


The pirate ship was moving calmly over the Caribbean sea. They weren't using their pirate flag, just a regular black flag because they were heading to a public port.

The crew was relaxing. They didn't have much work to do today. Some of them sat around sharpening their swords, eating apples, or drinking rum and the like.

Two burly men were playing chess on the dock. One of them had a very long red beard. His face looked cheerful and flushed from the few cups of rum he had drunk.

"Hahahaha .. I've been winning three times. I'm sure this is a good omen," he said cheerfully. The man then looked up and shouted loudly, "Hey, Mars! What do you see there? Anything interesting?"

From the top of the mast, where the watchtower was located, came a reply that was almost as loud. "Nothing, father! I think we'll get to Myreen by nightfall!"

The old pirate who was known by the nickname Redbeard laughed out loud.

"Very good. Sonia's grandma asked me to come. That means something important or special happened. Mars, come on down. Let's drink rum here!"

A handsome 20-year-old man jumped from the ten-meter high watchtower and landed gracefully in front of Redbeard.

The young man didn't look belong among those pirates around him, no matter how hard he tried to look fierce and scary. He was just too good looking and clean.

His shirtless upper body was chiseled. His face was handsome, framed by messy platinum hair that fell down to his shoulders. Of all the crews on the ship, he looked like a young lord.

Mars frowned and pointed to the chessboard. "That was a stupid move. Now he can take your horse."

"Ahh ... you talk a lot! Get over there ... don't bother me. Go play, watch the tower, or disturb other people there!" grumbled Redbeard, suddenly regretting his action to get this young man to come down. "You nosy!"

Mars just laughed and tapped his foster father on the shoulder. He then looked around the ship and shouted, "Who wants to practice sword fighting with me? I'm bored."

"You know no one can beat you on this ship," snorted Pietro, the bald man who was playing chess against Redbeard. "You'd better save your swordplay for the next ship we loot."

Mars rolls his eyes. "It must be a long time. The naval forces from the seven kingdoms are quite active in patrolling these waters. We can only work freely after returning to the high seas."

"Hey, I haven't seen my daughter in three years, okay?" said Redbeard, moving a chess piece to the center of the board and taking up his opponent's pawn. "If it weren't for my promise to her mother, I wouldn't have returned to Myreen at the risk of losing my head. Checkmate."

"Hmm ... does your daughter know you are a pirate?" asked Mars, crossing his arms over his chest.

Redbeard shook his head. "No. Sonia thought I am an ordinary sailor."

"Are you going to tell her who you really are?" asked Mars again.

"What for?" Redbeard shrugged, then finished the rum in his cup. "The child must live a peaceful life and marry a good man. She must not know what I do for a living."


Silvercove Harbor was the largest port in the Myreen Kingdom. That evening, the port looked quiet because there weren't many activities that people could do at night like this.

On the edge of a pier, a young girl wearing men's clothes sat quietly. Her long, black curls were tied over her head and a bundle of cloth was tied to her back.

Her face was beautiful and looked a little worried. Sonia was Redbeard's daughter. She sent a letter three months ago addressed to the Red Cat Inn in Portugal, which she knew her father always stopped by when sailing.

In the past, that was how her mother sent news to her father while he was always traveling. Any sailors who passed by the inn would pass the news on their journey to other sailors. So, wherever Redbeard was in the world, he would somehow get notified of that important letter.

Sonia was sure Redbeard had received her letter and was on his way here. She had often heard the news of Redbeard's attacks on merchant ships and the direction was getting closer to Myreen.

It had been a while since her grandmother, who always took care of Sonia, fell ill and eventually died. She was Sonia's only family on the land after her mother died when she was a child.

Now, the girl had decided to follow her father. She felt that now she had no more reasons to stay on land.

Sonia was about to give up because she had waited for too long when suddenly she saw a medium-sized ship with a fake merchant flag advancing toward the harbor.

The dull red color on the masts immediately excited the girl. She knew father's ship very well. Happily, she ran toward the pier to meet the ship.

The crew threw the anchor and they kept the ship stopped at a hidden part of the harbor. A moment later the crew descended and jumped ashore. The last one to come down was Redbeard.

He arranged for some of his men to guard the ship. Some were sent to buy food and other supplies, and so on. After everything was settled, he walked ashore. Mars followed behind him with leisurely steps.

As soon as they were a few dozen meters into the dock, Sonia suddenly came out from behind a pile of crates and blocked their way. She looked like a fierce young man.

"Hey, who are you? How dare you get in our way??" scolded Mars, drawing his sword.

Sonia didn't answer. Instead, she drew her sword too. From the beginning, she was interested in seeing the young man who was walking with her father.

[Who the hell is this man?]

Without further ado, she immediately charged toward Mars with her most deadly attacks.

Mars was so shocked. However, he swiftly dodged Sonia's attacks and charged back. The intense fight would soon become deadly had Redbeard not recognized his daughter right away.

"Sonia, my sweetheart!" he screamed with joy. With one hand he lifted Sonia's waist and the other grabbed Mars by the collar. "My beautiful daughter is so big now ... How is your grandmother, Sonia?"

The girl just looked away while sheathed her sword.

"Don't call me your beautiful daughter!" She paused for a moment after glaring at Mars. "Grandma is dead and now I want to follow you to work as a pirate."

Redbeard and Mars gasped in unison. Saying they were shocked was an understatement.

"Pirates? Who? Where is the pirate?" Redbeard glanced right and left with an expression of feigning surprise.

"Father, stop it! Stop pretending. I know who you really are," said Sonia, pursing her lips. "I'm not a kid who is easily fooled like I used to. You are no ordinary sailor. You are a famous pirate and all the seven kingdoms want you dead."

Redbeard looked speechless for a few moments. He was like a child who was caught stealing candy and suddenly lost his words and couldn't lie anymore.

"You .. you want to follow me to become a pirate???" He massaged his forehead. "Unbelievable. You are a WOMAN!"

"There is no such thing as female pirates," Mars smirked while rolling his eyes.

"Then I'll be the first female pirate in the seven kingdoms! I'll make a name for myself," Sonia retorted.

Redbeard shook his head. He looked at Sonia intently and tried to reject the wishes of his only child.

"I can't take you with me. Having a woman on the ship can bring bad luck," he muttered.

"I don't have a place to live anymore. My only relative is you, father. If you don't want to accept me ... I'd better go follow my mom and grandma!" threatened the girl as she drew back her sword and pressed it against her neck. Her eyes glint dangerously.

Instantly Redbeard's face turned pale.

"I'm not remotely joking," said Sonia, clenching her jaw. Slowly but surely she pressed her sword. Blood started dripping from the deepening wound.

"Dammit. Who do you take after? Why so stubborn?" scolded Redbeard, who at that moment realized he had lost. "Ugh .. alright. You can come. But if you complain even just once, I'll drop you off at the next port."

"I will never complain," said Sonia as she put her sword back in its sheath.

Mars and Redbeard exchanged glances.

"I think she takes after you," Mars mocked his foster father. "The stubbornness, I mean."

"Shut up!" snapped Redbeard. Then he cleared his throat. "Sonia, this is Mars. He is my vice-captain on the ship. He will take care of you while you are on the ship. If there is anything you need, he's the one you have to bother with."

"Hey, it's not fair!" exclaimed Mars. "She is your daughter! You are the one who decided to bring her to the ship! Take responsibility!"

Redbeard pretended not to hear Mars's protests.