

"Oh shit! You scared me, wait who are you?" she asked

"Um, I'm June.. I'm uh.. staying here now, I guess." I could tell she was still questioning why I was here. "Um I'm staying here with my friend, Kiera, this is her dad's place"

"Oh ok, yeah he said his daughter and some other girls were going to be staying here, I'm Alexis, you can call me Alex."

"Do you live here too?" I asked

"Yeah, I've been here for about a year now, I might go away for college in September or I'll just stay here, I'm not sure yet." we must be the same age then.

"Oh, did you just graduate? Is Mike your dad? Sorry for so many questions.."

"It's ok." she said with a little laugh. "Yeah I did what about you? And no he's my uncle, I can't stand my mother so I came here."

"Oh I'm sorry about you and your mom, and yeah just graduated."

"Oh awesome, what school are you going to next year?" I didn't know how to answer that, college was never really an option for me, especially not with Alec.. so I never thought about it.

"Um, I'm taking a year off, to uh work n stuff" i said, hopefully she doesn't ask too many more questions

"Oh ok, what school you thinking of going to? What program?"

"Um.. I uh haven't really thought about it yet."

"Oh.. well that's ok, you still have time. I wanna be a chef, I love to cook, when the maids aren't here I usually cook dinner or something." he has maids? How rich is this guy?

"Oh well that's nice of to do. What are making right now, smells good"

"Just some breakfast, pancakes, bacon, french toast, I can make you some if you're hungry"

"Mmmm what smells so good, oh he gotta cook? Damn he rich as fuck"

"Um, I'm not his cook, who are you?" I looked at Kiera pleading with my eyes for her not to be.. harsh

"I'm his daughter, if you not the cook, why are you here? You one of his hoes or somethin?"

"Oh my god, no, he's my uncle, I live here for your information."

"Hmm ok well make enough for my girl June, my daughter and myself. Thanks girls" she smiled and with that she left, probably to get little sammy.

"Sorry about that, she can be.. Defensive I guess." I apologized to her, hopefully she'll let it go, for her own good.

"I'll let it slide this time, but she better watch it." I decided not to comment on that, I highly doubt this girl would do anything if Kiera did that again. "Anyways, here, you can have these." she handed me a plate with a bunch of food on it, it smelled delicious.

"Thanks, it looks amazing." I said to her.

"I know right." she said with a huge smile. I walked to the small table in the kitchen.

"This is the island, you don't have to sit there, sit on the couch or something." Island? I decided not to question it, probably a rich people thing. I walked out of the kitchen, and saw a dining room, I decided to just eat here. A few minutes into my food I noticed I got a message from Derek about ten minutes ago.

'Hey, yeah I know some places, I can pick you up if you're ok with that'

'Yeah, sounds good to me' I sent the message and a minute later he replied

'Great, I'll pick you up in 20 minutes.' Oh, um ok I guess I should get ready then. I went to look for Kiera after I put my food in the fridge to eat later. She was in her room with sammy.

"Good morning little one." I gave sam a big hug.

"Kiera, is it ok if I go to the store with, um, a friend?"

"That boy from last night?"

"Yeah.. he said he'll be here in 20 minutes."

"Yeah that's fine, just be careful ok? I don't want something to happen to you, not again." I knew what she meant by that.

"He seems nice, I'll be careful, I just wanna get some art stuff."

"Ok, do you need some money? Also, I still have some buyers if you wanna get back into that, if you're ready of course.

"Um no I'm good, and yeah I think I'm fine now, yeah." After what I did last month I wasn't able to really do anything, I almost didn't even graduate because of it.

"Ok girl, go have fun with your little boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend, I barely know him, you crazy Kiki yo know that?"

"I know." we both laughed and then I left to get ready.

I kept the same romper on and put some mascara on, he told me he was like five minutes away so I went downstairs by the front door. As I was walking down the stairs the doorbell rang, I went to open it and he was standing on the other side.

"Hi, June."