Testing new skills!

[Waking up host...]

tst5: "Hm? What is it now..."

[your skill has leveled up! Auto-regeneration LVL 2 -> 4]

tst5: "Ooh, I didn't know I had this... Wait, wow, I'm completely healed up!"

tst5: "this is such a great skill..."

[Warning from Astaroth: Hahaha! I thought you were dead for sure against that fish! you did well killing him, as a reward, I have updated your system, now you have the *Title* function, and a new skill!]

tst5: Eh? new things? this looks interesting... Can I see my status?

[Updating status... Done]

Name: Tst5

Race: Hydra (Second stage)

Rating: F

Level: 3/20

XP: 605/700


HP: 25/25

MP: 200



Strength: 4

Dexterity: 6

Body: 5

Agility: 6

Intelligence: 121



Giant killer: Congratulations! You have killed a creature that is one evolution ahead of you! +2 strength; +1 body.



Disguise LVL 2

Absorb LVL 4

Tentacle Control LVL 7

Tentacle Thrust LVL 6

Self-evolution LVL 2

Auto regeneration LVL 2

Scanning area LVL 2

Double-Tap LVL 1

tst5: Uh? Double-tap? What is this?

*Double-Tap: By activating this skill, any attack or skill will do 2 extra attacks. Cooldown: 10 minutes; Mana cost: 100*

tst5: "...Alright, Sheina, are you there?"

tst5 starts searching Sheina everywhere, but he can't find her anywhere near the cave

tst5: "Eh? Where is Sheina?"

tst5: "Maybe she left for the meantime..."

tst5: "Well, I'm hungry, I think I should try to train my skills and get some food... *Scanning Area!*"

Around tst5 there were a lot of beings, some of them were blue crabs, at least two times bigger than a normal crab. A Yellowfish, the same as the one he found before, and another Greenfish, but smaller.

tst5: "Those guys are even here..."

tst5: "Well, let's see what that blue crab does"

tst5 slowly approaches the blue crab, just to be noticed by him, who hastily runs to tst5 and tried to smash it, tst5 tries to dodge but ends up being hit.

[You received 11 damage!]

[Health Remaining: 14]

tst5: "Shit, this may be harder than I think"

The crab doesn't lose his chance and goes to finish tst5. As tst5 did before, the moment the crab went to attack him, he hastily uses *Tentacle Thrust!* and hits the crab, Perforating him.

[You have dealt a critical hit! 34 damage!]

[Enemy's health: 61]

The crab tries to counter-attack, but tst5 dodges him.

tst5: "Alright, this crab is tougher than I thought... I should try and test my new skill"

The crab doesn't give up, and once again try to hit tst5, and once again, Failing to do so, tst5 doesn't let the chance go and attack him again with *Tentacle Thrust!* and *Double-Tap!*. That, fortunately, hits the target.

[You have dealt 13 damage!]

[You have dealt a critical hit! 33 damage!]

[You have dealt a critical hit! 34 damage!]

[You have killed a "Blue Crab"!]

[Xp acquired: 235]

[You have leveled up!]

[Level: 4/20]

[Xp: 140/900]

tst5: "Wow, that's a lot of damage! Now, should I try another skill on this yellow fish? This time I will try *Disguise!*"

tst5 starts to become "Invisible", and once again slowly approaches his target.

Tst5 was so close to it that he could even touch him, but didn't do so, after preparing himself a little, he made two tiny spears and hit one of them in the head of the Yellowfish.

[You hit a vital part! 45 damage]

tst5's spear was stuck in the Yellowfish, that started to swim around like crazy for 12 minutes until tst5 finally gets to hit him with the second spear.

[You hit a vital part! 47 damage]

[You killed a "Yellowfish"!]

[Xp Acquired: 147]

[Xp: 287/900]

tst5: "As always, this fish is crazy... But now, there is only one left... *Disguise!*"

Once again tst5 slowly approaches the "Greenfish", getting very close to it. As the cooldown for Double-Tap has ended, he decides to kill the Greenfish instantly by hitting his head.

tst5: "*Tentacle thrust!* *Double-Tap!*"

[You hit a vital part! 46 damage]

[You hit a vital part! 48 damage]

[You hit a vital part! 45 damage]

[You killed a "Greenfish"!]

[Xp acquired: 159]

[Xp: 446/900]

tst5: "Phew... well, time to eat! *Absorb!* *Absorb!* *Absorb!*"

After eating everything, he gets stuffed and goes back to the cave.

tst5: (Well, it's better if I stay in the cave to rest a little mo-)

When tst5 is entering the cave, he is surprised by the sudden appearance of Sheila inside the cave

Sheila: (Hi~~ How you are doing?)

tst5: "Eh? you were here this entire time? How and why?"

Sheila: (Well, it is one of my skills, and I wanted to see what you would do if I was not here~~)

tst5: "..... So you were testing me?"

Sheila: (Yes, I think so~~)

tst5: "Sigh, alright, forget it, I'm just going to rest a little"

Sheila: (Kehehe, okay so, but I wanted to ask... what were these two skills you used there?)

tst5: "what do you mean?"

Sheila: (Well... First of all, how you were able to hit the crab three times with just one attack?)

tst5: "...Uuh, a secret skill?"

Sheila: (Alright... and how did you were able to disappear and appear on the face of that Yellowfish?)

tst5: "Oh, it was one of my skills, its called *Disguise*"

Sheila: (Really?! I have the same skill!)

tst5: "O-okay so... That's cool, I think"

Sheila: (Hehe, we already have something in common~~)

tst5: "Y-yeah..."

Sheila: (Well, you must be tired after all these fights, you even got hurt)

tst5: "You are right, I'm pretty tired after these fights..."

Sheila: (Why don't you rest up a little? I will take care of the cave while you are sleeping~~)

tst5: "Oh, thank you so..."

And then, tst5 fell asleep with Sheina staring at him, without knowing that something weird is coming for him, and his life is at risk, maybe not even Sheina can protect him now...

Sheina: (Don't worry little one, I will be sure to protect you...)