183. Spreading Plague -1 (Part One)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED

It wasn't all that hard to infiltrate the capital of the Chaves fiefdom. I used the same method that Gril and his group had used.

However, there was one problem here, and that would be me needing to wade through the underground sewer, which resulted in all sorts of literal crap thoroughly bathing me from top to bottom.

I passed through the sewer and quietly climbed up to the surface level. It was late at night. I entered a deserted alleyway and frowned heavily while staring at my clothes, now stained deeply with sh*t.

"I'm supposed to be the Holy Emperor, yet I have to be in this crappy situation..."

I sniffed the air only to be punched in the gut with the disgusting stench. I hurriedly took my clothes off and chucked them away, then changed into new duds.

Just as I took my mask off and began washing my face with the holy water...

"S-someone, anyone! Please help me!"