*Title at the end*

Circe was currently lying on a couch in a private room inside the guild. Ouranos was next to the young mage, updating her status after her first dungeon run.

Circe had made sure to tell Ouranos about the encounter with all the Infant Dragons, and Ouranos had agreed with her theory about the dungeon thinking she was just a weak god.

Ouranos simply said for Circe to be more cautious while fighting in the dungeon. His thought process was that if she could encounter a rare monster like an infant dragon on the 10th floor, then if she goes deeper, the high tier monsters might get more plentiful and overwhelm her. After all, the dragons almost did.

Ouranos finished updating the young demigod's status and showed her her updated status.

[Name: Circe

Race: Demigod

Level: 1 --> 2

STR: S-999 -->G- 200

END: S-999 --> G- 200

DEX: SSS-1500 --> G-200

AGI: SSS-1500 --> G-200

MAG: SSS-1500 --> SSS- 1500

Innate Skills:

{Daughter of Hecate - SSS}

{Grimoire of Hecate - SSS}

Development Skills:

{Mage - SSS:}

{Swordsman - S:}]

"Congratulations Circe, you have made the new record for fastest level up since the Sword Princess. Looks like in one weeks time you will get to have an Alias." Ouranos praised Circe. He was happy he had found such a treasure. Sadly, that was all he saw Circe as; treasure.

Circe simply gave the elder god a simple nod of confirmation before walking to the main area of the guild where she could exchange her magic cores. After all, she may be living in the guild, but now that she's an adventurer, Ouranos would stop providing for her.

Circe simply put her black shirt back on and walked out of the private room. She was annoyed. She didn't like that it was so difficult for her to take down all those Infant Dragons. Ever since birth, she had been trained to be the perfect warrior. Emotionless, Ruthless, and Powerful.

And now, in her first dungeon run, she was almost defeated. It angered her. How can she be the best when she struggles to take out a simple horde of level two monsters.

Circe, without realizing it, had made it all the way to the training grounds, completely missing her goal of the Magic Stone Exchange Center. Circe, shaking her head in dissapointment at herself, began to meditate in the middle of the training center.

Sitting and floating there in a meditative state, Circe began to think about what she considered her failures. One, she was unable to easily take down those dragons. Two, her difficulty in learning the advanced forms of elemental magic, even if it was mostly time that gave her trouble. Three, her inability to surpass Athena in swordsmanship.

As Circe thought of her failures, it made her want to surpass herself. She, without meaning to, began to circulate her mana in and around her.

As she continued to think of her failures and want to improve, a silent tear fell out of her closed eye. She was never one to think of her failures, and realizing how many there were, it hurt her. She may have failed less than the average person, but she wasn't average. Even a single mistake was unacceptable in her mind. She wished to be perfect. She 𝐡𝐚𝐝 to be perfect.

She 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 be perfect.

As Circe opened her eyes, a glowing book was infront of her, closed, and it seemed to call out to Circe's very being.

Circe dropped down from the air as she grabbed out the the book. Once she did, her magic and the book's seemed to merge, becoming something greater when they are together. Something even more Pure.

Circe looked at the title of the book. 'Grimoire of Hecate.' Circe had a soft smile on her face as she read the title. Finally, she knew how to access her second innate skill. Smiling softly, she called the book to rest, and as she did, it flew to her and shrunk, placing itself inside the mark her mother left on her arm.

'Thank you, Mother'


Circe was walking through the dungeon flinging spells left and right without care.

Hellhounds and Almiraj were surrounding the young witch. She had been going to the dungeon for the last week. She hadn't leveled up again because of how little excellia the members of the middle floors would give her.

Of course, if she were to find a horde of wyvern, she would probably level up.

She continued flinging spells quickly wiping out the hordes of monsters around her. Most people would be annoyed if monsters attacked them as much as they attacked Circe, but she loved the challenge of fighting monsters.

As Circe descended the stairs, she hoped she wasn't acting rashly. After all, if she did, she might get overwhelmed by a massive horde of monsters that were to strong for her. She was slightly scared that it could end worse than the dragon incident.

As Circe rounded the corner to enter the next floor, she came face to face with what looked like an army of minotaur.

Circe, not being an idiot, quickly hid behind the corner to plan how she could take it out. Of course, it would have been smarter for her to just run, but she enjoys a good fight. Especially when she has time to plan.

Circe, plan in mind, began to circulate mana through her, improving her body and having it ready for the next spell she casts.

Circe quickly turned the corner of the stairs and rushed into what she had dubbed the 'Monster Party.' As soon as she made eye contact with the nearest Minotaur, she quickly shouted 'Ha-Di' the Heiroglyph for explosion. The heiroglyph burned gold in the air. Then, as quick as she could she wrote Uruz, Kena, and Tyr. The runes for Power, Fire, and Energy. The runes and heiroglyphs combined in eachother and then suddenly, a massive explosion shook the whole dungeon. No Minotaur was spared as the spell was cast.

The dungeon continued shaking for atleast 15 seconds. What looked like hundreds of mana cores were on the ground.

Circe went and began to pick up the mana cores and put them into her small dimension. Then, as she was about 10% of the way through all the mana stones, she heard the dungeon rumble once more.

"This can't be good, not one bit." Circe mumbled to herself, an extremely small amount of fear in her heart.

Circe stood in a stance, ready to run at a moments notice. Then, the rumbling continued closing in on her position and she began pushing wind mana into her legs, increasing her speed by atleast 2x.

She watched as a massive skeletal reaper of death rounded the corner. Circe's eyes widened in fear as she watched it round the corner.

Circe chuckled to herself, "I'm in danger."

Then, she ran as quick as she could away from the massive beast that was the Juggernaut. As she looked at the stair case, she could only cry internally as she saw that it was far farther than in should have been.

Circe's eyes widened, as she coughed out a mouthful of blood. She looked down to find herself impaled by one of the Juggernaut's limbs.

*Title: Juggernaut*