Sudden changes

The changes in tst5's body may not look too much, but even this little change will help him in his journey...


Now that he reached his second form, his whole body changed. He now has four little but sturdy legs. His tentacles became bigger, and in the final of each tentacle, there was a little ball taking shape. Now that he walked with four legs, his body took a shape that resembled a little dog.

He could feel something "Burning" inside his body but ignored it.

[The second form reached! Showing changes]

[Name: Tst5

Race: Kid Hydra

Rating: F

Level: 0/20

XP: 34/100


HP: 15

MP: 200



Strength: 1.5

Dexterity: 5

Body: 3

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 120



Disguise LVL 2

Absorb LVL 4

Tentacle Control LVL 6

Tentacle Thrust LVL 5

Self-evolution LVL 2

Auto regeneration LVL 2

Scanning area LVL 2

"Huh? Why doesn't the status hurts my head anymore??"

[After reaching the second form, your mind naturally evolved together]

"And... wow, I'm big now huh"

After tst5 checked his body, he looks to the yellow fish that was under him, dead, but now looked small to him

"Look at this, the guy that ate me before now it is almost half of my size, haha!"

"Why does my mind feel clearer than normal?"

[Your mind adapted to the evolution and now have become clearer so you can think faster]

"Oh, so that's why..."

"Well, I can't leave this dead corpse here... Let's see if I can eat it the way I'm now"

tst5 starts to lift the yellow fish body to his mouth, even after growing with this evolution, the yellow fish's body was way too big to fit on his mouth. So he decided to eat it starting by the tail, slowly but steady, he ended up eating the whole body.

"Oof, this fish sure is big, I'm stuffed..."

"let me take a look at my status again, to see what I can do..."

"hmm... Wait, where is acid immunity, and what is this water affinity?"

[Answering host: Acid immunity was removed as you didn't need it anymore, and a warning from Astaroth: (I'm not going to give you any free skill anymore, try to be more cautious from now on). And the water affinity, you got it because you are a being that lives at the ocean]

"What? Damn man, at least I got another skill..."

"Well, it's not like I could do anything either way... So, why don't I try to move around now?"

tst5 notices that he has 4 little legs now, and he tries to use them to walk around.

"T-this thing is hard to move..."

It takes a lot of time before he can actually move around with them, but he discovers that it is surprisingly fast.

"W-Woah! I'm moving pretty fast! I can explore all the ocean now!"

He starts to walk in a single line while being able to see in a radius of 30m, he doesn't notice anything for 15 minutes, until he noticed something shining in the dark, getting very curious about it, he decides to approach it.

"Look at this beautiful light..."

Only when he is 5m from it he notice something moving behind the light, a big and ugly fish with big and curved teeth shoots himself in tst5 direction

"What is that movi- WOAH, it is coming for meeeeeeee!"

tst5 starts to run at full speed in a random direction, by using *Scanning area* he can see the ugly fish following him at high speeds too.

After 5 minutes of straight running and dodging from the ugly fish's attacks, tst5 starts to feel tired, until he noticed a big lump of rock with a hole on it, something red that was leaving bubbles from it looked very hot, but out of desperation, he runs into it nonstop. When he reaches it, he can see the fish stopping and go away.

"Phew... I almost died th-"

Two tentacles came out from the cave and pulled him inside it. When the tentacles finish pulling him, he can hear the voice of a woman inside his head.

??: (Hi, my child, why are you running so desperately?)

tst 5: "W-w-where am I?!"

tst5: "Are you going to eat me?"

??: (Kehehehe, don't need to worry~, I don't like to eat such a perfect creature...)

??: (So, why don't you tell me why you were running?)

tst5: "Okay... actually, an ugly fish was chasing me..."

??: (Oh, that guy... Kehehehe, such a perfect creature, but still so weak that its almost getting killed by another weak creature)

tst5: "Y-yeah... I think so?

??: (If you want, you can stay here, for now, the outside world is dangerous you know~)

tst5: "Oh, thank you! But, can I know what you really are?"

??: (If you are so curious about it, why don't you try to see it for yourself?)

tst5: "Alright, thank you. *Scanning area!*

When tst5 uses the Scanning area, he can see a HUGE creature. it has Red-colored skin, it is very round, except a part that has a total of 24 tentacles.

tst5: "WOW, w-what are you?"

Sheina: (Oh, me? I am Sheina, the empress octopus~~)

tst5: "E-Empress? what is this?"

Sheina: (Oh, you are so cute~ It means that I'm the strongest being around here, on the *Small Volcano*)

[Ding! Heat exposure detected, automatically initiating *Self-evolution*]

[Generation progress: 5%]

tst5 actually hears these notifications but decided to ignore it

tst5: "Woah... So, why are you protecting me?"

Sheina: (It's because you are so cute~~ and has the potential to become so strong...)

Sheina: (Oops! I almost forgot)

One of Sheina's tentacles went very deep into the cave and came back with something from there

Sheina: (Take this, it is a little gift for you, as I don't have any use for it now...)

tst5: "O-oh, ok so... Thank you!"

[Fire gem detected: Absorb it?]

tst5: (Yes)

[Generation progress: 100%]

[Congratulations! you got a new skill: Fire affinity]

tst5: "Eh?"

Sheina: (oh, the gem disappeared, what did you do little one~)

tst5: "I-I don't know... But I think I got fire affinity now..."

Sheina: (Oh, that's good then! It shows that you are growing just fine~~)

tst5: "yeah, thank you..."

Sheina: (Hmm... You must be tired of all this running right? Why don't you rest here for now?)

tst5: "C-can I really rest here?"

Sheina: (Sure! I don't see any problems with that)

tst5: "Thank you once again!"


After finding a comfortable place, tst5 falls asleep, while Sheina continue watching him


