Math tutorial

Dear Diary,

I almost had a panic attack when I saw him leaning on my locker looking like an angel and reading some book. In my confused state as I approached him he looked up and smiled at me and said "Hey"

By now my heart was beating like drums and he could probably hear it too.

Calming myself I said

"Hey, What are you doing here?"

He replied still smiling which he shouldn't do as it is not healthy for my heart.

"I was wondering when we will start our math lectures? You know I promised your mom and I dont go back on promises"

Why does everything he speaks sounds so intelligent and sincere even when his eyes speaks differently.

So I said the only logical thing that I could think of "You are kidding right?"

Never said it was the most intelligent one.

He laughed and said "No, I am very serious about it Kang Ji Eun"

He realized I am stuck for the moment still contemplating if he is infact joking or not, he decided to solve the mystery for me and said

"So you want to meet after school at library? or some other place ?.m"

He paused for a moment and then said.

"I know a good place to study"

He was so excited and his smile is so infectious I couldn't help but smile with him and to agree with whatever he was saying.

Although I looked calm on the outside standing this close to him for the first time I was screaming like a banshee inside. COULD HE BE ANYMORE PERFECT?

So I said coolly

"Ok. I'll inform my mother and then will meet you after school"

Then suddenly I remembered he didn't told me where we are going

"But wait, where are we going?"

He replied with mysterious look in his eyes

"Its a secret but I'll share it with you. I am going to show you after the school"

In normal circumstances ill be cautious and even a bit scared going alone with someone I didn't even know much but right at that moment I couldn't help but feel excited about the upcoming adventure and I couldn't wait for school to end.

And in all my excitement I forgot a simple and very important detail 'I suck at math'