The pink haired bunny

"I think there's something wrong with me." he said in a troubled manner. As if his problem is bugging him for days.  She know there's something wrong but she doesn't ask him because he might be unwilling to say it, after all he will voluntarily speak it out if he really wanted to talk.

"What is it?" she asked.

He sighed heavily as he looked up to the fireworks. The sound of the fireworks are deafening, perhaps because they are lifted up from the ground. At that moment, the sky looked magical, the lights are glimmering and colorful.

And below them are the flickering city lights. But for the two inside... It was a pause.

Like the whole world pause and halted, for them to fit in this moment. He stared at her intensely while the blinding lights continued to set off in the distance.

"Pinky— I mean Beam. I think I like him." he said with a mixed sort of emotions. She could hear it all, the feelings when he said that.

Like he himself couldn't believe it. Two months ago, they met Pinky at the school tour. He is Acer's roommate, while she knew him because Acer introduced them.

She slowly nodded as if digesting those words.

He like Beam? He actually liked Beam?

Actually, she wasn't expecting that. Then when she met his eyes again, he did see some hesitation and nervousness. Evident in his panic-stricken eyes and his nervous fidgeting.

"Are you mad? Or hurt? Do you think I'm weird?" he fired her too many questions that she can't help but to smile.

After a while, her smile turned into chuckles, a light and warm one.

"Why would I think of that?" she said and because they are facing each other, she can look at him thoroughly.

"Because I liked a man?" he said and started to fidget again. She sighed at his actions.

Actually, she is not thinking like that. She actually thought that he liked him so much. For him to be able to blurt it just like that, it needs confidence and assurance.

And her brother once said that if we became brave enough to tell the person we like about how we feel, that's how we proved our feelings is genuine.

"Actually, I don't think that way. I think you are sure about what you felt right now. Confessing and admitting your feelings despite he's a man? That's enough. And I'm not treating you differently because of that." she said while looking at him in the eyes.

He felt an inexplicable ease in his chest when she said those words. Kristen Flynn never fails to amaze her. Her mind is just too... Vast. Understanding and considerate though she looked aloof at the distance.

"Thanks for understanding. You're the first person I've ever told this." he said and crossed his arms in his chest. He looked down to see the flickering lights below.

"I thought you would get angry. I thought you would demand me for reasons. After all that's what normal girls do right? They are emotional and... Easily triggered. But you? You were always weirdly calm." he started talking.

Krist never responded. Just stayed there quietly and listened intently. Truth be told, she is used to those words.

You're weird.

You're unexpectedly calm.

You're quiet.

They always tell her those words. Which is right. It wasn't a big deal actually. She is used to being like that and don't find herself weird at all. F*ck all the norms, she would do what she wants.

"And you know... I never really planned to fall in love with you. Like wtf? You're too weird for your own good. I just liked to tease you, that's all." he said while chuckling happily. They had just broken up. But it doesn't hurt like hell. It actually felt good.

"To the point where you followed me back to my home and then you introduced yourself as my boyfriend in front of my parents... Tsk. I almost punched your face that moment you know?"

He laughed hard with that. He remembered of course. She is icy cold that moment. Cold like neve before. And he is defeated by his conscience and he surrendered to apologise.

"When you told the Sports faculty that you're my boyfriend? I didn't really cared. After all, what would I get if I cared about them? Their words meant nothing. But when my parents are involved, or my family... That's another story." she said as cool as ever, and from her lips form a striking and calm lopsided grin.

"So tell me about Beam. Is he Japanese?" she asked. She was very much interested on their story.

"Beam? Tss." he answered as reminiscing a funny moment. Then he started narrating their story.

Before he met the pink haired bunny.

Before he started feeling weird.

Before they had broken up.