Bad feeling

[Warning! The host needs more Hidden Pieces to continue seeing it.]

[Forcefully waking up host]


AAARGH! W-w-what was that!? Ugh, my head hurts too much, what exactly happened? cares to explain Mr.System?

[Astaroth: Hey kid, the System isn't able to explain what happened, so I will explain what happened. Basically, a random maniac that says he is my incarnation started to spread these "Hidden pieces" in the whole world, only the people that were blessed by me can actually read it, and as it is super hard to find one of these, I ended up adding an extra spicy thing, as what it is, don't worry, the System will explain the rest]

...Wait, really? then what was that sea serpent?

[...The host has found the first hidden piece! Just a piece of advice, the host doesn't need to find them in order, as by ancient magic, the hidden pieces will always be in order, it doesn't matter which one you find.]

... If you say so, then what is my reward for finding the Hidden Piece?

[The host has received a special quest from Astaroth. Please read the information below.]

[You unlocked a new part of the system! The Quests Tab was added to your mind]

[Quests: The hidden pieces

[Information: Just find all the hidden pieces spread in the world, and you may get rewards

[Progress: 1/60

[Rewards: (Given by the milestone of progress, current milestones: 1]

[Host has acquired +10 in all stats]

[Do the host wishes to see the Updated Status?]

As always, loads of information out of nowhere, but sure, let's see my new status

[Current status]

Level: 16/20

XP: 870/3300



MP: 300



Strength: 35

Dexterity: 33

Body: 37

Agility: 31

Intelligence: 150



Titan Killer

The one named by a God

The one blessed by a God

Species Destroyer; Title description: You deal 150% damage to rare species and above or species with small populations!

???; Title description: ??????



Disguise LVL 4

Absorb LVL 7 -> 8

Tentacle Mastery LVL max

Tentacle Spear LVL 1 -> 3

Self-evolution LVL 4 -> 5

Auto regeneration LVL 8 -> 9

Scanning area LVL 5

Double-Tap LVL 3 -> 5

Internal Aura Control LVL 4 -> 7

Internal Aura Release LVL 3 -> 4

Tentacle Beam LVL 1 -> 3

[Quests Tab]

Hmm, it surely is good to see these numbers growing, but for some reason, I feel like it isn't enough...

I keep having this feeling, the feeling that something bad is coming up, but I don't know what it is, it just keeps making me feel that I have to get stronger. Well, anyway, getting stronger still is my main point, so I will just follow my instincts and keep getting stronger.

Sheina: (Hey my little beast~ are you okay?)

Shihidora: "Ah, Sheina, I'm fine, you don't need to worry anymore... By the way, how much time was I asleep?"

Sheina: (Uhh, you slept for almost two days...)

Shihidora: "Two days?! I didn't think that it would take so much time for me to wake up, sorry for worrying you Sheina"

Sheina: (Oh dear, you don't need to think about that anymore, what matters is that you are fine and alive! And I think you grew up quite a lot too... You sure are a weird creature!)

Shihidora: "Hmph, said the Giant octopus"

Sheina: (You said something?)

Shihidora: "N-no, I didn't say anything"

Sheina: (Hmm, If you say so... Ah! I almost forgot, I brought that thing you told me to get)

Shihidora: "Wait, really?! Thank you Sheina, you sure are the best!"

Sheina: (Oh my~ don't go saying this type of thing little beast)

Shihidora: "Anyway... Why half of it is gone?!"

Sheina: (Oh, that's... oh! look at the time! I need to go, bye!)

Shihidora: "Wait, what time you talking ab-"

She already disappeared... Well, it's not like I would need the other half, but I'm pretty sure that she ate the other half, I might as well eat the other half!

As I was devouring the Serpent, I felt a new thing, it was... Delicious? Everything that I ate so far didn't have any taste, but this one just gives me the urge to eat more of it! Ugh, I shouldn't have killed the last one of the species...

[A skill leveled up! Absorb 8 -> Max]

[Skill *Absorb* needs special conditions to evolve, currently, it is impossible]

Eh? Hmm, I never expected *Absorb* to be able to evolve... Well, there isn't any way of knowing how to evolve it, so I should just ignore it for now.

Now, talking about that weird dream, by watching and incorporating that weird creature, I felt that everything I have done so far was only the tip of the iceberg, there are many ways to apply Skills and Aura, especially together, they get stronger.

As a test, I want to try and fuse the *Scanning Area* and my Aura... But, how I do it?

Let's see what we can do for now, Scanning area is a skill that spreads around in a certain Radius... So, to strengthen it with aura, I would need to put the two of them together at the start and spread them at the same time, maybe using the Aura release I might be able to do it. Let's give it a try.

First, Activate *Scanning Area* but hold it for now. Second, Activate *Aura control* and *Aura release*, don't spread it, for now, focus it on one point. Now move the three of them to the same place... Ugh, this requires too much concentration, alright, focus, focus, and focus more... Yes, that's it, the three of them are merging.

[The Skill *Scanning area LVL 5* Is currently being modified!]

Silence system! I need to concentrate here! And for the last part, release it all in one go!

[The skill *Scanning area* was modified successfully, it has been upgraded to *Lower-rank Demon's eye*]

Wow... There is a clear difference between the old skill, and the new one, I'm able to see almost everything! I can see Sheina hiding in a corner while spying on me, and I can see a Big shark-looking creature hiding behind a rock 100 meters from here!

...Wait, a Big shark-looking creature?