Chapter 1: Introducing - Sakae Sakata

Hello, my name is Sakae Sakata, also known as Sasa.

I am just a normal Japanese high schooler.

Well, sort of.

I was born into a ninja clan, but I am just a normal guy now.

I am leading a rather peaceful life.

At least, I was, until I stumbled upon a huge problem.


They are everywhere.

Everywhere I go, I am surrounded.

I feel claustrophobic.

Why here, why now?

Where is my foam sparring sword when I need it?

"Sasa-kun?" he heard a voice behind him.

Sasa: "Kya! Oh, it's you, Kai. Thank goodness"

Kaido 'Kai' Minato, my best friend.

One of my few real friends in this all wide world.

Kai: "Not sure what you mean, Sasa-kun, but all right"

Kai: "It is pretty exciting, isn't it? We are no longer middleschoolers, from now on, we are high schoolers!"

Sasa: "Why are you so happy about it? We are just another year older; that is all"

Being a first year in high school was nothing to be happy about.

Kai: "Oh, c'mon. Don't you smell it? The smell of romance looming our way? Oh, I can feel the breeze sweeping me off my feet!"

Sasa: "If that's what you want, you can have my share. Don't want it"

Kai: "Wouldn't you want a girlfriend?"

Sasa: "No way in hell"

Kai: "Still stingy as ever, huh?"

That is right.

Avoiding all kind of contact with women and lead a peaceful life; that is my life's only goal.

No women, no drama, and no bullshit.

My dream life, here I come!

* * *

Why the hell?


Why am I lined up right next to girls?

The commencement ceremony for the year was starting and everyone was lined up according to last names.

Sasa couldn't help but curse his terrible luck for putting him in this position. Right after the ceremony ended, Sasa tried to make a run for it, only to be stopped in his tracks by a black-haired girl with hair reaching to her waist.

"My name is Risa, I am the new student council for the year. It is very nice to meet you"

Sasa: "Likewise"

Right after saying that started to go away, only for Risa's hand to grab him by the hem of his clothing.

Risa: "Uhm, if it is ok with you, could I please ask your help…"

Sasa: "No you cannot. Ask someone else"

Risa: "But…."

Sasa: "Out of the three hundred seventy three males in this school, you just happened to pick me, huh? Sorry, don't wanna!"

Just like that, he bolted away like lightning.

Risa: "Any other male would have been delighted to help a damsel in distress. What a strange boy"

What a strange boy indeed. This is story of Sasa, the boy who abhors girls and love, and wants to lead a life of peace and quiet. But will the life let him have his wish?

Love comedy of a boy who is terrified of girls begins!