Fighting is hard!

[Waking up host...]

[Warning! Pressure level under 50%]

tst5: "Huh? Pressure level? what is this"

[It means that you need to leave the depths of the ocean, or you will start to feel a great weight and pain]

tst5: "W-what? I can't stay quiet for just one day!"

Sheina: (Hm? what happened little one?)

tst5: "Well, apparently, if I stay here at the depths of the ocean I will

slowly die..."

Sheina: (...Really? That's sad you know... You will leave me alone here~~)

tst5: "Y-yeah, I think so..."

[Warning! Pressure level under 45%, you will start to feel more weight on you]

tst5: "U-ugh, I'm already feeling it... say Sheina, could you help me?"

Sheina: (Sure, what do you want me to do?)

tst5: "well, I think I need a safe place closer to the surface..."

Sheina: (Hmm, alright, I know a good place, want me to take you there?)

tst5: "Uuh, yes?"

Sheina: (but there is one condition...)

tst5: "And what it would be?"

Sheina: (I want to be with you~~)

tst5: "Eh? just this?"

Sheina: (Yes~ I can feel that you are going to be big in the future.)

tst5: "Alright... I don't see any problem with this."

Sheina: (Yey~~ So, let's start moving?)

tst5: "sure, but, is it too fa-"

Sheina's tentacles wrap around tst5 and she hastily leaves the cave,

moving at super-high speeds, it takes 40 minutes to reach the place that Sheina has mentioned.

tst5: "Ugh, did we finally reached it?"

Sheina: (Yes~~)

when tst5 finally gets hold of himself he uses Scanning Area again, seeing a cave surrounded with coral reefs. He noticed that everything looked more backlighted.

tst5: "Eh? why everything looks brighter?"

Sheina: (Oh, its because we are closer to the surface now, see?)

Sheina shows that he can already see the surface from where they are.

tst5: "Oh, I noticed that now, but... I'm able to see without the *Scanning


Sheina: (Kehehe, did you thought you were blind? It was just because the deep ocean is too dark)

tst5: "well, what is this "Blind" thing?"

Sheina: (....You don't know? Sigh, forget it...)

tst5: "Oh, if you say so..."

[Pressure level stabilized: 100%]

tst5: "Phew... I would like to thank you Sheina, you really saved me this


Sheina: (Ooh, don't talk like that, you are going to make me embarrassed~~)

Sheina: (Leaving this aside... Why don't we take a look inside?)

tst5 enters the cave without paying too much attention to his surroundings. After reaching the final of the cave, he noticed it was at least 2x bigger than the *Small Volcano*.

tst5: "Wow, this cave sure is big huh, but can you f-"

Suddenly a big green fish jumped out of a hole in the ground and go in the direction of tst5.

As tst5's intelligence was big, it resulted in better reflexes, making him able to dodge at the last moment.

tst5: "Eeek?! What is this weird fish?"

Sheina: (Oh, it is known as "GreenKiller", it hides in the house of other

fishes, wait for them to come back, and Boom, he kills them)

tst5: "Basically... he is strong?"

Sheina: (Well, I think so?)

tst5: "So, please, kill it for me, I'm weak..."

Sheina: (Hmm, sorry, but I can't do that, you need to kill it for yourself, so you can grow stronger and learn how to fight!)

tst5: "eh? Seriously? but I can't go agains-"

The Greenfish gets angry by being ignored and once again try to sneak attack tst5

tst5: "Ugh, I think I have no choice now..."

tst5 decides to fight back. When tst5 turns back to the green fish, he can see that he disappeared

tst5: "Uh? where did that guy go? Well, it doesn't matter anyway, *Area Scanning*"

After using his skill, tst5 can clearly see the green fish trying to attack him from behind

tst5: "You are really a sneaky guy huh? Kufufufu"

tst5 slightly escapes from the attack, immediately using Tentacle Thrust. tst5's tentacles start to merge together and forming a Big and pointy spear that went in high speeds to hit the Greenfish, The Greenfish hastily moves to try to dodge the spear, while counter-attacking tst5. Tst5 already was waiting for something like this, and hastily removed one of his tentacles from the spear and by doing a fast movement, it hit the Greenfish right in the eye.

[You dealt 5 damage to the enemy!]

[Enemy's health: 95]

tst5: (Ugh, this guy sure is fast and strong)

Actually, the hit on the Green fish's eye removed one of his visions,

resulting in slower reflexes from his side. tst5 sees the chance and moves its spear to the green fish. The Greenfish notices the spear and slightly dodges while running in the direction of tst5, tst5's spear ends up hitting the wall and gets stuck, giving the chance to the Greenfish to hit him, making tst5 go flying and hitting the walls

[You received 11 damage!]

tst5: (Shit, if I'm not cautious enough I will die here... I need to find a way to defeat him!)

tst5 might not be the smartest one, but he can notice some little things as the Greenfish always stopping after trying to hit something.

tst5: (This is it! I have a plan now)

The Greenfish notices that tst5 stops moving, but decides to hit it once again, and when it is right in front of him, tst5 quickly moves his body to the side, resulting in the Greenfish getting stuck in the wall after using one of his skills. Tst5 don't lose the chances and starts to form two spears with 3 tentacles each, and starts to stab the green fish nonstop in the head.

Tst5: "*Tentacle Thrust!* *Tentacle Thrust!* *Tentacle Thrust!* *Tentacle Thrust!*"

[You dealt 23 damage!]

[You dealt 25 damage!]

[You hit a vital part! 47 damage!]

[You hit a vital part! 21 damage!]

[Enemy's health: 0]

[You killed a Green Killer!]

[New title acquired: Giant killer]

[Congratulations! Two skills have leveled up! Tentacle thrust LVL 5 -> 6

Tentacle Control LVL 6 -> 7

[Xp acquired: 1471]

[Congratulations! you leveled up three times!]

[Current level: 3/20]

[Your status got updated!]

Name: Tst5

Race: Hydra (Second Stage)

Rating: F

Level: 3/20

XP: 605/700


HP: 4/20

MP: 200



Strength: 2

Dexterity: 6

Body: 4

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 121



Disguise LVL 2

Absorb LVL 4

Tentacle Control LVL 7

Tentacle Thrust LVL 6

Self-evolution LVL 2

Auto regeneration LVL 2

Scanning area LVL 2

tst5: "Ugh, I feel like I'm dyi-"

Tst5 falls asleep while Sheina keeps staring at him, impressed by his feat.


