Perks of a Demigoddess

Circe was currently getting her status updated so she could quickly go into the dungeon and just work for the next 3 weeks to hopefully make enough money to pay off her future debt to Hephaestus.

Ouranos, not saying any words to the young demigod, put her stats onto a piece of paper before handing it to the girl.

[Name: Circe

Race: Demigod

Level: 2

STR: B- 701

END: A- 811

DEX: S- 923

AGI: S- 978

MAG: EX - 5000

Innate Skills:

{Daughter of Hecate - SSS}

{Grimoire of Hecate - SSS}

Development Skills:

{Mage - SSS:}

{Swordsman - S:}

{Pain Resist - S: You have suffered a large amount of pain. The more pain you take when gaining this skill, the stronger it is. Any pain less than the amount you suffered to gain this skill will feel extremely weak. Note, it will still cause the same amount of damage to your person. !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!##!#!#!}]

Circe looked to the elder god with a questioning look, mostly confused about her having an EX ranked stat. Something that has never happened before.

Ouranos simply said to not question it, and that it was most likely due to her being a demigod.

Circe walked out of the Room of Prayer, ready to head back into the dungeon. Circe knew she wouldn't be able to easily collect two billion Valis, so she knew she had to get as much a headstart as she could.


Circe was walking around the middle floors, slaughtering Minotaurs constantly. She was killing them as quick as she could so they couldn't pile up and force her to use the 'Ha-Di' and rune combination once more.

It had been two weeks since she had commissioned Hephaestus for the rings. She had currently raised about 3/4 of the two billion Valis. She assumed by the end of this run she could fully buy the rings and not be in debt.

Circe continued her rampage on the monsters, killing minotaurs and lygerfangs alike. The only small miniscule break that the monsters would get from the constant death was when the girl would collect the mana cores from them.

Circe continued her descent into the dungeon, hoping she could make it to the Goliath when it was just about to break free.

Entering the massive square room that looked to be made of crystals, she watched as a dark shadow as sitting behind the wall. Circe could estimate that the Goliath had a few more hours until it broke free and she would fight the monster.

Circe sat on the ground, meditating. She did this so she could reign in her mental fatigue by a bit before the fight. After all, she may have a nearly limitless pool of mana, but she still had to deal with magic causing mental fatigue.

She wouldn't want herself to be sluggish during a boss fight would she?


Circe looked as the Goliath broke out of it's crystal made prison. She slowly stood up and began to circulate magic through her body like she had done so many times before.

The Goliath let out a massive roar of rage as it's eyes descended upon Circe. The shear power of the roar caused Circe's clothes to flutter as if she was in the midst of a tornado.

Circe began to fire wind blades and spears made of ice towards the Goliath. The impacts forced the Goliath back a small bit. As it was recovering, Circe sent a 'Ha-Di' spell towards the massive humanoid monster.

She quickly ran to it, writing runes on it's legs as it was once more recovering. Then, as she made her escape, the Goliath hit her with it's full force in the arm, breaking it.

Circe simply shrugged off the broken arm. Not only did it not cause her any pain due to her {Pain Resist} skill, she also could just use healing magic to make it good as new.

The young mage decided she had had enough fun with the monster after playing with it for a couple more minutes and quickly cast a few Space Blades at the monster.

She watched as the monster collapsed to the floor in a black mist, dropping a mana core. She quickly put the mana core into her mini-dimension before taking a quick glance at the 18th floor and deciding to just ascend to the ground level once more.

The girl turned to look at the stairs to head back to the 16th floor only to come face to face with a party of well known adventurer's, The Loki Familia Core Members.


Ais was having a nice time, she was slaughtering monsters, getting stronger to reach her end goal. She and her party were quickly descending through the floors, just using the day to increase their stats and skills.

The group had began descending into the 17th floor, ready to kill the Goliath for the second time this month. Yet, something they didn't expect to see was happening on the 17th floor.

Ais stood still, mesmerized by the flow of action that was happening in front of her. A girl who seemed to be the same age as her, was fighting the Goliath on her own.

She watched as the girl cast spell after spell at the monster, expertly weaving through all of it's attacks. She looked to the girl's face, only to see she had a soft smile on her face, seemingly enjoying the fight.

She looked to her right to see the two amazoness sisters wanting to join in on the fight, and tried to rush out to help the girl, only to be held back by Finn and Riveria.

Then, they watched as the girl ran to the feet of the Goliath only to be smacked away by the monster. She looked to the girl, noticing her broken arm, ready to go help out the girl who was surely to die now that she had loss the use of one of her arms.

Yet, Ais watched as the girl looked at her broken arm in indifference and cast healing magic on it. Then, she watched as the girl looked up to the monster and made a few blades that looked to be made of the night sky. Then she sent them to the monster, and it was chopped into a few pieces.