What is happening?!

[Waking up host... Done]

(Uh? what is this place?)

[Actually, you are inside the stomach of a Yellow fish]

(yellow fish? is that the big thing that swallowed me?)

[Yes, they live in the depths of the ocean, they look like any normal fish, but it has a skill to launch itself at high speeds]

(Sigh, so it was my fault for not paying attention...)

[Dont worry, it would eat you anyways]

(...Alright, how can I leave this place huh?)

[You can try to kill the yellow fish from the inside]

(wait, I am inside the yellow fish now? how am I not dead?)

[The yellow fish is known to have a big mouth, it doesnt bite his targets, he swallow them entirely]

(Wow, this fish sure is crazy huh... Should I try to use my other skill here?)


(I will take that as an "yes", Here I go... *Tentacle thrust*!)

Slowly but steady, tst5's tentacles starts to merge together into one big pointy tentacle, that suddenly thrust itself on the stomach's wall.

(W-woah! it looks strong... I did any damage to him?)

[You did 1 damage]

(ugh, Im too weak... Wait, I killed alot of planktons before, did I leveled up or anything?)

[you killed a total of 43 planktons]

[Xp acquired: 2.15]

(Sigh... thats not too much, there is a way to know how much health this yellow fish has?)

[Yellow fishs have a basic health of 75]

(basically... I need to do 74 hits on it now?)


(alright, I think I need to continue using my skill...)

Tst5 took a part of the stomach's wall and starts to pierce it with *Tentacle thrust*

(I already used this skill 10 times, and the stomach's wall still almost intact...)

[You did 10 damage]

[Enemy's health: 64]

[Your skill has leveled up! Tentacle Thrust lvl 1 -> lvl 3]

(Ooh, my hard work is showing result huh... Should I keep going?)


(Alright... Here we go again)

Tst5 uses Tentacle Thrust 4 more times, until the "ground" starts to shake

(W-what? whats happening? why is everything shakin-)

Suddenly, tiny holes starts to form in the "ground" and a green liquid starts to pour

(H-hey! what is this green liquid?)

[It is one of the yellow fish's skill: *Digestion*]

(A-and what this do?)

[It is used when something dangerous is in his stomach, it produces acid to melt anything on his stomach]

(Acid? what is this?)

[It is the green liquid leaving the tiny holes, it kills anything on the stomach]

(W-w-wait! I cant die here, cant you do something about this?)

[Analyzing situation... Astaroth is giving you a new skill... Done]

(A new skill? Please! do it fast, the acid is almost reaching me!)

[New skill acquired: Acid Immunity]

(what this skill does?!)

*Acid immunity: you are totally immune to acid, meaning you cant die from it*

(S-so I am safe now?)


(Lets give it a try...)

Tst5 jumps in the acid and nothing happened

(Woah! Im really immune to it!)

The acid dont stop pouring until it was almost half of the stomach

(wow, I can swim in the acid and nothing will happen! But what is this tiny hole?)

[It is a part of the Yellow fish's body, it appears when he is using the digestion skill]

(Can I try to attack it?)


(alright, lets give it a try...)

Tst5 starts to use *Tentacle thrust* until the tiny hole closed

(What? the hole is closing, why?)

[It means that the digestion skill is ending]

(Alright, so... How much damage have I done, I hit it a total of 11 times!)

[You did 22 damage!]

[Enemy's health: 42]

(Wow! I did alot of damage, how?)

[You attacked a vital part of the yellow fish's dealing 2x more damage]

(Well, I dont know what that means, but I feel like Im almost killing it!)

[Yes, you are]

[Your skill has leveled up! Tentacle thrust lvl 3 -> lvl 5]

[Your skill has reached the half part of his growth, it started to grow stronger!]

*Now your tentacles merge 2x faster, and deal two times damage*

Tst5 tentacles now were shaped in a way that looked like a spike

(Woah! look at this! this is so cool...)

(How much damage this may do now?)

When tst5 use his skill once again, he notice that the tentacles are much faster merging now and they are able to show an incredible thrust strength

(Wow, this was amazing! This isnt even on the max level, what could this do when it reaches level 10)

*By upgrading a skill based on your tentacles, Tentacle control leveled up.*

[A skill has leveled up! Tentacle control lvl 4 -> lvl 5]

[Your skill has reached the half part of his growth, it started to grow stronger!]

*Now the time to move tentacles has been halved, you can move your tentacles faster!*

(W-woah, this was unexpected...)

Tst5 tentacles became longer and bigger

(Look at this, Im slowly becoming stronger!)

(Alright, I should try to kill this yellow fish now...)

When tst5 use his tentacle thrush once again, it actually makes a tiny hole on the stomach's wall

[You dealt 2 damage!]

[Enemy's health: 40]

(Yes! Im doing 2 damage per hit now!)

(Lets keep attacking him!)

Tst5 keeps attacking the same hole for some time until he heard something weird

(Whats this sound?)

[You hit a vital part! you dealt 37 damage]

(W-what did I hit to deal so much to the yellow fish?)

[You hit the yellow's fish liver, Dealing great damage to it]

(Liver? what is this?)

[It is a vital part on each animal...]

(yeah it makes sense...)

By hitting the yellow fish's liver, it made the fish very agitated, the yellow's fish started to hit itself on something that resembled a rock, sometimes he would even swim in circles nonstop, making his stomach very shaken.

(W-whats going on?! why this fish is so cr-)

After atleast 5 minutes swimming nonstop, everything stopped, and a notification came to tst5 head.

[You killed 1 yellow fish!]

[Xp acquired: 134]

{ Level: 5/5 }

{ Xp: 34/50 }

[You reached the max level! Activating ability *Self evolution*]

[Initiating first phase... Done]

(What is even happening he-)

Suddenly tst5 falls asleep inside the body of the dead yellow fish

[Detecting changes... Done]

[Initiating second phase... Done]

[Initiating last phase... Done]

[Doing the changes in Host's body]

[Upgrading host's skills...]

[Adaptating host's soul core...]

[First evolution... Done]

Tst5 starts to grow bigger and bigger, little things starts to grow in his body, he starts to take an actual shape, he grow so big that he gets almost 1.5x bigger than the yellow fish

After two days, tst5 woke up

(Ugh... What happened?)

[Congratulations! you are now in your second form!]

(Second form? what is th- WOAH, Im so big now!)


