Feels great to bid goodbye

When Krist heard the story of their first meeting, she can't stop laughing.

"You're roommate is a gay magnet... But actually, that's weird. I've never seen a guy so feminine that he possibly could be sexually harrased. That's strange..." Krist said after thinking for a while.

"Yeah I know. That's what caught my attention. He's really an unusual guy." he smiled when he said that.

"Do you know the reason why he almost got harrased?" Acer said to hin which caught her attention.

She raised on of her eyebrows and asked, "What?" she asked with anticipation.

"Because he's too feminine. He's too beautiful and cute to be a man..." he said then laughed.

She shook his head at his words.  

"Yeah. He's attacked by several gays. He looks so scared... Like a scared little bunny. He even froze there." he said.

They became silent for a while, still admiring the scenery below them.

"So what made you like him?" she asked after a while.

He let out a low laugh and then held his nape. "I felt like I cheated on you. I feel bad. But believe me... I didn't know that I'm starting to like him." he said defensively that made her smile.

"Actually, that was the weirdest break up I ever imagined. Some girls throw tantrums over a break up, some got hurt, and some even get depressed. But I? I don't feel bad at all. Perhaps what he had is more like a friendship than a romance. You bring out the best in me and taught me how to live. You did what a best friend would do." she said while smiling

The ferris wheel is now going down. Slowly.

"What happened on your first day together?" she suddenly asked to broke the silence.

"After he almost got raped?" he asked her back. She grinned and then nodded.

He tried to remember.


They got back to the room, he didn't even got tired dragging this light weighted rabbit. He even thought, how could someone be this small and light? Men have different body composition than women, and this guy... Without any muscle and with this light weight, he would pass on being a girl.

He let him sit on the bed and he got the ice pack on the refrigerator. 'What an unbelievable roommate, he's a guy but he almost just got raped?!' he sighed, for his feminine and cute look, he could easily be targeted by men.

He came back from the kitchen and he saw Beam trying to check his ankle but couldn't move it as it is painful. His pained expression showed that he's hurting.

"Ouch... Damn those monkeys... Clown monkeys..." he whispered but he could hear him.

"Don't move it or it will get worse." he ordered then kneeled on front of him.

"Does sprain hurt this much? I can't totally move my foot because of pain...." he looked like he's about to cry.

Acer lifted his foot and examined it. "Ahhh!" just lifting his foot, he felt sharp pain in his ankle. It really hurts like hell. This is probably the most painful injury he ever had. The pain is really unbearable, after a while his eyes watered.

He's crying. When Acer looked up to him, he found his eyes watering and he is biting his lower lip heavily. He looked too cute that he had to hold himself back.

"Hey... Don't cry. I've experienced this thousand times when playing basketball." he tried his best to console him. But he didn't stop crying. He's sniffing hard and wiping his tears using his arms which made him look like a harassed child.

He reached out for his weird pink hair and ruffled them.

"Just endure the pain. Then you'll get used to it." he smiled then he who is wiping is tears with his arms halted. He lowered his arm to his nose level to peer and look at him. He is smiling at him while ruffling his hair, which made him feel comfortable. His clear brown eyes is the most beautiful eyes he ever saw.

"T-Thanks." he stuttered as he quickly turned away. 'Don't get too deep, or you'll drown.' he castrated himself.

"How could you endure this pain all the time?" he asked in a voice which is almost a whisper.

Acer found one thing about Beam. He talks very soft. His voice is so angelic and almost... Enticing. Now he don't wonder why he almost got raped.

He slowly massage his ankle, still earning several groans and whimper from him. Then he pressed the cold compress gently on his skin, very gently, as if handling an antique fragile vase that needs uttermost care.

"Why are you outside this late? It's dangerous for a pretty guy like you..." he spoke out of the blue.

"Uhm... I w-went to buy... some food to cook." his voice getting softer and softer at every word, after all, it was his foolishness that he almost get harassed.

"Next time you go out, just tell me. I'll go with you. I'm afraid you'll attract gays again and don't come back here in one piece." he said to him in a sarcastic manner that made him squint his eyes on him.

He retorted. He didn't know that this guy is also concerned to him, even just for little bit. It's good to know that he cares.

"It's alright. I can manage. Next time I will be more careful." he refused. Of course who would agree? He isn't a kid that needs to be attended.

"Tss. Don't be stubborn. I don't want to be blamed by the teacher saying I'm not taking care of the newbie." he said.

"Hold this, I will cook instant food for us." he said as he handed him the ice pack.


Krist listened intently to his story and tried to imagine that scene. She can't help but to smile.

'That scene was cute.' she thought to herself. Now she understood why Acer liked Beam. They are on the same room, except that Beam is very pretty and feminine, they are always together after school, except when she and Acer had a date.

"You don't need to feel bad about this break up. Like I said earlier, I think we're better as friends." she assured him and patted his shoulder.

"Yeah, you're like my buddy. You're too boyish for me. Hey... We didn't even kissed!" he is laughing hard when he said those words. She grinned at the laughing guy in front of him.

"I'm afraid you'll punch me if I kiss you..." he confessed after laughing for a while. Those words made her laugh, he really is scared of her.

"Yeah, everyday I hold my bat after practice, and you're always scared that I'll hit you. So every time I'm holding my bat, you act all good and angelic right?" she said sarcastically.

Those words being said, both of them can't help but remember all those things they did together.

They got out of the ferris wheel and walked to his motorcycle.

"What I've experienced with you is the best memory I can keep. Thank you for bearing with my asshole attitude and always caring for me." he said sincerely as they walked the rough pavement.

"So I guess this is goodbye eh?" she asked as they rode the motorcycle.

"Yeah, this is our goodbye. But we're off to a new start. As friends." he said while leaning in the motorcycle. She breathes heavily and then smiles. He lend his hand for a handshake, as if they just met.

"Hmm. As friends." she said as she shook his hand.