An ambiguous break-up

"Krist... Let's break up."

She was looking up into the sky at that moment, eyes full of wonder and happiness but then, she heard those words which made her focused completely on him.

In a slow and mellow voice, she was distracted and look up to him, her eyes left the fireworks setting off at the sky.

She halted from staring at the sky. With those words being said, lot of things ran through her mind. They were at the amusement park that day. He asked her out for a date. She was so happy because everytime she's with him, she learn always experience new things. She always get across boundaries.

Something different, new... That she haven't experienced before.

Actually Acer might look like an asshole but in reality, when he started to care for someone dearly, you will be utterly speechless. It was totally different.

Like when he confessed twice. The first time he confessed is that he looked so serious. Like he's trying to convince her of believing him.

"Krist, what would you do if I told you I like you?" he said that day, with a dead serious face and calm voice. They were walking at the street that time, he is following her that day which made her feel weird. So . And she completely halted from walking because of those words. She turned around to face him, with one of her hands holding on to the strap of her bag and the other hand on her jean's pockets.

'Is he confessing?' she asked herself. 'Probably not, just asking.' she relieved herself to avoid overreacting.

"Hmm, nothing. I will reject you of course. Especially I don't like you back." she nonchalantly said and continued walking.

"I think I like you." he said seriously which automatically froze her whole body as if a whole bucket of ice were splashed unto her. Completely rendering her speechless.

She didn't find it funny at all, she was pissed actually.

"Stop making fun of me Acer Lee. Or I'll swing a bat at you to break that little pretty face of yours." she said coldly and continued walking.

'Damn, he almost got me back there... ' she whispered to herself, never knowing that the man behind her is cussing her off.

'Damn, this heartless girl...'

He ran to keep up with her and blocked her path. His face is serious and she was forced to halt. He looked directly into her face and then down to her hands. He had a different sura right now. He looked alluring and his face is now with a tinge of redness.

'How could I do this?' he thought to himself but then, he had to choice. He had to conquer this Straight Faced Queen and show her his dominant between them. He can't bear all the shame he'd been through becase everytime he wanted to make fun of her, things always turn around and he's always the one defeated in the end.

Not actually defeated though, she just always ignore her, and no one could stand Acer's asshole attitude after all. So his pride as an asshole were hurt. He can't stand it. He had to get revenge.

But then, what actually happened?

Same result. Acer Lee gets ignored.

"Hey... I'm serious." he said seriously and tried his best to sound sincere. He also held her hand which caught her offguard.

The bitter cold wind blew to their direction, as her waist long white hair were waving with the wind, she also felt the cold air touching her face. But she can't get her attention off to his hand holding her.

Slowly, he pulled her hand forcibly then she stumbled forward towards him.

"What do you think you're doing dragging me like this?" even if caught off guard, she kept calm and tried to clear his head. This man is definitely messing with her head.

She focused on his face, too serious and blank. She tried to read any signs of pretending but she can't see those. She really gives a thumbs up to his acting skills.

His eyes then darted to their hands, then he brought her hands and layed them flat to his chest.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

'I must be nervous, as my heart is beating this crazy fast even though I'm just faking.' he told himself.

She raised her eyebrows. She felt the warmness of his skin even with his shirt on. Then next to the warmness, is the fast, unsteady heartbeat she felt. He placed her hand on his chest. On the top of his heart.

"Do you hear it? My heart is always beating this fast everytime I see you." he said with a beautiful smile in his face.

But for her, that smile look silly... But it's actually kinda cute...

"Are you done messing around?" she asked flatly. As if not fazed by the indirect confession.

He cussed again in his head. But he kept his acting.

"I know you won't believe it. But hey..." he leaned closer, his hands still holding her hand then smiled seductively at her.

She kept staring at her like a frozen log, without any trace of emotions.

"We've got lot of time..." he added then dragged her. Then and there, they have they're first obviously *forced date.

The *forced date eventually came, unexpectedly. On any possible occasions.

"Krist." she was awoken by the sudden reminiscing when he talked again. She almost got lost on her thought. He wanted to break up with her.

"Okay." she said then gave a sincere smile.

He stared at her dumbly after she agreed to that. As easy as that? He asked himself.

"Don't you wanna ask the reasons?" he asked, evidently puzzled. She smiled at him gently before answering.

He just stared at her. That was one of her prettiest smiles, a sweet and gentle one. A smile which reached her eyes. A billion-dollar worth of smile. He can't help but be dumbfounded. As if that smile was actually a virus that corrupted her mind.

"Do you wanna say it?" she asked in a serious voice, but there is a trace of gentleness in her voice.

"Does my feelings matter? I'm breaking up with you, so you should demand me for reasons." he said. It's what he thought was the right thing to do.

"Yeah. Your feelings matters. Not just my feelings. Because we have to treat persons around us with equal respect and fairness." she answered.

She said those words easily. As if she's used to doing and saying those things.

"Sometimes I think you're really weird Krist. You're too... Different from other girls. You act manly and behaves manly too." he chuckled when he said those words. She chuckled too.

"Hey, can't I be like that?" she asked while laughing comfortably. He can't help but smile as he watch her laugh without holding back.

"But do you wanna know the reason why I'm breaking up with you?" he asked after they're done laughing

She nodded at him.

"Don't get me wrong. I've loved you for real but... There is something bugging me." he answered.

He begun to fidget uncomfortably which she noticed. He played with his fingers and he lowered his head. One thing she doesn't usually see in Acer Lee. Acer Lee is a name shrouded with confidence. Not just the name though. It's in him.

The way he talked.

The way he laugh.

The way he walk.

The way he handles himself.

But this moment he is acting like he's afraid. Like he is hesitant over something.

"It's okay if you can't say it. Just tell me if you're already comfortable." she sincerely told him.

He shook his head as a response.

"I think there's something wrong with me." he said in a low voice.