182. Spies -2 (Part Two)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED

"Let's take a break here!" I commanded, and the soldiers quickly moved out.

The refugees all made "I'm saved!" faces and began setting up their tents.

I dusted myself off and shook my rain-soaked hair before dismounting from the skeleton horse. While stepping into the tent the soldiers had set up for me, I asked Charlotte, who was following closely behind me, "What about the spies?"

"The party, consisting of Adolf, Yuria, and Gril, has succeeded in infiltrating the city of Chaves, sire."

...Huh. Could we really trust that group to succeed?

Although I did feel somewhat concerned, they were well-trained and also possessed quite a lot of field experience, so it should work out somehow...

I began taking off my wet clothes and tossing them aside.