A Weird start

In a world called Mantie, there exists an extremely powerful creature with multiple nicknames. In contrast to its power though, its appearance is quite unusual. It looks like a dragon, but it doesn't have wings. Its neck and head look like it came from a snake, but it has legs. On top of that, it even has giant teeth that can even scare the Demon King, massive horns that point toward its back, and pointy spikes along his spine. Not to mention, it's over 40 meters tall and 70 meters long, and as if that wasn't enough, it even has 7 heads.

Some of its nicknames are "The Peak of All Monsters", with "The True King" often being mentioned as well. It is known as a "walking disaster" as nothing could stop it and if anything bothered it, that thing would disappear as it never existed. In this world, they call these creatures as "Hydras"

These are the stories of the so-known "Hydra". But its start is indeed weird, it is one of the weakest creatures, it lives in the deep of the ocean where no one can go. As it grows, the Hydra starts to go up to surface, and we know nothing more than this.

[In the depths of the ocean...]

(Hm? what is this?)

( I can hear myself?!)

(Wait... How I know how to talk??)

Suddenly it feels a "Headache"



(W-why it started to hurt out of nowhere??)

Like a bolt, all the information regarding him came to his mind

(W-w-wait... So I am a "Monster"?)

(what is a Monster?)

(and why is everything so dark?)

[Synchronizing contact with host...]

[Synchronizing has been a success!]

[Hello host, I am your guide through self-evolution and the first step to reach the peak]

(Uh? what? W-who are you? how can you talk on my mind? and why I know all of these words?)

[Answering host: I'm the system that has been designed by Astaroth, the Demon God, to help you reach the top of all monsters. Regarding the second question: We don't know why you have a mind of your own]

(Ok... so its better if I don't go too much into this information I got?)

[Actually... yes]

(alright, how can you help me grow stronger?)

[I can't directly interfere with you, but I can give you some things so you will be able to survive this world]

(and what would this thing be?)

[Loading information... Downloading everything...]

(uhh, what are you doing?)

[Information loaded... sending it to host...]

(what are you trying to sen-)

Name: Tst5

Race: Hydra (First Stage)

Rating: F--

Level: 1/5

XP: 0/10


HP: 0,5/0,5

MP: 200



Strength: 0.35

Dexterity: 2

Body: 0.1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 100

(Ugh... what's with these things?)

[These are the information's regarding your entire body]

(Ohh, they look high huh... Am I that strong? Kufufu)

[No, these numbers are the lowest possible in a body. Except for intelligence. Actually, all the information you received was able to affect your stats]

(Ugh, why you need to tell that I'm weak that way? But hey, I'm actually pretty smart so?)

[Based on stats, yes]

(all of these things are cool, but... Why I can't see anything?)

[Oh, I forgot the rest of your stats...]

[Sending over new pieces of information... Done]

Name: Tst5

Race: Hydra (First Stage)

Rating: F--

Level: 1/5

XP: 0/10


HP: 0,5/0,5

MP: 200



Strength: 0.35

Dexterity: 2

Body: 0.1

Agility: 1

Intelligence: 100



Disguise LVL 1

Absorb LVL 1

Tentacle Control LVL 1

Tentacle Thrust LVL 1

Self-evolution LVL 1

Auto regeneration LVL 1

Scanning area LVL 1

(W-wow... this is too much information to my tiny mind... Can you send it separately next time?)


(Okay... so, whats about these "skills" ?)

[Would you like the description of them?]


[Sending over information... Done]

*Disguise: you can disguise yourself with the ambient you are in, beings with identification abilities can see you if this skill's level is too low*

*Absorb: can eat dead corpses to regen yourself or to satiate hunger*

*Tentacle Control: can manipulate your tentacles to move or to somehow attack your target, By leveling up this skill you get better control and faster movements*

*Tentacle Thrust: Pull together all of your tentacles on a way that looks like a piercing spear, Scales with strength and dexterity, By increasing the level of this skill you get better efficiency and perforation strength*

* Self-evolution: By killing beings of this world you can upgrade yourself to get better skills and better stats, accompanied by a guide {given by the Demon God} *

*Auto regeneration: Can regenerate health over the time, By leveling up this skill you get more Hp each time and faster regeneration*

*Scanning area: you can clearly see everything in a radius of 20m, By leveling up this skill the radius increases*

(Oh... wow, this is a lot huh... Does that mean I'm strong now?)

[No, you still weak, you are at least special by having such capabilities]

(aww... that's sad you know? Why you have to say things like this...)


(Sigh... alright, I need to try some of my skills, how about the tentacle control?)

After focusing for 47 seconds he actually can move his tentacles around...

after thirty-minute moving his tentacles around, he can now "perfectly" move his tentacle to a direction, but it's really slow and hard.

(Ugh, this skill seems a lot harder now... Why these things are so slow?)

[A skill has leveled up! Tentacle Control LVL 1 -> LVL 2]

(Yess! that definitely is a good thing, but why I don't see any difference at all?)

[The difference actually only happens when the skill is LVL 5]

(W-what? really? oh, man... I think I will stay like this for a while huh...)

Tst5 decided to try and move a little, he is indeed able to move around, but its hard to him because he is too weak and can't even lift himself too much...

(Arghhhh, I can't lift myself from here! Help me out weird voice!)

[I can't do anything from now, recommended you to stay and try to level up]

(Sigh, okay, so... how do I level up and where I see if I'm close to it?)

[Sending information to host's mind... Done]

{ Level: 1/5 }

{ XP: 0/10 }

(oh, it doesn't look hard, is there anything I can kill?)

[Recommended to use *scanning area*]

(and how I do this?)

[Just say the name of the skill]

(Alright... Scanning area?)

Suddenly everything becomes bright around him, every plankton or living being appears before him in a radius of 20m

(W-w-Woah! What are these tiny things? are they weak? can I eat them? And... WOAH there is a big guy over there...)

All that he sees are tiny things swimming around and the tail of something big behind him

(I need to be careful about that big guy over there...)

(It looks asleep, so it's okay... But, leaving this aside, can I kill these tiny guys over there?)

[Yes they are living beings called planktons. they are the weakest around the ocean, capable of living anywhere on the water, you can eat them easily]

(Oh... Let me give a try)

Tst5 slowly moves his tentacles to one of these planktons, two tentacles wrap the plankton and they drag the plankton inside a hole with tiny pointy things around


the plankton enters this hole and slowly dissipates...

[Xp acquired: 0.05]

(Uh? why the XP is so low?)

[Planktons are living beings that have a rating of G--]

(Oh, so they are very weak?)


( Alright! let's eat a lot of them! )

Tst5 starts to eat them one per one, he makes this for more than 1 hour, killing more than 20 planktons

[Xp acquired: 0.05]

[Xp acquired: 0.0...

[Xp acquired...



(wow, I ate a lot, but I feel that I still can keep going!)

[Two skill have leveled up: *Tentacle control Lvl 2 -> Lvl 4]

*Absorb Lvl 1 -> Lvl 3*

(Nice! I did it!)

(Let's keep going!)

Tst5 kept going eating a lot of planktons, but he was too focused on it, the "Big guy" from before noticed him eating everything and was angry by such a weakling in this area killing everything, it turns around carefully and launches itself like a dart to it, swallowing tst5 entirely.


Tst5 has been swallowed




My writing quality may be bad, but I hope you enjoyed, and if you did so, please don't forget to leave a comment to give me inspiration! Thank you so much and bye~~!