The Great Fight

A big shark-looking creature?

How I didn't see it for all this time? Is it using some type of Skill like me?

[You can appraise the Creature stats]

Uh? Why I'm able to see that shark's stats and not Sheina's stats?

[According to my data, The only creatures that can have Stats are the ones blessed by gods]

Wait, so you are saying that the Shark is a creature with similar power as me?

[In some way, yes, the System can differ based on the god that they were blessed]

Hmm, so, what System is better, His System or my System?

[...I'm not able to answer this question]

Well, if that's the case, shall we take a look at it?

[Loading Creature's stats]


Name: Sharkie Maw

Race: Great white shark

Level: 37/100






Strength: 567

Dexterity: 453

Body: 425

Agility: 525

Intelligence: 90



Emperor Killer

The one named by a God

The one blessed by a God

[Unable to see all the titles]



Potential unlocked (Passive); Unable to see information

Great Bite; Unable to see information

Aura Control; Unable to see information

Aura Release; Unable to see information

[Unknown powers made it unable to see the rest of the Skills]

W-W-WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?! What am I going to do?! He is too strong! I need to take Sheina and escape from here while I keep an eye on him!

Shihidora: "Sheina! Sheina! Where are you?!"

Sheina: (I-I'm here little one~)

Shihidora: "We need to go now! There seems to be a weird creature keeping an eye on us!"

Sheina: (What? He already is here? How I didn't notice?!)

Shihidora: "What are you talking about? You knew about him?!"

Sheina: (I- It's not like I knew about it! It just seems to have a strong creature going all around the ocean and killing some emperors here and there!)

Shihidora: "It doesn't matter, we just need to go now!"

????: "It's too late now, the time is up."

W-what? How he got here without me noticing? was he invisible? No... I think it may be because he was just too fast!

Sheina: "So you are finally here, Sharkie Maw"

Sharkie: "Kekeke, were you waiting for me? Cold empress~?"

What is happening?! T-this pressure, I can't move a single inch!

Sheina: "Shihidora, go to the back of the cave and hide"

Shihidora: "B-but..."

Sheina: "I said now, and I'm not going to repeat myself"

Sharkie: "Ohh, I see, so you are very fond of the creature, huh? Why? Is it your secret child?

Sheina: "Shut up Maw, I don't need to hear your bullshits now, your parents already were troublesome, I thought you would be different after that..."

Sharkie: "After what? After you killed my parents?"

Sheina: "I'm not going to repeat myself, leave now."

Sharkie: "Kekeke, I don't want to~"

W-what are they talking about? I can't hear them from here but I guess I will use disguise to hide for now.

(Fight POV)

As Sheina was confirming if Shihidora was far enough, Sharkie dashed at unexpected speeds and reached one of her tentacles. Sheina quickly withdrew the tentacle and move the other four tentacles to hit Sharkie.

Sharkie swiftly dodged the tentacles and dashed in front of Sheina, suddenly, a giant Jaw appeared and tried to bite her face. Sheina took distance hastily with her tentacles.

Sharkie starts to talk with Sheina:

Sharkie: "Oh, you got better at this? so it wasn't only your body that grew bigger?"

Sheina: "Hmph, this much is nothing."

Sharkie: "You know... As you got stronger, I, got a new power too. After you left me in the vast Ocean without any help, one of the Gods reached me and gave me the power to dominate the entire ocean! and very soon, the entire world!"

Sheina: "So that's why I could feel something weird in your abilities..."

Sharkie: "Kekekeke, you don't need to worry about it anyway, you know why? Because you will not be able to feel it anymore after this!"

Sharkie dashes at incredible speeds and hits Sheina's body, making her go flying backward.

Sharkie: "Can you feel now? This is my new power!"

Sheina: "If it amounts only to this, then forget about dominating the ocean!"

Sheina moves all her tentacles to get closer to him. When she is close enough, she throws all her tentacles at him, Sharkie dodged most of them but wasn't able to dodge everything, letting some scratches to appear on him.

The two of them remained silent while fighting, they were so concentrated that they weren't able to see what was happening to the surrounding. They already left the cave a long time ago, as they were fighting, the clashes started to cause waves on the surface. An enormous pressure could be felt from the fight, you couldn't see who was the strongest in the few early minutes of the fight, but continuously wounds could be seen appearing in Sheina's body.

Sharkie: "SEE?! You aren't in my league anymore! YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME!"

Sheina: "S-Shut up your Fish breath! I will never let you dominate this ocean!"

Sharkie: "It's better if you give up now!"

As the fight continues, the two of them starts to release more and more Demonic Aura, the enormous pressure got even bigger, to the point that every fish in a radius of 70 meters were dying from the raw power of it.

Suddenly, they release almost all the Aura they had on each other.

A big explosion occurred. Giant waves were formed on the surface, the size of the explosion was big enough to send water flying upwards. Everything was silent for a while until we could see the aftermath of the fight.

Sheina, full of wounds on the main body, most of the tentacles were missing, and a tired expression on her face.

On the contrary, Sharkie had a few holes here and there, nothing threatening, scratches covered his entire body and could be seen to be smiling while in front of the fallen Sheina.

Sharkie: "Ke... Kekeke, I... I Told you, you can never... Win against me, stupid octopus!"

Sheina: "Ugh, you really got stronger, but... I can't give up now!"

As the last resort, Sheina tries to kill Sharkie by impaling his brain with the remaining tentacles... But failing to do so, Sharkie hastily used Giant bite on the tentacles, smashing and cutting them in pieces.

Sharkie: "This is the end Sheina, you are dead now"

Sharkie was about to kill Sheina when suddenly, something appears in Sharkie's back

Shihidora: "I don't think so!"

Sharkie: "W-what?! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!"

[Sharkie received 931 damage]